"Is this the Dark Mark? What does it represent?" an Auror asked in confusion at the scene.

He didn't recognize the unique logo used by Grindelwald, but he was familiar with the skull shaped like the Dark Mark.

Amelie Borns said with a serious expression: "No, this is not Voldemort's mark, but represents another organization."

She obviously recognized the mark, but she didn't go on to explain it because of the noise.

Seeing this sign appear, Rita Skeeter instinctively wanted to get closer and shoot to make a big news.

Burns pointed at Rita Skeeter, and immediately an Auror stepped forward to stop her approaching and snatched her camera.

Things have developed to the present, has turned into a serious attack.

Both political influence and public attention are sensitive.

If it is not done well, it may cause social panic.

As the Director of Magical Law Enforcement, Amelia Borns immediately made a decision that this part of Grindelwald's mark must not be revealed now.

Rita Skeeter was taken away semi-forcibly by the Auror, her mouth was still protesting, but the expression on her face was unconcealable joy.

She has something to write about.

If she is not allowed to take photos, she can still write manuscripts.

The Ministry of Magic couldn't keep her mouth shut.

Even if she is not allowed to use Rita Skeeter's identity to publish news, she can still use other pseudonyms, such as an unnamed source or something.

As the first-hand writer of the news, one can imagine how much fame Rita Skeeter will get from this incident.

Dumbledore said to Snape: "Thank you, Severus, can you temporarily cooperate with the Aurors to complete the investigation? I think they would like to know the specific process of your encounter with this person, and go to the scene. Take a look."

Snape said, "Of course, but I have another bad news for you."

"Oh? What is it?"

Snape sneered, and said: "There was a commotion in the Gryffindor common room just now. While everyone was out, Ron Weasley returned to his dormitory and found a big man on his bed. Now they suspect that Sirius Black has sneaked into the castle again, and it is said that there are witnesses."

After finishing speaking, Snape followed Auror and Shanshan left.

Sirius Black? !

Snape's words chilled the atmosphere again.

Eric's mind moved slightly, and he glanced at Lupine at the side without leaving a trace, and Lupine nodded slightly to him.

This is an action they agreed upon in advance.

Let Sirius make another scene in the castle and force Fudge to respond.

I just didn't expect such an accident to happen in the duel between Eric and Clement.

Lupine was very adaptable. After seeing Clement explode into a cloud of blood mist, he realized that the castle might be occupied by Aurors later, so he quickly let Sirius show his face during the last chaos.

Otherwise, there will be no chance after that.

But Fudge couldn't bear it anymore, his eyes widened, and he turned to look at Eric.

He mentioned Black to Eric just now, and now there are rumors that Black appeared in the castle.

This is an insult?

Or a blatant demonstration?

Fudge's blood surged, and he yelled at the surrounding Aurors angrily: "Look! Find him for me!"

The Aurors and Amelia Bornes had a headache.

First two people died, then Blake.

What the hell is going on with this school, can it get better?

Complaints are complaints, work still needs to be done.

Under the order of Amelia Bornes, the Aurors grouped up on the spot and began to move quickly.

The signal to the Ministry for support had already been sent.

The professors also joined the ranks of Auror's search under Dumbledore's signal, but if nothing else, they still found nothing.

Lupine, the biggest undercover agent, was among the search team, and it would be a ghost to find Sirius.

The search team dispersed, and Amelia Bornes walked up to Dumbledore and Fudge, and said, "Our preliminary judgment is that the dead wizard controlled Clement with the Imperius Curse, and his The purpose and identity are not clear for the time being, the incident between Eric and Clement is not directly related, he was just involved, but we still need to temporarily control Eric, and we need him to cooperate with the investigation in the future."

Dumbledore laughed: "The Christmas holidays are coming and I don't think it's a good idea to have a child spend Christmas at the Ministry of Magic, what do you think, Connelly?"

Fudge's mind was full of Blake's affairs, and he didn't care about what to do with Eric at all, so he said perfunctorily, "Yes, yes..."

