This is the diadem that was made into a Horcrux by Voldemort and once belonged to Ravenclaw.

It is made of magic metal, with a silvery white tone as a whole. Its shape is elegant and elegant, and it is full of intoxicating charm.

At this moment, Eric deeply felt the mysterious power emanating from this crown, as if time had flowed back and brought him back to the past.

Because this crown has been worn by Ravenclaw himself for a long time, it is like Eric's acacia wand, and it has the breath of Ravenclaw himself.

The crown is made of silver-white mithril, inlaid with patterns of sparkling blue gemstones, emitting a faint light.Its appearance is not gorgeous, but it contains irresistible mysterious power.Each pattern is like a flowing river, instilling Ravenclaw's wisdom and wisdom into the wearer.

According to legend, those who are lucky enough to wear this crown will be able to share the wisdom of Ravenclaw and become extremely wise.Not only that, but the crown can also enhance the magic power of the wizard to an unrivaled level.

For many people, this is a fatal temptation.

However, due to Voldemort turning it into a Horcrux, the diadem has lost its original magical powers and turned into an evil dark magic item.Still, the diadem retains its charm and allure, trying to entice surrounding wizards to wear it on their heads.

Eric did not touch Ravenclaw's diadem directly with his hand, but carefully controlled it in the air.He waved his hand gently, and the crown floated under his control, emitting a faint light.

Then, Eric recreated a Patronus and ordered it to find Sirius.The patron saint immediately turned into a flash of lightning, quickly traveled through space, and disappeared into the distance.

After a while, a big black dog suddenly appeared in the middle of a pile of debris.Like a dark bolt of lightning, it rushed towards Eric, and instantly changed back to human form.

Sirius looked at the crown in surprise, his eyes full of yearning and curiosity.He was attracted by the crown and couldn't help but move closer.

The crown rotates gently in the air, like a charming blue meteor, exuding seductive magic.It seems to have life, sometimes static, sometimes flickering, constantly showing Sirius its mysterious power.

Knowing the allure of the diadem, Eric vigilantly held it in the air, keeping it from touching Sirius.

Sirius is different from him, does not have such a strong mental power as him, can resist the charm of the crown.

Strictly speaking, Eric is the only one in the world who is completely immune to the influence of Horcruxes.

Even Dumbledore, if he is exposed to Horcruxes for a long time, he will be affected by Horcruxes, becoming irritable and losing judgment.

The strange thing about the diadem is that the fragments of Voldemort's soul combined with the original magic power formed an irresistible force.It is both a valuable magic item and an evil dark magic item.

However, Sirius' gray pupils quickly blurred, as if attracted by a mysterious force, gradually drifting towards the crown.Confusion and longing were revealed in his eyes, as if completely controlled by the magic power emitted by the crown.

Suddenly, there was an ear-piercing bang!The sound broke the silence, and Eric flicked his wand quickly, releasing a small but shiny bolt of lightning that hit Sirius directly on the cheek.In an instant, a bunch of his black hair was permed and curled, giving off a burnt smell.

Sirius woke up suddenly, his footsteps stopped suddenly, and his original steps towards the direction of the crown were interrupted.Eric smiled and said, "Be sober, what you saw just now was an illusion."

Eric didn't need much explanation, Sirius quickly realized what he had just experienced.He couldn't help but feel afraid. If Eric hadn't been there to remind him, something unexpected might happen when he touched the crown alone.

Is this the strength of Voldemort?There was a chill in Sirius' heart. He thought that even the Horcruxes made by Voldemort had such a strong allure, and he became more determined to destroy these Horcruxes.

Sirius stabilized his mood, and he asked: "We have found four Horcruxes now, right?"

Eric nodded.

There are a total of seven Voldemort Horcruxes, and now they have mastered four of them: Voldemort's juvenile diary, Slytherin's locket, Marvolo Gaunt's ring, and now Ravenclaw's crown.

The remaining three Horcruxes are Nagini, the pet boa constrictor next to Voldemort, Hufflepuff's gold cup, and Harry, whom he doesn't even know.As long as all the Horcruxes can be destroyed, Voldemort can be completely killed, which is no longer a distant goal.

Chapter 214 Gryffindor's Sword!Destroy the Horcruxes!

Sirius stared vigilantly at the diadem floating in the air, and after a moment of thought, he said: "Slytherin, Ravenclaw...the items of these two people have been made into Horcruxes, so we can deduce that there are two more Horcruxes, related to Gryffindor- and Hufflepuff-related magic items, respectively?"

Eric nodded slightly, with hesitation in his eyes, then he shook his head and said firmly: "Hufflepuff once left a golden cup, which is a magical magic item. Rumors say that this The gold cup has been kept by the descendants of Hufflepuff, but it mysteriously disappeared during Voldemort's first rise. The legend about Hufflepuff can be said to have a certain degree of credibility, and it is likely to be true. Personality, and it is very likely that the gold cup will be made into its own Horcrux. However, the treasures left by Gryffindor are still preserved in Hogwarts, so Gryffindor can be ruled out." His voice Revealed a sense of mystery.

