Hearing Dumbledore's name, Lupine slowly closed his eyes.

Eric was telling the truth.

If anyone found out that Black was showing up in his office.

Lupine's career in the wizarding world was undoubtedly doomed.

Even Dumbledore could be implicated.

And involving Dumbledore is what Lupine least wants to see.

Lupine knew his situation better than anyone else.

He has almost... nothing.

Lupine struggled and asked, "Where is he?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a tall, lanky, messy figure emerged from the shadows behind Lupin in good time.

"Long time no see... Remus."

Sirius said.

Even after all these years, Lupine still recognized Sirius's voice immediately.

With Eric's wand in the front and Sirius in the back, Lupine knew that he had no chance of winning.

The current situation is completely under Eric's control.

If they wanted, they could kill themselves silently here.

Lupine knew Sirius all too well, and knew he was capable of such things.

How he had infiltrated Hogwarts, Lupine could also imagine.

Using the Animagus, of course.

As early as their student days, they discovered that Hogwarts' defense system was useless against animals.

And the four of them, except Lupine who is a werewolf, the other three are self-taught illegal Animagus.

They are also familiar with the various secret passages in the school.

If you want to sneak into the school, it may be easier than eating.

Even leaving aside Sirius.

If it was just a Sirius, Lupine would not be caught without a fight.

But he was brought in by Eric.

After the confrontation just now, Lupine realized that there were big mistakes and omissions in his assessment of Eric's strength on the Hogwarts Express.

Eric is the most powerful person in this office now!

He's more dangerous than Sirius.

Faced with either of them, Lupine dared not say that he could win for sure.

Now it's two together.

Besides, Lupine didn't even have his wand out.

Lupine slowly raised his hands, carefully not moving his wand, and said, "What do you want?"

"Calm down, Remus." Sirius reached out and took Lupin's wand from the table, walked up to Lupin, pointed at the Marauder's Map, and said, "The only thing I ask of you is that you stay calm. It's good for us, and then I want to show you a name, a name that you can never imagine."

"You'll trust us soon."

Lupine watched from the corner of his eye as Sirius pointed to the corners of the Marauder's map, from the Defense Against the Dark Arts office where they were now, to the main tower, the Stone Bridge, and then to Gryffindor Tower, and finally landed in Gryffindor. Boys' dormitory at Fundor College.

"What do you mean?" Lupine looked at Sirius' movements, looked at Eric and asked mockingly, "What do you want to show me?"

Eric laughed: "Don't look at us, Professor, look at the map."

"Yes, look at the map." Sirius pointed heavily on the map with Lupine's wand, and said with a grim expression.

Lupine hesitantly turned his gaze to the Marauder's Map.

Then he saw a name on it.

His mouth grew unbelievably large.

It was indeed a name he had never expected.

Peter Pedirou!

Chapter 68 Peter Capture Plan


A man who was long dead in Lupin's knowledge.

Now it's actually in the boys' dormitory in Gryffindor Tower.

Join them, right inside Hogwarts!

Lupine rubbed his eyes, turned on Sirius with his hand regardless, rushed to the desk, lowered his head, and checked again.

That is indeed Peter Pedirou!

The Marauder's Map never lies!

Lupine looked at the Marauder's Map in disbelief, and for a long time did not make a sound.

All the questions in his heart about Sirius were answered in this instant.

Betrayal, pursuit, blowing up an entire street, and innocent people dying...

After a while, Lupine raised his head abruptly again, his eyes were already filled with tears, his facial features were tangled together, and he obviously couldn't suppress his emotions.

Seeing this scene, Eric knew that there was no need to remind Lupine of anything.

From Lupine's point of view, he himself is one of the few people who believe in Sirius the most.

Suddenly I saw Peter's name, how could I not know that the incident that year was a shocking mistake.

Eric put away his wand lightly, sat back on the chair, and said leisurely, "Professor, I didn't believe it at first, but Peter was actually the protector of James and his wife."

"It was he who betrayed Harry's parents, not Sirius."

"It's hard for Peter. As a wizard, he turned into a mouse and hid for 12 years."

Lupine looked at Sirius, and after a tacit silence, he rushed up to hug Sirius.

Eric didn't need to explain, he also understood what happened.

The presence of Peter's name at Hogwarts is already an obvious evidence.

The depression and depression of 12 years were completely released at this moment.

Even though he was as calm as Lupin, he couldn't help the impulse in his heart.

"Ahem." After they hugged for a while, Eric reminded, "I don't want to interrupt you, but now is really not the time to reminisce."

The two men who were hugging each other hurriedly separated, each looked at each other and laughed.

Lupine patted Sirius on the shoulder and said seriously: "Why didn't you leave a message for me at that time? I will go after Peter with you."

Sirius spread his hands and said with a wry smile: "I don't have time, so I can only kill him by myself. I think it's revenge for James. In the end, he turned into a mouse and escaped."

Lupine let out a long breath, nodded to Sirius, then turned to Eric, and said seriously: "Thank you, Eric, I mean it."

No matter how many doubts and concerns Lupine had about Eric before, they all disappeared the moment he saw Sirius and Peter's name on the Marauder's Map.

Lupine even wondered if his mind had been frightened by the dementors before.

Shame flooded Lupine's mind over and over again.

This made him not know what attitude to use to face Eric.

In the past, I was very hostile to people who were indifferent to their answers.

Now knowing that Eric was the first person to side with Sirius instead of himself, Lupine felt somewhat embarrassed.

Eric put away the Marauder's Map with a smile and said, "Now, we should discuss it."

"Discuss what?" Sirius asked.

"Of course, Peter's capture plan..."

After calming down again, Lupine and Sirius quickly entered the state.

After discovering that Sirius was wronged, Lupine naturally sided with Sirius.

The process is so smooth that no mental preparation is required at all.

The real betrayer was Peter the mouse, not Sirius.

Knowing this truth, naturally there will be no problems between Lupine and Sirius.

Lupine even felt guilty for his misunderstanding of Sirius.

Even his attitude towards Eric has turned 180 degrees.

Lupine took back his wand from Sirius, and reconfirmed that the warning magic in the office and the access control were working normally.

Eric also poured himself a cup of black tea from Lupine's office.

The two who were confronting each other with wands just now turned enemies into friends, and the atmosphere was somewhat delicate.

Fortunately, Lupine has experienced a lot, and he was often looked down upon because of his status as a werewolf.

Eric didn't take Lupine's hostility at all, either.

Sirius clapped his hands and said, "This is easy to do. I think the plan is very simple. I sneak into the Gryffindor common room and catch Peter. You two will meet me outside."

Eric squinted at him and said, "Oh? How can I remember someone trying to sneak into the Gryffindor common room and failing the first time?"

"That... that was an accident. I don't know the password, so I'm in a hurry." Sirius said awkwardly.

"If I hadn't left you a box in the Room of Requirement, you would have been caught."

Lupine was curious: "The Room of Requirement? Where is that? Sirius, where were you hiding last night?"

Sirius said: "It's a secret room on the eighth floor of the castle. You stand in front of a tapestry with several giant monsters, walk back and forth three times against the wall opposite it, and a picture in your heart will appear on the wall. I didn’t know that there is such a hidden space in Hogwarts, and we ignored it when we were exploring, and it was Eric who told me.”

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