
Basically, after the field is plowed in the early stage, the rice seeds are sprayed with water and sprouted, and the rice seeds are manually sown in the field. When the seedlings grow to a certain size, they are pulled out and tied up, and then taken to the target field for transplanting.

Everything is manual except for plowing with oxen or machines - some fields in the valleys cannot be reached by machines and only oxen are used.

Xiao Zhou looked at the field and asked, "Is there a seedling tray?"

"Seedling tray? What is that thing?"

"For auxiliary use, it doesn't matter if you have it or not. We have already carried out the cultivation of seedlings in a unified way. Your field can be transplanted in a few days after you put water in it."

Ah Liang couldn't help laughing, "How can it be so fast."

Xiao Zhou smiled, didn't speak, took out what seemed to be a remote control handle, and handed it to A Liang, "This is the remote control of this automatic cultivator, take a look."

While talking about Xiao Zhou, he introduced: "This is the start, this is the pause, this is the return flight, and this is the joystick of the drone. These joysticks can control the micro drone in the machine to determine the location and area of ​​your home. The range, fields with ridges are generally not used.”

"Oh..." Ah Liang half understood.

Xiao Zhou didn't care, and while starting the remote control, he said: "Now let's let the drone come out first, to find out where your home is, just press the joystick down once."

While talking, Xiao Zhou pressed the joystick, and the top of one of the machines slowly opened, revealing the 'helipad' inside, and a palm-sized thing that looked like a spinning top slowly lifted into the air.

"This joystick controls the drone like this..."

While guiding, Xiao Zhou controlled the drone to come over the field.

"This is the land." Xiao Zhou said.

After a moment, a mechanical voice came from the remote control——

"Arita Kan has been detected and is being confirmed...the terrain has been confirmed."

“When you hear that, just press start.”

Xiao Zhou said and pressed start, then put the remote control aside.

Under Ah Liang's dumbfounded gaze, the drone returned quickly, and after the 'parking area' was closed, the machine that could only be lifted by three or four people turned on the green light, and then slowly...

float up.

Ah Liang: "???"

The machine quickly flew over the field, and an incredible scene appeared——

I saw that the machine shot out a light curtain that just covered the entire field. Half of the field was plowed below, and the remaining half was turned up quickly and neatly like the laser printing of a CNC machine tool, just like the clods that A Liang plowed yesterday. not much differences.

"This this……"

In fact, it was the first time for Xiao Zhou to use this thing, and he was shocked by this scene.

After being stunned for a while, he said: "There are psychic components in this machine. It's psychic. It's normal to be magical."

Psykers have been around for more than ten years, and the older generation more or less knows that there are a group of lucky ones who have the ability to fly through walls and into the sky, and envy them for having those magical abilities.

But psionic farming...?

There was only stunned expression on Ah Liang's face.

"This machine, like those people, can use those magical abilities?"

Xiao Zhou scratched his head, "I don't know what psychic power is in this machine, I just know that it can use psychic power to assist the machine in farming, and I don't know anything else."

"Actually, I just want to ask... would this miraculous thing... be too wasteful for farming?" A Liang didn't know how to describe his current mood.

Probably very frightening, very exciting.

For them, that psionic power is like a god on high.

For a long time, there were many magazines dedicated to deifying psykers. Under various subtle influences, many people subconsciously believed that psykers were superior.

However, with the establishment of the Psychic Tower, the increase in the number of Psykers, and the country's strong control over Psykers, Psykers have already stepped down from the altar among young people.

But for people in remote mountainous areas, psykers and magical psychic powers are still equivalent to gods.

As a result, this magical ability can also be used in a machine...

Does this count as the emperor's golden hoe?

It didn't take long for the machine's reclamation to be completed, and then the clods were broken up and spread on the ground.

Then, a stream of water below the field suddenly flowed upstream and rushed into the field to irrigate the field.

If Ah Liang didn't believe that it was spiritual power before, now he does.

There are no pipes or pumps, so the water just flies up from the water, forms a parabola in the air, and falls violently into the field.

Those who didn't know thought there was a water gun in the water.

At this time, the pickup truck passed by the hardened road next to it and stopped.

The leading cadre rolled down the car window and said with a smile, "How is it? Comrade A Liang, can you plow the land when it rains?"

Ah Liang: "...awesome..."

"The more amazing thing is yet to come!" The leading cadre laughed.

In the next week, under the leadership of Xiao Zhou, A Liang felt like he was in a dream. Together with Xiao Zhou, he controlled these flying machines, went to all the fields and land of his family, and hoeed all the fields. Also plant the seeds evenly.

In the field, the seedlings brought in batches are evenly inserted into the field by the machine. The spacing of each seedling is exactly the same, neat and very beautiful.

In the field, all corn seeds are also evenly planted in neat holes.

Where you are tired all the way, just hurry.

But under such a feat, Ah Liang didn't feel tired at all, only felt unreal.

Every day, he repeatedly asked Xiao Zhou if he was dreaming; could these lands planted by magic work?

