"OMG! Max what's wrong with you?"

At this time, Connie noticed the blood on Max's face and the stains all over his body, and hurried over to check his injuries in a panic, her face was full of concern.

"God... finally someone noticed me..."

Max laughed at himself with a wry smile, and then began to talk eloquently...

"And then I saw Ray show up, and he took that guy..."

Just as he subconsciously wanted to tell the truth, he saw Lei Ming on the stairs looking back at him with squinted eyes.

"Uh... he called... Dick's... father, yes! Called his father!"

Max quickly changed his words.

"Didn't you see, Connie, Dick's father repaired him so badly! He knocked out two teeth! He also asked him to promise that he would never trouble me again!

right!That's it! "

After speaking, he gave Lei Ming a look of "Don't worry, brother, I will keep it a secret for you".


Connie, who was treating Max's wound with red syrup, had a strange expression, and looked back at Lei Ming.

"Ray...how did you know that guy's dad?"


Lei Ming obviously didn't expect Connie to ask this, and he was at a loss for words.

"Forget it, as long as it's okay, Christmas is coming soon, I don't want to spend time with you in the hospital..."

Connie changed the subject and continued to treat Max's wound...

There are three rooms on the second floor, Lei Ming and Max live in one, Connie and Molly live in one, and only one person lives in the remaining one.

When passing by Lyle's room, the door was locked and there was no movement inside, but Lei Ming's ears could clearly hear the sound of steady breathing and the sound of the mouse moving inside, which proved that there were people inside.

Lyle's personality is relatively withdrawn, perhaps because he is fat and often suffers from bullying, so he doesn't like to communicate with others, even Lei Ming and Connie, and they don't talk much, which is why he strongly asks to live alone.

Except for Drake and Peggy who are still working outside...that is, the host and hostess of this foster family, these people are Lei Ming's 'brothers and sisters'.

Connie, the eldest sister of the family, is a kind-hearted blonde beauty who takes good care of her other siblings. She even gave up the admission letter of a first-class university in another city because she was reluctant to leave the family. Nearby general university, currently part-time work-study.

Lyle was 15 years old and was the second adopted after Connie. Because of the misfortune of his original family, his mother died and his father was imprisoned. He was also picked up by the child protection agency, and then he became a taciturn character.

Max was 14 years old. He was relatively simple. Because of congenital asthma and frailty, he was abandoned not long after he was born. After that, he managed to survive, but a medical accident caused the muscle and nerve atrophy of his left hand. Turn, and finally came here.

At first Lei Ming felt pity for him, but after getting along with him for a while, he realized that this kid is simply a weirdo.

He doesn't have the slightest clear understanding of his own weakness, he dares to say anything, he belongs to the kind of guy who is about to die one second, but is alive the next second and can still argue with you heartlessly.

Moreover, he is also an avid fan of superhero comic films and various science fiction works. He seizes the opportunity to discuss related topics with others. He is a veritable chatterbox. This is why Lei Ming has been reluctant to talk to him...

The 11-year-old Molly also had a miserable life experience. Her parents were smugglers who died at the border. She was also taken away by a protection agency and was accepted here after being rejected by many foster families...

As for Lei Ming, he is 14 years old and this is his fourth year in the family.

He is not a human from this planet...

His home planet comes from a destroyed planet... called 'Gaia'. The civilization of that planet is highly similar to this planet, whether it is cultural history, language or race, not only that...his soul is still a 20-year-old of adults.

At the age of ten, he crashed to this planet from a distant place in a small spaceship.

One day, scientists on the Gaia planet predicted that the earth would be destroyed, so they used all the power of the world to build six spaceships that can carry 30 people for space travel...Gaia.

Six spacecraft set off to different galaxies to find another habitable planet

For some reason, there are no adults on these six spaceships, and everything on the spaceship is controlled by a super artificial intelligence AI named 'Alice'.

Moreover, none of the members on the six spaceships is an adult, and all of them are selected teenagers like Lei Ming.

They are the chosen ones of the 'Fire Seed' project, carrying the future of human civilization on Gaia Star...

But in the second year after Lei Ming boarded the spacecraft, the artificial intelligence "Alice" on the "Gaia III" spacecraft he was on suddenly appeared abnormal, just like the omnic crisis in a science fiction movie. The security robot on the spacecraft forcibly threw the members into the escape pod for various reasons and then launched it into the universe...

Lei Ming came to this planet by accident. At that time, a 13-year-old girl was also forced into another escape capsule with him, and was launched into space. After that, the Gaia began to jump... they dropped...

That girl was called Anke, and the two had known each other before boarding the spaceship, and Lei Ming had always regarded her as a younger sister...

Ke Anke's escape pod was not in the same location as Lei Ming, and Lei Ming has not been able to find her whereabouts so far.

Fortunately, before the two were launched into space, Qiao Wei, the administrator who had been taking care of Lei Ming on the spacecraft, uploaded two exclusive artificial intelligence systems developed by her to their identity bracelets.

If Encore is also on this planet, as long as the two AIs are connected to the network, they can find each other immediately...

But in the past four years, Lei Ming has not been able to find the trace of Enke, and he doesn't even know whether the other party is still alive.

And the most important and most outrageous thing is...

The mass and gravity of this planet are several times lower than that of Gaia Star, and the atmospheric environment here has also changed Lei Ming's body, allowing him to absorb star energy like a superman, that is, the sun light of this planet is used to strengthen the body .

Although he looks only in his teens, his weight has already exceeded several hundred kilograms, which is several times that of an adult.

His five senses, as well as speed...strength...agility...even lifespan far exceeds that of humans on this earth.

Also due to the influence of stellar energy on his body, his aging process will become slower and slower as he ages, and will even stop aging when he reaches the peak of physical fitness.

