Eric was confused and waited for Dumbledore to continue.

Without further explanation, Dumbledore took out his wand and also used a Patronus Charm.

A pure white phoenix almost identical to Fox appeared in front of the two of them.

"Compared to ordinary students, your Patronus Charm is already very good, Eric, but you are more than fierce, but not enough in other aspects. It is precisely because of this that Fox showed hostility to your Patronus. "

Dumbledore continued, but his mouth didn't move at all. Instead, his patron saint opened his mouth, and it was indeed Dumbledore's voice.

As if playing a double reed, Dumbledore showed off his skills, letting the Patronus speak for himself: "For example, you can't do what I do and let the Patronus convey the message you want to say."

Eric nodded. No matter how you say it, he has only learned the Patronus Charm for less than two months, and his proficiency stays at the intermediate level. From a purely technical point of view, it is indeed only at an ordinary level.

At least in front of a wizard like Dumbledore, it is definitely not enough.

It was only Eric's huge magic power that made his patron saint look so impressive.

"Do you want to know how to go further?"

"Of course, but why? Professor?"

Eric replied with a smile.

The why here does not refer to why it is necessary to go further, but refers to why Dumbledore brought up this matter at this strange point in time.

Although Eric wanted to make his Patronus Charm stronger, but no matter how you look at it, the atmosphere is wrong, right?

Shouldn't he and Dumbledore come and go, exchange each other's interests and needs, and leave without breaking the river?

Why did it suddenly become a class?

Dumbledore chuckled and said, "I am always willing to give guidance to talented students. Just think of it as an apology for offending you just now."

"You have been able to maintain the existence of the patron saint very well. There is no problem with the way you use magic. You can use a standard patron saint spell."

"However, you can't treat your patron saint as another part of you and let it act according to your wishes."

"The reason for this, I think, is largely because you have never imagined what your Patronus is like."

"Let me guess, have you completely neglected to think about this question from the very beginning, and spent all your energy on how to summon the Patronus itself?"

Dumbledore said cheerfully.

Chapter 52 Hesitation

Halfway through Dumbledore's speech, Eric had already realized.

Many things are actually very simple to say, but sometimes when you fall into a blind spot in your thinking, you can't go back and think about some basic techniques. ,

Like Eric's Patronus Charm.

Eric's Patronus Charm was indeed as Dumbledore said, he never took the initiative to imagine what his Patronus would look like.

In fact, Eric should have thought of this earlier.

It is no secret to Eric that the patron saint will change according to the personality and subjective wishes of the wizard.

When he was on the train, he had also seen Lupin's Patronus, which was revealed after Lupin's active adjustment.

Even Lupine could tweak his Patronus figure, and there's no reason Eric couldn't.

It's just that Eric has never had the opportunity to take the initiative to adjust his Patronus Charm.

Because his wand resisted his use until he defeated the dementor with the Patronus.

Especially magic that involves the soul.

And he has to maintain the state of dividing the magic power, and use the acacia wood wand to release the Patronus Charm.

Otherwise, the release fails.

This left him with no time to think about anything else.

Logically speaking, according to the way Eric used it, his proficiency in the Patronus Charm should have been upgraded long ago

But it didn't, but stayed at an ordinary level.

Even the image of the giant eagle is only presented naturally.

Not from Eric's strong will.

Eric just used the Patronus Charm, and then naturally expected his Patronus to appear.

It is true that no thought has been given to what animal the Patronus should become.

He thought that as long as he used it over time, his proficiency would naturally increase, and his grasp of this spell would naturally become deeper.

But this is not the case, and it is no wonder that his Patronus Charm seems very immature to Dumbledore.

Dumbledore's demonstration directly unveiled this layer of veil for Eric.

[Ding, spell proficiency has increased. 】

[Guardian spell: advanced. 】

The sound of the system sounded at the right time, and as Eric's understanding of the Patronus Charm deepened, he didn't even need to use the magic himself, which brought him an improvement in proficiency.

"...Thank you, Professor."

Eric gave Dumbledore a half-bow of thanks from the bottom of his heart.

Although their positions are not in line and they are wary of each other, Dumbledore is indeed a good teacher.

