Eric reached straight up with his right hand, grabbed the back of the monster book, and held it in front of him.

Feeling the wizard's control, Monster Book immediately began to struggle, trying to break away from Eric's hand.

Eric didn't give it a chance, and his ready left hand quickly brushed the back of this monster book, from top to bottom.

The outer skin of the monster book was covered with short and thick bristles, which really looked like the legendary monster. Eric felt many uneven protrusions and rough skin.

Sensing Eric's movements, the monster book in Eric's hand shuddered instantly, shaking violently twice.

Then, as if its weakness was suddenly touched, the original tough attitude disappeared instantly, and it lay limply in Eric's hands.

After doing all this, Eric flipped through the book, opened the book in his hand, and felt that it no longer resisted, so he nodded in satisfaction.

Old Tom, who was about to come up to rescue Eric, widened his eyes and stared at the book in Eric's hand in a daze.

The monster book in Eric's hand was actually being held quietly in his hand, so well-behaved that it was unbelievable. It was in sharp contrast to the chaotic scene around him.

Chapter 5 Spiritual Stance


Eric, who had done all this, stood quietly, and behind him, there were a lot of surprised voices.

The monster book that the riot attacked him just now was as limp as a roll of parchment, without the arrogance just now, it lay obediently in his hand, allowing him to read through it.

Seeing his calm look, the surrounding wizards all screamed.

No one thought that Eric could really handle this kind of monster book flying around just now.

You know, including the clerks in the bookstore, so many adult wizards can't subdue them, how can a child who looks very immature?

In the magical world, there are many kinds of strange items.

It is quite dangerous to touch unfamiliar magic props rashly.

These magical items can only be controlled and used by those who really understand them.

For this reason, the magic world has even developed a profession. There are some wizards who are responsible for solving this kind of trouble. They are good at spells and spell-breaking, and they also have a certain research on alchemy.

Wizards with this talent are always in high demand at Gringotts and the Ministry of Magic's Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Division.

There are specializations in the art industry, and professionals always have their reasons for existence.

And now the monster books raging in front of the bookstore are undoubtedly magic items that are not easy to control.

These books have a strong desire to attack and have their own logic of action. Although they don't do much damage, they are very resistant to magic, and ordinary wizards are helpless against it.

Therefore, these wizards who were watching were accustomed to the chaos caused by the monster book.

In the magical world, such things are commonplace.

They have no way to solve this trouble, they can only watch the excitement from the sidelines.

But then they saw with their own eyes that a child grabbed the book casually, and just touched the book seemingly casually, which made the disturbing book quiet.

No one could see what Eric had just done, but even this courage was remarkable.

Ignoring the amazement of the people around him, Eric stood there and waited for a while, only to find that he had not received the system prompt like last time.

"Isn't it enough to simply show the method of subduing the monster book? It is also necessary to thoroughly help the boss Merkel to solve this mess before completing the task?"

Eric thought about it and understood.

Originally, he thought that he only needed to demonstrate how to subdue these monster books like Hagrid did in class in the original book.

But now it seems that this is not the case, the system has its own standards, and Eric has to complete the task goal in his own way before the system will issue rewards.

This means that...

Eric looked at the hundreds of monster books flying wildly in front of him, narrowed his eyes, and then looked down at his current child's body.

He didn't have a wand yet, and if he did, he wouldn't know any magic yet.

Although he usually pays attention to nutritional supplements, his pocket money is not much, and the food in the orphanage is not good anyway. Compared with his peers, Eric's figure is much thinner.

It was impossible for him to pacify these books one by one.

With his current physical fitness, when he completes this goal, Hogwarts Express may disappear soon.

"It seems that there is no way to complete the task by asking Old Tom to work together with other wizards."

Eric laughed.

He didn't know how the system made the judgment, but the act of subduing a monster book with his hands just now was already a demonstration of how to control this kind of magic item.

Logically speaking, the rest of the work is just monotonous repetition.

These monster books are actually not very harmful. At least they are absolutely not fatal to wizards. As long as they know the method, any adult can easily get rid of them.

