Sitting at the back, looking into the distance with a pair of sunglasses on his face, Buster, who seemed to be looking at the scenery, also said lightly.

"But we're not like the amateurs, and we don't do things like that...

Our goal is money, and he has money, a lot of he is the boss..."

"But where are we going to find gems? The earl's body has been fed to the sharks by now! I'm afraid there are no bones left!"

Lila said angrily in her heart, thinking that the middle-aged mustache was simply asking them to do an impossible task.

"I know someone who might be able to help us find the gem..."

Buster answered with a relaxed expression, but did not continue.

Lila's eyes flickered, and her anger seemed to have calmed down a lot. Looking at the confident Buster, she asked softly:

"What would you do if you found a gem... that thing is worth over £50 billion..."

The meaning in her words is obvious. If they really find gems, why don't they just sell them directly. The wealthy sellers in the Middle East are full of money.

However, Buster shook his head, and then took out his mobile phone, called up a file and handed it to Laila. She took the phone and looked at it with some doubts...

On the screen is an old file, titled Highly Confidential, which records a strange event that happened 50 years ago, that is, in 1970...

The 'Iron Cage Prison' located in the Caribbean Islands was one of the largest and most tightly guarded prisons in Europe at that time, and all the prisoners were held by the most notorious and vicious prisoners...

But overnight, more than 1 people, including prison guards, disappeared mysteriously. The entire prison was stained red from the inside to the outside, forming pools of blood...

The strange thing is... the reinforcements who arrived at the scene did not find any corpses, not even a few broken limbs.

There was only one person, a prisoner in a prison uniform, sitting in the middle of the blood pool with dull eyes, and did not respond to the rescuers in front of him...

Laila continued to swipe the screen, and a slightly blurred photo appeared, taken by the personnel at the scene, but when she saw the person in the photo, she gradually opened her eyes wide...

The prisoner in the photo is about 40 years old, but those two mustaches... she looks familiar no matter how she looks...

"This... how is this possible?!"

Lila turned her head to look at Buster in disbelief, but the latter took off his sunglasses and raised the corners of his mouth.

"Laila... my baby, nothing is impossible in this world..."

Immediately afterwards, he hugged the woman in front of him and kissed her...

Looking at the lingering two people in the rearview mirror, Thain inexplicably felt a little goosebumps...

Chapter 12 The Three-Eyed Man

"Mr. O'Brien! Wake up! Mr. O'Brien!"

Accompanied by a continuous knocking sound and the sound of someone calling him, Dylan, who was lying on the table, suddenly raised his head. His full name is Dylan O'Brien...

"Why... can I go back?"

Rubbing his sleepy eyes, Dylan asked the man in the straight suit and the shiny hair combed to wake him up.

"Mr. O'Brien, this is the seven times you asked No.20 in three days, I'm sorry my answer is still the same...

Not yet..."

Upon hearing the answer, Dylan's face was expressionless and his eyes were dull, as if he had become numb.

Since the second day after disembarking, after taking the statement with the police, he found Mr. Smith, the housekeeper of Earl Rodriguez, to resign from his job, then packed his things and returned to his old nest, an apartment in the southwest of Edinburgh.

He plans to take a good rest for a few days, adjust his body and mind, and then go to a place where no one knows him, find an ordinary job...marry a beautiful woman, give birth to a son and a half daughter, and just live an ordinary life like this lifetime…

Unexpectedly, as soon as he got off the plane, he was stopped by a group of aggressive people in suits and leather shoes. They claimed to be agents of the Security Bureau and showed their IDs. Dylan, who was planning to resist, obediently let them take him away.

Unexpectedly, after leaving like this, I stayed in the interrogation room for three full days!

In the interrogation room, the emaciated Dylan seemed to be a few years older, while the man in the suit opposite him was still asking questions that he had already answered hundreds of times...

What exactly did he see on the cruise ship that night.

It was just a normal question at first, and Dylan honestly told him what he had seen verbatim, and then the other party continued to ask the same questions out of sequence.

Dylan also knows that this is an interrogation method often used by some intelligence agencies to test whether the person being interrogated is lying, but when it is his turn to be questioned over and over again, it really feels like torture...

No food, no wash, only water, not even a cigarette. Just before Dylan was about to collapse and get angry, the door of the interrogation room was suddenly pushed open, and a tall man walked in. , a short-haired black woman in professional attire with a folder under her arm.

As soon as the woman entered, the man in the suit who was asking the question stood up and stepped aside.

"You are Dylan O'Brien?"

"I am, who are you?"

Dylan looked the dark-skinned woman up and down, and quickly labeled her 'difficult to get along with' in his mind.

The woman's stern face was like an iceberg. She glanced at Dylan, who looked like a homeless man, with sharp eyes. Instead of answering him, she flipped through the folder in her hand.

"Dylan O'Brien... From Edinburgh, he joined the army at the age of 19 and retired at the age of 33. He has carried out armed strikes deep into the enemy's interior many times. He has rich experience in field combat. He has participated in international joint anti-terrorist operations and personally captured him. The leader of the criminal group, who was also awarded the Medal of Bravery by the royal family...