Sirius asked curiously: "What kind of treasure is that?"

Eric smiled and replied: "You will know soon. We need to destroy a Horcrux here now. Do you remember the several methods of destroying Horcruxes I mentioned to you before?" His eyes Revealing a hint of determination.

Sirius asked in surprise: "You mean here? What spells are you going to use? Are they the methods that require absolute attack power to destroy the Horcrux itself? But even the death curse has no effect on the Horcrux."

Eric explained with a smile: "There is indeed a spell that can do this, and that is the Fierce Fire Curse, which can completely destroy Horcruxes. However, this spell is very powerful, and it is difficult to control once it is cast. would lead to the destruction of the entire House of Requirement. Therefore, we will choose another method that is more reliable."

As soon as the words fell, Eric suddenly felt alert. He turned to look at the door of the Room of Requirement, with a premonition in his heart.He said lightly, "Here we come."

While Sirius was still in doubt, suddenly the door of the Room of Requirement swung open.

As the door opened, a clear chirp sounded, and Phoenix Fox gracefully flew in.

Eric and Sirius couldn't help feeling a divine power, and a sense of mission emerged spontaneously.Their bodies seemed to become lighter, as if they could fly in the sky and touch the light of the stars.

The existence of Fox makes the whole space full of magic and hope.Its magic permeates every corner, transforming the space into a wonderland of wonder.The faint light flickers in the sky, like a star-studded night sky, which makes people feel awe.

At this time, a breeze blew gently, bringing a scent of flowers.Colorful flowers bloom on the ground, exuding a charming fragrance.A group of colorful butterflies danced among the flowers, like flying petals, beautiful and leisurely.

Fox waved its wings lightly, and a dazzling light emanated from its body, illuminating the entire space.

Both Eric and Sirius enjoyed this feeling very much.

The phoenix is ​​a legendary magical creature.

And this is the magic power that belongs only to Phoenix!

After experiencing the great war some time ago, after Phoenix Fox was reborn, it turned into a little chick. The feathers on its body were long and short, which looked unattractive.

It flapped its wings vigorously and flew towards Eric.Its feathers have become scattered, and some have even become bare traces, and new feathers have not yet grown out.Phoenix's body became very thin.

Under Fox's beak, there was another object.It was a tattered hat, with a big gaping hole at the brim.The hat was covered in dust and dirt and looked like it had seen better days.

Fox flew to Eric's side and threw the hat in his mouth to Eric.The hat arced in the air, flying towards the target like a piece of weak wings.Eric stretched out his arm, caught the hat, and gently stroked the crack on the brim with his fingers, as if feeling its vicissitudes and tenacity.

When Eric took the hat, Fox's eyes showed a hint of appreciation.

The Phoenix is ​​always close to gifted wizards such as Dumbledore and Eric, both of whom are able to gain recognition from the Phoenix.

After Eric took the hat, Fox fluttered his wings and soared into the sky again, disappearing into the distant sky in an instant.

From beginning to end, it just came to give this hat.

Sirius looked at the item in Eric's hands curiously, and asked, "Is this the sorting hat?" He felt a mysterious power emanating from this hat, which made him feel a little familiar.

At this time, the Sorting Hat has no vitality and no sign of being able to communicate freely. Except for the crack that can speak, it looks like an ordinary hat.The fabric of the hat has lost its former brightness and has become dull and weathered.The crack on the brim seems to be a mark of time, recording the countless years the Sorting Hat has experienced.

"Yes." Eric smiled and stretched his hand into the sorting hat, grabbed it hard, and pulled out a shiny sword from it.The hilt of the sword is inlaid with precious gemstones, and the body of the sword is engraved with mysterious runes, exuding an ancient and majestic atmosphere.

The sword light was so dazzling that Sirius couldn't open his eyes for a moment.He had to turn his head to avoid looking directly at the sword in Eric's hand, with a look of awe in his eyes.This sword seems to be a legendary artifact, exuding endless power and glory.

He asked involuntarily, "What is this?"

Eric smiled and said: "This is what you just mentioned, the treasure left by Gryffindor!"

Sirius understood: "You mean, use this sword to destroy Voldemort's Horcrux?!"

Eric nodded decisively.

If you want to choose a method that does not harm other people or the internal facilities of the castle, then taking out Gryffindor's sword is undoubtedly the most appropriate.

The Horcrux ring worn by Dumbledore was also destroyed in this way.

Sirius' face was agitated, but suddenly changed again, and he thought of a question: "Wait, what you said before, the power of the soul can only be transferred, not destroyed, right?"


"Then if we destroy these two horcruxes here, the souls inside will have nowhere to go. There is no Voldemort nearby, and there are no other souls for them to fuse. At that time, won't it be attached to you ?!"

Faced with this question, Eric smiled slightly, and asked back: "Who said that I will destroy both Horcruxes?"

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