"Why don't you feel it? I remember that the tiered electricity price for residents' electricity consumption has been canceled and changed to a fixed electricity price. In a few years, you should be able to use electricity for free."

"I really don't feel it. I live in a rented house, and the electricity bill is 1 yuan and 5 kWh."

"Residents use 1 yuan and 5 yuan for electricity. I think I can report it."

"I can't report it. All the apartment buildings here are like this, and it's the same for any renting house."

"Evil landlord, the landlord of the new era belongs to it."


Ilan Mik offshore.

Already cruising nearby, the two aircraft carriers of the Miri Empire received the news that Dongyuan's 003 was 'passing by', and the high-level leaders immediately gathered and held a meeting.

After the meeting, they immediately sent a message to aircraft carrier No. 003, stating that they had demarcated the exercise area and asked 003 not to come in and interfere with their exercises, otherwise they might 'accidentally sink 003'.

In response, the commander of Formation 003 smiled lightly and sent them a message——

"Don't be nervous, we are just passing by."

When the news reached the Mirui aircraft carrier formation, the corners of the top executives twitched.

Haha, passing by?Who believes it?

The meeting was held again.

"What should we do if Dongyuan's 003 enters the exercise area?"

"I think based on their past claims, they should not enter the exercise area."

"Previous claims? In the past, Dongyuan would never send an aircraft carrier to such a distant place! In addition, our exercises are not just exercises, you must understand this."

"If they come in, I think we can 'accidentally' fire missiles at them. We can use the 'accidental' excuse. They only have one aircraft carrier, and I think we can survive it."

"In the nuclear crisis a few years ago, our excuse was 'carelessness'. What do you think the consequences are?"


"Actually, it is also possible to fight, but before the fight, I will resign from the position of commander first, and you can take command."

"No, no, you are the most suitable commander."


Chapter 147

The date of the visit will arrive as scheduled.

At sea, the Miri Empire and the ships of several empires in the west conducted joint military exercises as scheduled.

And No. 003 also "just happened" to come outside the military exercise area and watch from a distance.

No matter what the joint military exercise wants to do, their actions will be invisible to 003.

In fact, even if 003 doesn't come, their actions will be invisible under Dongyuan's satellite.

Several high-resolution military satellites that have been launched recently, those used for anti-missile systems and space-based weapons, have already locked on the fleet in the Iranmik waters.

As long as they behave a little abnormally, as long as they give an order, they can use laser weapons and other space-based weapons to carry out dimension reduction strikes.

However, under normal circumstances, Dongyuan would not do this.

The reason why the No. 003 aircraft carrier battle group came here was to show Iran Meek.

Qiu Baiyu and the visiting personnel took off from the capital by plane and landed slowly in Delran, the capital of Iranmic.

The leader of Iran Mick led the people to welcome Qiu Baiyu and others with the highest etiquette.

They have taken a leap of faith.

The No. 003 aircraft carrier formation from Dongyuan gave them confidence.

"Welcome, friends from Dongyuan."

Amey, the supreme leader of Iranmic, greeted him in person, showing the highest standard of etiquette given by Iranmic, with an unparalleled degree of attention.

"Hello, Your Excellency Ameyi." Qiu Baiyu didn't like this kind of scene, so Wang Daidai, the Dongyuan Foreign Minister of the visiting delegation, shook hands with Ameyi.

Official events generally have a cumbersome process. A large number of reporters gather to shoot, and the flash can blind the eyes.

Before coming here, Qiu Baiyu foresaw that this would happen, so she also brought in the Minister of Foreign Affairs to act as another heavyweight person in charge to take care of these things for her.

She did not leave, but sat in the VIP lounge while the top executives of both parties were talking.

Instead of paying attention to the conversation in the living room, she turned her attention to a...

Very interesting place to go.

After the emergence of 003, the "Seven-Nation Joint Military Exercise" that Mi Rui was responsible for turned into a pure military exercise.

Both Ilamik and Dongyuan ignored them, as if the fleet at their doorstep did not exist. The conversation between the diplomats and the supreme leader and president of Ilamik went smoothly without any interference.

And 003 was also sailing slowly on the edge of the military exercise area, and the crew of the fleet almost watched the military exercise while eating melon seeds.

This scene was known by the two aircraft carrier formations in the military exercise, and their chiefs were a little bit overwhelmed.

