The sky was filled with blood, which was all over the area where Clement was standing, but Eric was spotless.

This scene is really too shocking to people's senses.

Many students with poor psychological endurance even fainted directly.

"Calm! Quiet! Don't run around!"

There were prefects and professors doing their best to keep order, but the voices of one or two alone were of little use at this point.

An atmosphere of panic began to spread, and many people tried to run out of the auditorium regardless.

On the professor's seat, Lupine looked at Eric who was still standing on the dueling field in amazement.

He knew that Eric could not kill Clement, but at this time, no amount of explanations would be of any use.

Lupine turned his head, looked in the other direction of the auditorium, and nodded to a big black dog that appeared in the corner.

After receiving the response, the big black dog turned around and ran out of the auditorium as fast as he could.

"My God, what is that!"

A professor next to Lupine pointed to the location of the duel field and exclaimed.

He didn't need to say it, Lupine noticed too.

The place where Clement was originally standing unexpectedly changed again.

At the position of Clement's "corpse", a green prototype light group appeared.

Green light clusters mixed with thin black lines rose into the air, then twisted and changed, expanding into the shape of a skull.

Above the skull, there is also a unique triangular symbol.

There is a ring in the center of the triangle, and a vertical line goes straight through the ring.

"This is..." Seeing the sign appear, Lupine's eyes widened immediately.

Many experienced professors also exclaimed at the same time.

They may not know what the mark on the skull means, but any wizard who has experienced the era of Voldemort will be familiar with this green skull.

That's the Dark Mark!

After each targeted attack by the Death Eaters, the Dark Mark will be released on the scene.

And now, the Dark Mark actually appeared in Hogwarts!

Seeing the appearance of the Dark Mark, the chaotic crowd became even more panicked.

The voices of the professors had been drowned out in the cries, and the students in the auditorium rushed out.

Suddenly, a white light shot out from the professor's seat, hit the Dark Mark, and directly scattered the skull.

"Everyone, be quiet!" Dumbledore's voice came, and it carried through the audience as always, making people feel at ease after hearing it.

Dumbledore's expression was extremely gloomy, and he said loudly: "Students of all grades returned to the common room in an orderly manner under the leadership of the prefects and professors. This is not an attack. As long as I am here, Hogwarts is still safe."

Dumbledore's voice seemed to have a magical power, which could always calm the panicked crowd in time.

The fleeing students stopped in confusion and looked at Dumbledore's position.

After noticing that Dumbledore was still calm, reason returned to them.

The voices of the prefects and professors were heard again in the crowd, and the students around them lined up spontaneously.

More and more people stopped escaping and turned around to join the team.

Of course, the most important thing is that after the appearance of the Dark Mark, there really were no more accidents.

Eric also stood still and didn't move.

He looked at the Dark Mark in front of him with a slightly astonished expression.

He was most familiar with the triangular mark above the Dark Mark.

That was the mark that represented Grindelwald that he gave to win Fudge's trust when he was at the Leaky Cauldron.

Unexpectedly, this mark can be seen in Hogwarts now.

Still on the dead Clement!

Eric connects everything before and after in a split second.

The man behind the scenes hiding in the castle, Clement controlled by the Imperius Curse, and the black gas coming out of Clement like a dementor...

Also, Clement's strength has improved significantly in a short period of time, and Clement's suicide bombing.

Clement's death was not a simple suicide.

It's more of an announcement.

The organization that proclaims its admiration for this mark is returning!

If they want to achieve this effect, there is really no activity that attracts everyone's attention at this stage than the Dueling Club.

Eric couldn't help showing a smile, it was indeed too coincidental.

The storm created by his butterfly actually returned to him in this shocking form today.

He just hit the node of the storm.

Who would have thought that Grindelwald's remnant party is still active and has infiltrated Hogwarts!

If it's them behind the scenes, it all makes sense.

Eric didn't know when they got hold of Clement, nor did he know Clement's relationship with them.

But Clement was most likely just a victim.

Snape's search in the castle was also likely to be in vain.

Eric stood there quietly, his actions were quite helpful to calm the situation, at least they did not cause further confusion.