It wasn't until the village chief and his people assured them that there would be no problem, and that if there was any problem, he would be responsible for this year's harvest, that A Liang slowly felt relieved.

Not just him, but all the villagers, whether old or young, are like this.

Even the village head and practical cadres feel that it is not true to some extent.

Psychic farming...


Blue is Big.jpg

Chapter 176 There is no need to be prejudiced against psionic abilities, they are just tools

"How's practice going?"

"It's basically going well. The cost of this batch of automated farming machines is less than 1 yuan, but they can hoe 10 to 30 mu of land a day on various mountainous and high slopes with complex terrain.

"On a hillside with soft soil and no rocks, it's amazing. At least 100 acres can be hoeed!"

The person in charge of the report was Bi Haoqiang, a student of Zeng Xiangyun in the agricultural base.

During the research work in the new agricultural base, Qiu Baiyu found that this young man was good at running errands and at the grassroots level, so he was sent to the plateau area in the southwest to take charge of this practice.

From seeds, fertilizers to farming machines, after giving him a document, he can run errands to contact the relevant laboratories by himself, and use Qiu Baiyu's signed documents to get all the things related to production.

Everything went smoothly.

After the report was over, Bi Haoqiang sighed: "Teacher Zeng told me before that during the period when the recovery of spiritual energy just started, everyone had the idea of ​​whether the spiritual energy could be used in agriculture. Those who can come, but basically there is no way to use it for farming.

"There are some psykers with psychic powers, such as the psykers who control the water flow. After learning that they want to use psychic powers to cultivate the land, they are absolutely unwilling. To put it bluntly, they promised a lot of things before reluctantly agreeing to the experiment."

"What happened next?" Qiu Baiyu asked casually.

She could know what Bi Haoqiang said through the logs saved on the Internet, but at this time, there was no need to waste time searching in depth.

It's not important after all.

"After discussion, I felt that the role of a single psyker would not make a breakthrough in the research. Even if there are psykers who can accelerate the growth of plants, the individual power is still too weak, so I didn't think about it later. It's about the psyker."

Bi Haoqiang recalled Zeng Xiangyun's helpless expression, "The instructor said that this group of people is too arrogant and demands too much, and they still have to rely on themselves."

"It's normal."

For a long time after the "Resurrection of Reiki", countless media magazines have deified the psykers and at the same time changed the minds of the psykers, making them think that they are the future of the world. The teachings of great beings are the right way, don't be delayed by the mortal world.

To put it simply, it means gradually influencing them in the direction of the magic stick.

It wasn't until Qiu Baiyu's fusion reactor had an accident that the psykers gradually fell from the altar.

In addition, the incident of the chosen psychic Ilda also made the country notice this situation, and with the momentum of the rise of the machine, it was completely torn down and returned to the people.

Afterwards, the management of psykers is basically no different from the management of ordinary people.

Except for the Psychic Management Office, psykers have no way to penetrate into all aspects of politics and business like the Miri Empire.

However, psykers have special abilities after all, and those abilities can still make them stand out from ordinary people.

It should be impossible to get rich, but it is possible to have a car and a house and save hundreds of millions, so you can work hard.

Still the envy of ordinary people.

The country's research on psychic energy was progressing very slowly due to Qiu Baiyu, and for a time it was considered whether to give up the research.

The same is true for the Mirui Empire.

At this time, Qiu Baiyu suddenly picked up the psionic energy and put it into the machine to assist the machine, which surprised everyone.

When the first batch of farm machine experiments were completed and the records were reported, Liu Xiaoliu, director of the Psionic Energy Management Office, called Qiu Baiyu on the spot.

At this time, Bi Haoqiang finished his report.

"Academician Qiu, you... have successfully applied psionic energy to the machine?" Liu Xiaoliu's voice was full of disbelief.

"What's so strange about this?" Qiu Baiyu said calmly: "Didn't the Mirui Empire also come up with psychic shields and start installing them on aircraft carriers?"

"The psychic shield of the Mirui Empire needs to be driven by psykers to be effective." Liu Xiaoliu said with disdain: "That kind of crude technology, thanks to them showing off."

"But it's also a success, isn't it?" Qiu Baiyu laughed.

"That's not the same as yours. I heard that your farming machine doesn't need a psychic to operate it at all."

After speaking, Liu Xiaoliu paused for a moment, and said curiously: "I remember you once said that psychic power is just a scam created by the chosen psychic Ilda, we are all ready to give up this harmful thing, why now? ...Academician Qiu, have you gone to study again?"

"Are you prejudiced against psychics?" Qiu Baiyu asked in surprise, "You are the head of the National Psychic Management Office and the strongest psychic in our country. How could you have such an idea?"

"Uh... I'm just lucky enough to have the ability to jump, and I don't have anything else. I can't bear the title of strongest." Liu Xiaoliu said: "After those incidents caused by the chosen psyker Ilda, many of us Psykers think that psychic power may not be a good thing, and they have been using it carefully all the time, and try to use it as much as possible.”

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