Unlike his counterfeit parallel importer, the other party is a real hybrid of dangerous species and human beings.

Not only can see through people's hearts, but also has the magical ability of complete memory, healing wounds and predicting the future.

Under normal circumstances, he would indeed go to meet the other party as soon as possible to obtain these abilities.


"This time, I'll go later."

Su Wu gestured to the armor in his hand: "I'm going to perfect the method of making Teigu first."

"As for the side of An Ning Road, you guys take Hei Tong and Liu and go there together."

"Black pupil?"

Najie Xitan looked over with a subtle expression: "Although she is Chitong's younger sister, but..."

"Don't worry, nothing will go wrong."

Su Wu waved his hand calmly: "Heitong is no longer a member of the empire."

"As long as I give the order, she will obediently help."

"And with her and Liu here, the side of Anning Road can be more secure."

"Unless Esdeth comes in person, no one in the empire is their opponent."

"I understand."

Now that she has decided to side with Su Wu, Najie Xitan will naturally not go against his idea.

"The departure time is set tonight, and when the time comes, I will ask you to watch over the night raid headquarters."


Back in the room, Su Wu put all the items in the backpack on the table.

As a millennium empire, there are still many good things in the imperial palace treasure house of the imperial capital.

Among other things, he found six pieces of Teigu that are rarely seen by the outside world.

In addition, he also took a lot of materials such as super dangerous species and some precious ores that are rarely seen by the outside world.

Of course, among these treasures, the most precious is without a doubt the letter in his hand that records the creation of Teigu by the empire thousands of years ago.

He had roughly read the content of this letter in the palace treasure house before.

There are quite a few things recorded above, and most of them are useless to Su Wu.


In this letter, he found the reason why no one was able to create a new Teigu.

The loss of a large number of secret arts is only a secondary reason.

The main reason is that there is no suitable blacksmith.

The essence of Teigu is to use the materials obtained from super dangerous species, through a large number of metal processing, to make powerful props that humans can use.

In this processing process, there is a process that is indispensable.

That is to deal with the vitality or spiritual power remaining on the super dangerous material and turn it into Teigu's core strength.

In this process, the mental pressure that the blacksmith needs to face is no less than facing a living super dangerous species head-on.

If the blacksmith is not strong enough, at least he will fail to build Teigu, and at worst he will die suddenly on the spot.

"To some extent, this is also an unexpected and reasonable reason."

After opening the letter and reading it again, Su Wu's face revealed a clear expression.

According to the manuscripts, most of the blacksmiths thousands of years ago were soldiers who followed the first emperor on the battlefield.

The most powerful of them were even the famous generals of the empire at that time.

In the process of hunting super dangerous species, these blacksmiths are the fighters who personally command and do it.

They can hunt live super dangerous species, and naturally they can also deal with the residual power of super dangerous species.

However, due to the corruption of the empire, today's blacksmiths basically live day by day with the idea of ​​dawdling.

Not many people can deal with even super dangerous species, let alone super dangerous species.

Coupled with the loss of the forging secret technique, if Teigu can still be forged, that would be a real hell.

I'm afraid that even those failed products called courts may not be able to be built by the current empire.

"Now that you understand the principle, it's easy to do next."

Putting the letter aside, Su Wu's eyes flashed with thought.

What he planned before, the method of extracting the super dangerous material after melting the Teigu is not feasible.

The vitality and spiritual power of super dangerous materials, once processed, will permanently become part of Teigu.

Even if its original material is extracted, that part of vitality and spiritual power will disappear.

At that time, the finished product made by Su Wu will be at most the level of a court tool.

If you want to create a real Teigu, you must use super dangerous materials that still have vitality or spiritual power.

"Due to the repeated failure of the idea of ​​recreating Teigu, the empire stopped hunting the super dangerous species many years ago."

"In the imperial palace's treasury, there are only five super-dangerous species left in total."

"Although it's not too much, it's enough for practice."


Taking out a piece of flame stone and throwing it into the stove not far away, Su Wu grabbed the iron block on the side and started to heat it up.

The method of using residual vitality and spiritual power has been clearly recorded in the handbook.

All that needs to be done next is practice.


the other side.

At the same time that Su Wu started to build Teigu in full swing.

After dealing with some follow-up work, Najie Xitan also took the night raiders on the journey.

After three days of rushing, everyone arrived at the city where the Anning Road headquarters is located.

"Next, let's act separately."

In the hotel booked in advance, Najie Xitan explained her plan.

"According to the information obtained by the spies, the spies placed by the Empire in the Anning Road are called Berik."

"He is the assistant of the leader and is deeply trusted by him."

"If you act rashly, it will definitely arouse the resentment of the Anning Taoist leader."

"In order not to affect the relationship between us, we can only find an opportunity to assassinate him."

"However, as a spy placed by the minister, there must be people around him to protect him."

"What we need to do now is to find these people and get rid of them all."

"Everyone, what's the problem?"


Wearing a cloak, Lyu, who hadn't spoken much the whole time, suddenly raised her hand as a gesture.

"Can I act alone?"

"of course can."

Najie Xitan nodded: "You are from Su Wu, so your strength should not be too bad."

"When you act, be careful not to expose it."

"Of course, you can talk to me directly if you need to."

"As long as there are conditions, I will try my best to help you."

"Then no need."

Lyu shook her head, pulled up the mask on her face and walked towards the door.

"I'm going to investigate first, see you later."

"...Is it really okay to let her leave alone like this?"

After watching Lyu go away, Main, who was standing in the corner, looked at Najie Xitan.

"The weapon is only a wooden knife, which always feels unreliable."

"Well, don't worry about such trivial things."

Leonai on the side suddenly hugged Ma Yin, and interrupted the other party's speech with a smile.

"That's the person brought by Su Wu, maybe it's also a monster in human skin~"

"Tch, of course I know about this kind of thing."

"It's just watching her act alone, and I'm afraid of accidents."

Breaking free from Leone's shackles, Main, who was almost suffocated, pulled Hill up with a dark face, and walked towards the exit.

"Since you're not worried, forget it."

"Oh, I'm obviously worried about my partner, so why don't you just say it out?"

Shaking his head helplessly, Leonai waved his hands towards Najie Xitan beside him.

"Like Lyu, I acted alone."

"For me... just go with my sister."

Hei Tong suddenly hugged Chi Tong's arm.

"Just taking this opportunity, I have something to say."


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