The purpose of military exercises outside other people's homes is naturally deterrence.

But they simply ignored your deterrence, and had a good chat with the guests on their own.

And I can't do anything except deter. After this scene was reported by the media, it immediately attracted the ridicule of countless people.

"Hey, is it embarrassing? The seven-nation joint military exercise turned out to be nothing like you."

"This military exercise has completely turned into a clown hahaha. Two aircraft carrier formations are afraid of one aircraft carrier formation. The Mirui government will be nailed to the pillar of shame."

"If it were me, I would have left a long time ago. Otherwise, I would have just fired a missile. How could I still be practicing in such a well-behaved manner?"

"Why don't you drive the warship into the territorial waters? Look at you. If you don't drive in, you will become real clowns after the discussion is over."

"It is recommended to drive to the shore, and claim that a crew member is missing in the city and request to enter the port for inspection."

"The proposal is good, but Ilan Mik will never let go of this opportunity to destroy the Miray aircraft carrier when entering the port."


On the joint fleet of the military exercise, a decision was also being made at this time.

"A request has been sent to the Black Palace for permission to enter Ilamik's territorial waters."

"The Black Palace will probably not reject it, so the question is, should we sail in?"

Mi Ruidai looked at the watches from several countries present here.

Although it was a joint military exercise of seven countries, except for Mirai's two aircraft carriers, other countries only sent some destroyers to join in the fun.

"I think we can let a destroyer approach the territorial waters of Iranmick first, and see what Dongyuan's attitude is." Sunset Empire Daibiao said.

"This is a good proposal. I propose to let the ships of the Sunset Empire enter the territorial waters of Iranmic." This is what Daibiao of the White Flag Empire said.

The tortoise watch of the Sunset Empire immediately slapped the table, "No, I think it's most suitable for your White Flag Empire's ship to enter."

"We are not suitable." The White Flag Empire said flatly: "I am afraid that our ship will raise the white flag if they are frightened by them. But you are different. You have rich experience in invading other countries' territories, such as entering the territorial waters of Sawu, Although they ran away."

Sunset Empire Tortoise Watch: "..."

Watches from other countries: "..."

This way of speaking, which hurts the enemy one thousand and self-harms eight hundred, left them speechless.

After a moment of silence, the debate began again.

But no matter how they argue, the meaning is actually the same——

Let the ships of the Miri Empire enter the territorial waters of Iranmik.

We can't provoke Dong Yuan, only you, Mi Rui, can fight against Dong Yuan, so let's do it, the boss.

And the people of the Miri Empire didn't want to let themselves fight in person.

Their usual style is to say hello, and then let the younger brother really do it, and then sell weapons to the younger brother to cheer the younger brother up.

After losing a lot of profits in the nuclear crisis, they are now even less likely to go into battle in person.

Therefore, after a period of debate, everyone unanimously decided to vote for national ships entering territorial waters.

In the end, Kangaroo Country was lucky enough to be selected and elected.

The kangaroo Guo Daibiao, who was eating melons and didn't dare to participate in the discussion at all, looked astonished after the voting results came out, as if he couldn't believe his ears.

And watches from countries such as the Miri Empire are very satisfied.

Miri Empire: "Okay, do you have any objections to the voting results? If not, then it's such a happy decision."


"no disagreement."




Kangaroo's words were ignored gorgeously.

They had no choice but to sigh and go to contact their ships, preparing to venture into the waters of the Ilanmic Kingdom.

When the captain of the ship of the Kangaroo Kingdom heard the news, he was so angry that he smashed his baton to pieces.

"These goddamn bastards!"

Anger turned to anger, Mirui and other countries were watching him, so he could only order the ship to sail to the territorial waters of Iranmick.

The location of the seven-nation joint exercise is near the territorial waters of Iranmik, not far away, and it won't take long to sail there.

Soon, the Kangaroo Kingdom's ships left the military exercise area and entered Iranmic's territorial waters.

The huge destroyer could not be hidden, and was soon discovered by the Iranmic coastal defense system that had been monitoring.

They immediately dispatched destroyers, and at the same time shouted to the destroyers of Kangaroo Country to drive them away.

The destroyers of the Kangaroo Kingdom, as well as the Miri Empire and other countries, began to issue statements.

They claimed that the Kangaroo State destroyer had 'accidentally' lost their way and asked Iranmick's ship to 'protect them'.

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