This sentence was like a sharp sword, piercing Hilla Rozier's chest at once.

Her chest rose and fell, almost forcing herself to calm down.

In her mind, she kept telling herself to keep calm.

As a result, the words "not worth it" kept ringing in her ears like an echo.

She couldn't take it any longer.

"She's worth it!" Sheila Rozier roared hysterically, her voice trembling, and her tears slid down uncontrollably.

In the blink of an eye, she had fallen to the brink of collapse.

A vicious dark wizard, the mastermind of resurrecting Voldemort, would collapse because of such a name.

No one would believe it if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes.

However, neither Eric nor Grindelwald was attracted by such a move.

Eric didn't know what Grindelwald was thinking.

But Eric's inner judgment will never be confused by such tears.

On the one hand, he doesn't know about the past between Grindelwald and Rozier, on the other hand, his priority now is to ensure Grindelwald's safety.

"She raised me, taught me many things, helped me, taught me, she even raised me to be what I am now, but what happened? She ran to you, but you threw it away like a piece of garbage Already!"

Sheila Rozier pointed to her chest and said in pain: "Do you have a heart? Gellert Grindelwald? She has always regarded you as her mentor and the goal she has pursued in her life. Do you understand this feeling? ?”

"She loves you very much, do you know?!" Hillary Rozier hoarse.

"Oh, what does that have to do with me?" Grindelwald said.

Chapter 204 Hate for no reason

Sheila Rozier swayed, almost unable to stand, she tried to keep her eyes wide open, trying not to fall down.

She said: "I don't believe you are enemies! She has followed you for so many years!"

"Ha." Grindelwald laughed mockingly: "Do you think you have the right to question our relationship?"

Grindelwald still looked casual: "If you just want to say these things, then there is nothing to say between us. Who do you think you are?"

After speaking, he turned to Eric and said, "Can you do me a favor? Kill this idiot, she hasn't inherited any of her grandmother's virtues."

Sheila Rozier was stunned, she couldn't believe that Grindelwald would say such a thing.

Eric was thoughtful, but did not act immediately.

But Sheila Rozier didn't pay attention to Eric's movements at all.

She said tremblingly: "...she has been by your side for so many years."

"We're just taking what we need."

Sheila Rozier closed her eyes in pain.

Grindelwald took a few steps back in disgust, his face full of disgust.

"...Can I ask you one last question? Before she died, did she leave any last words?" Sheila Rozier asked with a dead face.

Since she was able to come here today, it already showed that she never thought about going back alive.

So she was psychologically prepared for her own death.

But Eric didn't expect her purpose to be so pure.

She just wanted to ask Grindelwald a few questions.

"No." Grindelwald said, and then nodded to Eric, "Please, I really can't bear it anymore. This kind of idiot is not worthy of the name Rozier at all."

Sheila Rozier was unimpressed by the title.

In fact, her sanity had completely disappeared.

Now she was standing in front of Eric, her eyes had no light, her expression was dull, and her eyes were out of focus.

She felt like she had lost her soul, and at the same time she had lost all hope.

Eric asked curiously: "She took you away for so long before, but she didn't get an answer from you? I don't believe she won't use magic on you."

Grindelwald sneered: "They call me the Dark Lord, do you think anyone can pry my mouth open? She wants to know, she has to kill me, and she doesn't want to kill me, it's that simple."

"Understood." Eric smiled.

He raised his wand slowly, and a gust of wind blew by, pulling Hillary Rozier into the air.Her body danced in the air like a flower blown by the wind.

Her long hair fluttered in the wind, as smooth as silk, shining with faint starlight.There was a look of helplessness in her eyes, and her hands tried to grab the air around her, but they could only wave in vain.

Hilla Rozier struggled twice, her body writhing in the air, she quickly gave up resistance, because she knew that it was impossible for her to escape Eric's control.

"She's such a fool." Eric murmured to himself, he seemed puzzled by Hillary Rozier's performance, but vaguely felt that there was something he couldn't understand. "I thought she did so many things just because she was too obsessed, but I didn't expect that she did it because she loves you so much."

After finishing speaking, he turned to Grindelwald and said, "You should cherish her love very much, right?"

Grindelwald sneered, his eyes full of indifference and disdain.