Amelie Bornes pondered for a while, and suggested: "I can agree to let Eric stay in Hogwarts for this Christmas, but he must be protected by Aurors, and he will go to the Ministry if necessary. He must also be subpoenaed when he is here."

Dumbledore said: "Why don't I take charge of protecting Eric, and I promise not to let him out of my sight."

"This... doesn't seem to be impossible." Burns said, "What do you think, Minister?"

Fudge's face looked as if he had eaten bitter melon, and he squeezed out a voice between his teeth: "Okay..."

Dumbledore is recognized as the strongest wizard in the world. It is not only reasonable but reasonable for him to propose to take care of Eric instead of the Ministry of Magic.

Burns confirmed that there is no legal problem. In terms of Fudge's identity and position, he does not trust anyone and dare not distrust Dumbledore.

Not to mention Dumbledore's reasonable request.

Fudge could only nod bitterly.

Chapter 119 Christmas Holiday

The duel club, which was going on normally, was interrupted because of Clement's death.

After Snape brought another corpse, it became clear what had happened.

Clement was just a scapegoat pushed to the front of the stage.

The spells he used on the duel arena were all the result of the wizard's manipulation behind his back.

After multiple investigations, it has indeed been proved that Clement's actions were abnormal some time ago.

It's just because he is withdrawn and introverted and has few friends that he has been hiding until now.

Professor Flitwick blamed himself for this.

He should have known something was wrong when Clement declined his invitation.

But in general, Clement completely disappeared from people's field of vision.

Even Eric had no way to know about Clement's life and past deeds.

He was like a ray of wind, blowing silently, and then quickly disappeared from people's sight.

Only those close to Clement are mourning for him.

Inside Ravenclaw College, Professor Flitwick came forward and arranged a farewell ceremony for Clement.

He also publicly announced that Eric had nothing to do with Clement's death.

This made the eyes that were terrified of Eric a lot less because they witnessed Eric casting a spell on Clement, which led to the death of the other party.

Under the cold treatment of the Ministry of Magic and the school, this matter passed so hastily.

But the aftermath of the Clement affair was enormous.

The first is the indefinite suspension of the Dueling Club.

After Dumbledore's confirmation, the Dueling Club will not restart at least in the near future.

When to finish the rest of the game, or cancel it directly, is still to be discussed.

The second is the reappearance of Sirius.

No matter what purpose Lupine had at the time, after he made Sirius make another noise in Gryffindor, the atmosphere of the whole castle fell into panic and confusion again.

The Aurors and the professors formed a team and sifted the castle again from top to bottom.

The result was of course obvious, they couldn't find Sirius.

Fudge was furious, and almost all the Aurors on duty were brought over by him.

Searched around the castle up and down.

As a result, nothing was found.

This performance really slapped the Ministry of Magic in the face.

It's a pity that he has no good solution, and now he can only hope that Eric will hand over the position of Sirius as agreed.

It's not that Fudge didn't think about it, or else he would sell Eric directly.

He could choose to be honest with Dumbledore and the Ministry about his deal with Eric.

If Eric did have Sirius' location, then Fudge would have made the right bet.

Unfortunately, for Fudge, doing so would do more harm than good.

Eric also took a fancy to Fudge's inner greed and self-interested mentality, so he proposed a deal to Fudge in the first place.

Regarding the truth of Eric's statement, Fudge has not had any evidence to prove that what Eric said is true until now.

Nor could the Ministry of Magic convict Eric with just a few words.

What's more, for Fudge, such an approach is tantamount to self-destruction.

If he does this, neither Dumbledore nor public opinion will tolerate him staying in the political center.

Of course, the fundamental reason that fudges Fudge the most is that Eric's strength has improved rapidly.

Fudge vaguely remembered that the last time they met at the Leaky Cauldron, Eric was a freshman who could only use the Levitation Charm.

but now?

If it weren't for the conclusive evidence, Fudge could hardly believe the news about Eric that he had heard and seen these days.

Banishing Dementors, Hardening Snape...

Cedric, a genius who was originally eye-catching, was not worth mentioning in front of Eric.

In such a short period of time, from a wizard who only knows the levitation spell to what he is now, is this still human?

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