Unfortunately, the system doesn't seem to agree with Eric's coming forward.

Or rather, Eric did, but only a little.

System requirements see more.

Judging by this standard, the only way Eric can quickly solve the problem now is to replicate his operation in the Leaky Cauldron.

Another burst of magic power.

In addition, other methods are unable to meet the requirements of the task.

Time limit, solve it in person, and be witnessed by others, these three conditions are indispensable.

Eric was careful not to act rashly. Of course he could use another burst of magic right away. He was not tired now, but only if this method worked.

Eric didn't know much about these books.

How they were made and how they acted was completely unknown to Eric.

Eric can't guarantee what will happen if he rashly uses magic power to contact the monster book.

These monster books have obvious magic resistance. Before Eric, there were not no wizards who tried to subdue them with spells, but they all failed without exception.

Eric's magic burst is completely ineffective against them, not without this possibility.

Plus, if Eric works his magic here, there's no question he'll be in tomorrow's Daily Prophet.

Even the title, Eric can imagine.

What "Surprise!The young wizard actually possesses magical powers. Who is his name? ""Mysterious boy appeared in Diagon Alley, why did he destroy the bookstore? "some type of.

The life circle of wizards is very small, and it is big news that this kind of thing happened in Diagon Alley.

Eric didn't see any reason for not being noticed.

He still needs time to learn magic, and it is not a good thing to enter the sight of all forces too early.

"If only I could know more about these books..."

There was a battle between heaven and man in Eric's mind, and his thinking began to diverge unconsciously.

As soon as the idea occurred, Eric overturned it himself.

All his knowledge of the magical world came from his memories of his previous life. If he had more information about the monster book, he would have known it a long time ago, so why wait until now?

Eric smiled bitterly, it seemed that he had no choice.

However, the next moment this idea came to his mind, something changed suddenly!

Eric's vision blurred for a while, and the next second, everything he looked at turned gray.

Flourishes and Blotts Bookstore, the monster book in hand, the crowd around...

At this moment, everything seems to have been collectively stripped of color, leaving only monotonous black, white and gray.

A gust of air gushed out from Eric's seven orifices and spread out, making his head hot and his vision blurred, almost making him unable to stand still.

This airflow continuously hit Eric's brain, but his thinking was completely unaffected and he remained awake.

Two contradictory feelings appeared on Eric at the same time. In a trance, he saw a bright white light appearing beside him as the color disappeared.

[Ding, the spiritual stance is turned on. 】

Chapter 6 The Biological Instinct of the Monster Book

It was gray and white.

This is what Eric sees now.

The whole world seemed to be instantly covered with a black and white filter, making it weird and monotonous.

Diagon Alley, which was still clear and clear just now, suddenly seemed to have become a scene from an ancient black and white movie.

The entire alley is left with only a monotonous graphic structure.

Off-white bricks, off-white Lihen Bookstore, off-white...

It's all the same color.

There is no doubt that this ability was triggered by him unintentionally.

It's hard for Eric to describe exactly how he feels now.

He felt as if he had been placed in a steam furnace all of a sudden. From head to toe, every part of his skin was burning.

All his pores were opened together at this moment, and Eric could only feel the energy inside his body being continuously released.

Eric only maintained this state for less than a few seconds, and he already felt a sour feeling coming from his eyes.

Eric was still going to slowly feel where the limit of this state was, but as time passed, the soreness around his eyes not only did not weaken, but became more serious.

It seems that such a state cannot last.

Eric looked around and found that no one around him noticed anything unusual.

To be precise, none of them noticed the strangeness in Eric.

Time has not stopped or slowed down because of the emergence of spiritual stance, it is still flowing in an orderly manner.

The monster books flying around in front of Eric still maintained their state of madly attacking everything around them. If they hadn't seen that Eric had subdued a monster book in his hands, they would have swarmed at this moment.

Merkel, the owner of Lihen Bookstore, was still howling, and Old Tom and the wizard around him were still looking at Eric in shock. Old Tom hadn't given up yet, and shouted to get Eric back into the crowd .

These scenes, except that the appearance has become gray and white, are the same as before.

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