He didn't speak, just quietly watching the figure of Hillary Rozier being sucked into the air.

The whole scene seemed very quiet, only the faint sound of the wind and the whistling sound of Hilla Rozier's body being sucked into the air.

All of this seemed to be frozen in that moment, and time was frozen, only the fluctuations in people's hearts spread silently.

"What the hell are you talking about..." Sheila Rozier, who was pulled into the air, said intermittently.

Her face was flushed from suffocation, her neck seemed to be tightly stuck in the air, and she couldn't breathe at all.

Eric didn't intend to kill her immediately, all this was just an idea of ​​Eric's, but it already made her unable to move.

Looking at Hillary Rozier's painful face, Eric sighed softly: "Why bother."

The next moment, he actually let go of his grip on the magic power.

Sheila Rozier, who was already about to suffocate, suddenly fell down in the air.

She lay on the ground, trembling all over, covering her neck with her hands, gasping for breath, feeling uncontrollably afraid.

She really wanted to die, but at the same time, the instinct to survive was also playing out uncontrollably.

Hillary Rozier looked at Eric with a puzzled face.

Since he decided to kill her, why did he suddenly go back on his word?

Eric smiled and asked Grindelwald, "You didn't actually kill her, did you?"

This sentence made Sheila Rozier's eyes widen, and she stared into Grindelwald's face in shock.

Grindelwald was expressionless, neither admitting nor denying.

"What do you mean?"

Eric smiled and said, "The she I mentioned just now refers to your grandmother, not you. If I guess right, your grandmother committed suicide."

Hillary Rozier roared angrily: "How is it possible!?"

Eric thought a lot, he thought of the voluntary dedication of the soul fragment absorbed into Grindelwald's body.

He also thought of Horcruxes, and all kinds of magic about souls.

Eventually, all the clues came together to reach this conclusion.

Seeing Grindelwald's expression like this, Eric knew that his guess was close to ten.

Eric thought for a while, but still didn't express all his conjectures. Instead, he waved his wand again and used a spell.

A small group of storms appeared not far from where Eric's wand was pointing.

In the beginning, the Storm Corps was just a small blob.

After it appeared, it kept involving the surrounding objects.

Then, it became bigger and bigger, as if it could keep growing.

Grindelwald remained expressionless, but behind the scenes that Sheila Rozier could not see, his hands were trembling slightly.

And Hilla Rozier looked at the storm group Eric summoned in disbelief.

Of course she knew the magic, it was the best magic her grandmother had ever taught her.

Hate Gale.

There has never been love without a reason, and naturally there is no love without a reason.

Chapter 205 Answers

"Just using this magic now, I can feel the full hatred in the heart of the person who created this magic." Eric said, his voice was low and vicissitudes, "The root of this hatred is Absolute love." There was a trace of helplessness in his eyes.

Hilla Rozier sat slumped on the ground, staring awe-inspiringly at the growing storm group. The strong wind blew her long hair into more mess and patted her face, bringing a icy touch.Confusion and anxiety flickered in her eyes.

This reminded her of her childhood, when she watched her grandmother show this magic in front of her like this.

But she has never really felt the power behind this magic, it is so huge and uncontrollable.

"A wizard who fell in love with an impossible person, so she decided to self-destruct, that's probably it." Eric whispered to himself.

In front of Eric, the growing storm mass rolled up the surrounding trees and dust.

The trees swayed in the strong wind, and the branches and leaves were constantly rustling by the wind, as if calling for their uneasiness.

Hillary Rozier hesitated: "But..."

Her face was pale, she was not a fool, and knew that Eric's guess was closer to the truth than what she thought.

It's just that she can't accept it emotionally.

Eric turned to Grindelwald: "You were still imprisoned in Nurmengard at the time, right?"

Nurmengard has no guards, and with Vidarrozier's strength, it is very easy to see Grindelwald.

Sheila Rozier felt disappointed, and she couldn't help but wonder why Grindelwald never told her this.

Grindelwald finally told the truth: "She came to me and wanted to take me out and reconvene the old department. I refused, and then came the news that she disappeared with a small town... "

Sheila Rozier's heart sank into the ice cave, and she felt powerless and guilty.

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