He didn't exaggerate. In just two or three sentences, he really took Eric a step further.

Seeing Eric's sudden realization, Dumbledore smiled and said, "I can see that you have gained a lot."

"Indeed, Professor."

"Then let's end today's class here." Dumbledore turned his head and glanced at an antique wall clock hanging on the wall, and said, "It's time for you to attend the sorting ceremony too, I have delayed you for a long time, you Go first, I'll be there later."

"Huh?" Eric was puzzled, "Is this the end?"

"Otherwise?" Dumbledore said confidently, "I can't sort you here, can I?"

Dumbledore was also depressed.

He wanted to force Eric to stay, but it was useless.

He initially just wanted to use Legilimency to find out the truth behind the power of Eric's spell.

Dumbledore's Legilimency is different from other people's. His Legilimency has been practiced to the extreme. It is indeed impossible to accurately locate Eric's memory, but it is still possible to have a general understanding.

Who would have thought that Legilimency would not work, but because of this humble temptation, Eric was now very wary of him.

Now, it was impossible to make Eric trust him as he had done with Harry.

Think about it in your own shoes, not to mention Eric, if it were him, it would be impossible to easily trust a person who is using Legilimency.

Even if the other party is the headmaster of Hogwarts.

Who would be interested in someone trying to hack into their own brain?

Eric thought for a while, said nothing more, nodded politely to Dumbledore, got up and walked towards the door of the principal's office.

He couldn't say that he thought there would be a fierce battle, could he?

Now that Dumbledore let him go early, that's naturally a good thing.

"Ah, by the way, Eric!" Dumbledore stopped Eric again when he was about to reach the door, "You repelled the dementors in the car and successfully protected your classmates from being harmed. I intend to reward you. But since you don’t have a college yet, I would like to announce this after you are officially sorted.”

Eric stopped, thought for a while, and refused decisively: "Thank you very much, Professor, but I don't need it."

Based on Dumbledore's character, it was probably something like a college grade, or an honor within the school.

Why does he want this?

Can't eat or wear, and can't become stronger.

If he had a choice, he wouldn't mind taking some galleons, but that was impossible.

"Really? You choose to give up? That's [-] points." Sure enough, Dumbledore added with a smirk on his face, "That's a pity, I really want you to join Gryffindor, That way I can give Gryffindor points."

"I do not want."

Eric knew that this guy didn't hold back any good fart, so he ignored it, turned around and went out.

Behind his half-moon glasses, Dumbledore suppressed his smile, and his sharp eyes followed Eric's back until he walked down the stairs and disappeared completely.

After Eric walked away, a portrait hanging on the wall said: "His talent is even more terrifying than yours back then. In time, I'm afraid he will be another Riddle."

It was a male wizard with a mean face, and those who could hang on the wall of the headmaster's office were Dumbledore's predecessors, the previous headmasters of Hogwarts.

Below the portrait, the years of his birth and death and his name are written—Phoenix Black.

Dumbledore sighed, and said, "Let's take a look at it again... let's take a look at it again."

Chapter 53 Branching and Fame

By the time he got back to the auditorium, Eric was just in time for the last part of the sorting.

The long table in the auditorium was full of people, and they were divided into four groups based on the college.

Each school has its own representative color.

Gryffindor is red inlaid with gold, Ravenclaw is sky blue and bright yellow, Hufflepuff represents calm brown and orange, and Slytherin is eternal light green.

Every time a student is assigned to a corresponding college, his college will welcome the new member with warm applause.

On the long table in Gryffindor, Eric also saw the Harry trio waving desperately at him.

Eric came the last, and according to Dumbledore's previous instructions, he was the last in line.

As soon as he put on the sorting hat, Eric heard the hat whisper: "The last student of this year, ah, you are really outstanding. You have ambitions and..."

"Stop." Eric was too lazy to listen to the nonsense of the hat, and interrupted, "I'm hungry, please assign me a college."


The Sorting Hat probably has never encountered such a straightforward person, and was stunned on the spot.

It had prepared a whole set of rhetoric, describing Eric's characteristics, trying to prove that whichever college Eric went to was suitable, and finally let Eric make his own choice.

Of course, it says this to almost every student.

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