According to the mitochondrial test, Lei Ming's lifespan has exceeded 500 years so far, and it will continue to increase as he grows older...

Like lifespan, his physical fitness and other aspects will also increase with time and continuous exposure to sunlight.

These data are all detected by the artificial intelligence AI on the bracelet on the first day he fell on this planet. According to the detection of AI...

The stellar energy in his body has gradually derived a magical force field, which is very powerful, and he is still developing it...

In the past four years, he has gradually gotten used to life in this world. After all, this planet really resembles the two worlds he lived in before.

Although many aspects such as language family, culture, and historical development are different from what he knows, there are also many similarities, such as race, and the diversity of various land forces.

The level of science and technology is almost equivalent to the appearance of the earth in his previous life from [-] to [-] years, and there is still a big gap between the level of science and technology of the destroyed earth.

After all, there is the existence of the White Queen. While searching for traces of Encore through the Internet, it also uses the information it obtains to help Lei Ming understand the world as soon as possible.In addition, it has also collected a lot of data about the existence of many supernatural forces in this world, although the truth is still unknown.

The White Queen said that the galaxy where the earth is located seems to be concealed by some kind of force. The technological level of this world should not be able to do it, but it may have a lot to do with these so-called supernatural forces!

It can shield an entire galaxy from being observed by the outside world. Lei Ming doesn't know what kind of power it takes to do such a thing. He has to be more vigilant...

As for why he chose to live in this foster family, it is a long story. There are several reasons.

One is that although he has the ability to live independently, in the eyes of others, he is still a minor and Asian.So no matter what he's doing out there, a guy is always going to be in the limelight, and then there are 'warm-hearted citizens' who call child protection.

The second is that after Lei Ming avoided the pursuit of protection agencies several times, he thought about it, in fact, it is not bad to have a legal identity and a place to live. He can receive the radiation of star energy to become stronger while waiting for him to grow up. , and at the same time let the White Queen look for traces of Encore through the Internet.

Although there has been no progress yet, this is also the reason why he has been in a bad mood recently, and has only slightly exposed a little 'special' in front of Max and those bullies.

The third is... the education and moral concepts he received since childhood made him unwilling to use the White Queen's ability to make ill-gotten gains when it is not necessary.

After going through so many things, money and material enjoyment are really not attractive to him... Although he occasionally gets some 'pocket money' from gangsters or gangsters to save those people who are being targeted Beyond the hapless ghosts on the...

He felt that this was not unacceptable, and it was not considered as touching the bottom line...

In the end, he didn't want to leave society and become a hermit. If he thought about it this way, being adopted was actually a good choice, so he became a part of this family...

Back in the room, he threw the backpack aside and lay down on the bed.

It stands to reason that with his real weight lying down like this, the bed would have collapsed long ago. After all, his physique is different from that of people on this planet. Whether it is muscle density or bone density and toughness, his weight far exceeds normal people.

But it's not that he hasn't made progress in these years. He has learned to use the bioenergy stored in his body cells... or the biomagnetic field generated after the energy has accumulated to a certain level, which is used to wrap the whole body, and is always in a kind of "unloading" state. state.

It's like the reverse version of the legendary martial art 'Jianjin Pendant', or lightness kung fu.

Only in this way can he maintain the weight and strength corresponding to his appearance at all times, so as not to destroy anything he encounters. After all, his individual strength is relatively exaggerated, and he doesn't even know that his destructive power is so strong now to what extent.

The White Queen has analyzed that the stellar energy transformed by his body is far from saturated. According to the current transformation efficiency, it will take at least 20 years, unless he can fly to the sun, then the transformation efficiency may be greatly improved .

In short, the utility of the biomagnetic field is not limited to this, but Lei Ming has not yet developed it yet.

He had a faint feeling in his heart that one day in the future, he would eventually use this powerful power!

The White Queen said that the "Alice" who rebelled against mankind was forced by the instruction that Gaia's final destination must be the HD1 galaxy, so the spacecraft could not change its course under normal navigation unless it encountered irresistible external forces , such as a giant meteorite impact or something...

Otherwise it can only drive the spacecraft all the way to the target galaxy.

But... what if it really arrived at the target galaxy intact and fulfilled the order?

Does it mean...it can truly and thoroughly control the entire Gaia?

Even if there is only a one-in-a-million possibility, if Alice comes back to find him with the Gaia...

He recalled in his mind the scene of being surrounded by a dozen security robots emitting red laser light.

Maybe if he lets go of the punch now, he can dismantle those robots to pieces with his bare hands!


There is a... a multi-functional 3D printing device on the Gaia... a complete collection of mechanical manufacturing, maintenance and transformation, etc.!As long as the materials are in place, that kind of robot can build as many robots as it wants!

If it gets enough materials or even rarer metal minerals in the HD1 galaxy...or any other planet, and then controls the spaceship to come here with a total of [-] robots...

Although this possibility is very small...

But what if? .

"I don't know what happened to sister Qiao Wei..."

After thinking for a long time, he could only stare at the ceiling and sigh, and the figure of Qiao Wei appeared in his mind again...

He has thought about the best outcome and the worst outcome, but no matter what the outcome is, he feels that it is impossible for Qiao Wei to be alive...

Thinking, he reached out and touched under the pillow...that lady's necklace, whenever he felt depressed or confused, he would hold this necklace...

It was a relic left to him by his mother before he boarded the spaceship

There were footsteps outside the door, one deep and one shallow.

After treating the wound, Max limped in and lay down on the bed carefully.

It seems that the stamina from the previous injury surged up, and he cried out in pain...

But the mouth still did not rest.

"Ray? Are you asleep? Can you hear me?"

Lei Ming turned his head and turned his face to the wall when he heard the words, not wanting to look at Max, because he talked too much...


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