Your future should be bright, look at you now... do you seem to be planning to go back to your hometown and find a factory to work? "

Hearing the woman recite her military experience aloud and mock him, Dylan just pouted indifferently.

"So what? It has nothing to do with you."

"It's about now."

The woman threw his file aside casually, put her hands on the table and slowly approached Dylan, whispering:

"Don't you want to know... what you saw on the cruise ship that night?"

Hearing this sentence, Dylan put away his lazy look, and his expression became serious...

"What? Tell me! What exactly do I see?"

The woman straightened up suddenly, turned around and walked outside after leaving a few words.

"I'm just giving you a chance to figure it out for yourself. If you want to figure it out, go to No. 19 Avenue 170 at nine o'clock tomorrow morning, and someone will pick you up... that's right..."

The woman stopped again, looked back at Dylan and said:

"My name is Amanda Waller... Remember my name, I will be your future boss, by the way...

You can go back now..."

Looking at the back of the woman leaving, Dylan fell into deep thought...


It was extremely cold at night when winter was about to enter, and the sea was so calm that even a fishing boat could not be seen.But on the shore of a certain island, there was a figure wearing only a pair of swimming trunks.

Lei Ming has been waiting here for several nights in a row, and he didn't go back until it was almost dawn, but he still didn't wait for the three-eyed man to appear...

"Isn't this headband some kind of valuable item? Or was it too bad to hang up that day?"

Lei Ming looked at the braided rope in his hand, and felt a little disappointed in his heart. He finally met a person with the same extraordinary ability, and wanted to have a good conversation with him, but this was the result...

Just when he stood up, patted the sand on his buttocks and was about to go back...a strange sound came from his ear...

"finally come…"

Lei Ming couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth, and turned to face the endless sea in front of him.

After about 2 minutes of touching, a half figure slowly appeared on the sea about 100 meters away from the coast...

Lei Ming's eyes, even in the dark... as long as there is a trace of light, he can see things clearly. As long as there is no object blocking him, he can see everything within a radius of tens of kilometers. No problem.

The man on the surface of the sea was the three-eyed man he had seen on the cruise ship. At this time, he was floating on the surface of the sea, staring at the thunder on the shore with wary eyes...

Seeing this, Lei Ming picked up the braided rope in his hand and showed it to him, and found that the expression of the three-eyed man had changed a little. It seems that this rope is really important to him, Lei Ming thought .

Afraid of scaring the opponent away again, Lei Ming slowly put the braided rope on the sand in front of him, then slowly stepped back a few steps, and opened his hands to show that he has no weapons, trying to make himself look harmless to humans and animals...

The three-eyed man slowly swam over...

The distance of 100 meters was gone in the blink of an eye. After the three-eyed man landed, he immediately picked up the braided rope. There was unconcealable joy in his eyes. He did not turn around and leave, but still looked at Lei Ming warily.

Lei Ming was thinking that it's a good thing he didn't turn around and run immediately, otherwise if he chases again... maybe he will go to the Pacific Ocean. Seeing this, there should be a chance to communicate, so he took the lead and said:

"Can you understand me? My name is Lei Ming, Lei Ming..."

"I can understand! And I can understand all the languages ​​spoken by the people on the ground."

"That's easy..."

Lei Ming breathed a sigh of relief, it would be troublesome if he couldn't understand the language.


The three-eyed man pointed to himself and said loudly, "My name is Electrolux."

"Lei Ming, you can call me Lei."

Lei Ming also introduced himself again, and subconsciously stretched out his right hand...

I thought that Electrolux, as a prehistoric human being, would not understand the meaning of this gesture. Lei Ming was about to withdraw his hand, but the next second Electrolux reached out to shake his hand.

Sensing Lei Ming's surprised gaze, Electrolux explained:

"Although I have been living in the sea, I often observe the habits and behaviors of humans on the ground. I know that this gesture means greetings."

"Sorry, I'm so rare."

Lei Ming also apologized, thinking that the three-eyed man was unexpectedly a very polite guy, but that's good, it will be more convenient to communicate.

How did he know that Electrolux is not always so polite, who is scoring...

In short, the two have taken the first step of friendship, and they can continue to communicate.

The sea breeze was rustling, but the two of them sat on the ground, they were not afraid of the cold anyway.

"By the way, you have been referring to humans as people on the ground before. Do you and your people live in the sea?"

Lei Ming asked curiously as soon as he sat down.

Electrolux shook his head, saying that he was the only one living in the sea, and did not explain the existence of other tribesmen. It seemed that he was still wary of Lei Ming, a "human on the ground".

Lei Ming also realized this point, if he was hiding it, what right did he have to inquire about others? After thinking about it, he chose to tell Electrolux his true identity in exchange for trust.

Chapter 13 The Gem and the Psychic

"You mean... you're an alien?"

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