Dumbledore canceled the Amplifying Charm, turned to Professor McGonagall and Snape beside him and said, "Severus, you know what to do, find their location, and after you're done, go to Nurmengard, From what I understand, the person who was held there would not have been involved in this, but we need to find out."

Snape nodded and turned to leave.

Dumbledore then said to Professor McGonagall: "Minerva, I want you to notify the Ministry of Magic immediately and tell Fudge to bring the Aurors and the Department of Magical Law Enforcement."

Professor McGonagall also nodded and left. Contacting the Ministry of Magic has always been part of her job.

Lupine said beside him: "Dumbledore, Eric has no motive for killing Clement."

Dumbledore said: "I have never doubted Eric, Remus, but now legally speaking, in this kind of accident, the Ministry of Magic must intervene. We need to use flashback on Eric's wand Curse, if he did not use the curse that could kill Clement, then no one can make Eric bear this crime."

Chapter 116 A good show

This year's Dueling Club was ill-fated.

First Eric appeared, then Cedric and Clement fought, and now Clement exploded.

Literally exploded.

After the scene became quiet for a while, the students of each college returned to the college under the leadership of their respective deans.

And the professors mostly stayed on.

Flitwick, who pointed his wand at Eric, saw Eric's attitude and almost immediately realized that he had overreacted.

Whether it is judged from Eric's standpoint or from the perspective of vested interests, Eric will not be the murderer who killed Clement.

It wasn't doing Eric any favors.

Under the command of Dumbledore, Lupine and the two professors took over the work of Professor Flitwick and were responsible for watching Eric.

What's interesting is that Eric's wand has always been in his hand and has not been handed over.

Dumbledore didn't speak either, and wanted to confiscate Eric's wand.

Although everyone present saw it, Clement died after Eric attacked him.

But without Dumbledore's order, no one dared to take the initiative to provoke this trouble.

Lupine led the team, and even looked at Eric tacitly, and never mentioned the matter of confiscating the wand.

If there is anyone here who is happy to see this kind of thing happen today, it is only Rita Skeeter on the side.

She squatted next to the duel field for a whole day, and finally got such a big news.

Clement turned out, first fought with Cedric, and then was killed by Eric in one blow.

She has already drawn up a draft of how to make up this emotional story line.

Several reporters from other newspapers did not collect as much information as her, nor did she have complete information.

If the manuscript can be sent back to the agency immediately at this time, the Daily Prophet will once again grab the headlines tomorrow.

As a result, when Rita Skeeter was about to leave, she was stopped by Dumbledore.

"Rita, I would be very grateful if you could stay a little longer." Dumbledore said with a smile.

Rita Skeeter glanced at Dumbledore vigilantly, and said, "You don't want to prevent me from publishing the manuscript, do you? It's impossible, this matter cannot be hidden."

Dumbledore said: "I know, everyone present has seen it. I don't want you to withdraw the manuscript, but I just want you to stay a little longer and wait for the truth to surface before releasing the manuscript."

Rita Skeeter wondered: "The truth? Didn't Eric kill his classmate? I didn't read it wrong, and neither did I have a camera."

Rita Skeeter glanced at the other reporters. Seeing them leave in a hurry and rush to the location of the owl shed, Rita Skeeter's expression also became anxious.

Dumbledore stopped persuading, but said with a smile: "If you leave like them, you can only publish a mediocre manuscript for the Daily Prophet. If you stay, you will get exclusive news."

This sentence convinced Rita Skeeter.

She stopped, set up the camera again, and the quill pen flew up and down, quickly recording on the parchment in her hand.

At this time, the people from the Ministry of Magic finally arrived late.

Led by Professor McGonagall, the Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, Amelia Bones, appeared at the door of the auditorium with a team of Aurors.

There was one other person accompanying him, the Minister for Magic, Cornelius Fudge.

When he saw Eric, Fudge's expression couldn't have been worse.

It's him, it's him again.

The last time, it was Eric who had gone over him to tell Harry about Sirius at the Leaky Cauldron, and now it was Eric who was causing the trouble.

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