"Director Tang, I came here to pay attention to the fact that I hope you can continue to study on the simulation robot, and I will also cooperate, such as developing materials that are more realistic than silicone, so that the robot can have the temperature and touch of a human, and more Light metal materials and various detectors can be used in the service industry.”

Qiu Baiyu returned to Tifa and reached out to pinch Tifa's face.

"As for other aspects, I'm sorry to say that you can't compare to the specialized ones. Special machines have relevant military research institutes to study, and the same is true for industry. Mining is the original machine, let alone. Instead of having all of them, it is better to have all of them. Gather resources, aim in one direction and go all the way to the dark."

Tang Yongan fell into deep thought.

After a while, he raised his head, "Since Academician Qiu has said so, if I don't know what's good and what's wrong, then this opportunity for promotion will be missed.

"Okay!" Tang Yongan's eyes flashed a strong light, "Then make a simulation robot."

"Yes, Comrade Chen Wenfang is very talented in the design and production of simulation robots, and he is a good seed."

Qiu Baiyu especially praised Chen Wenfang, which made this dead house researcher's cheeks flush with excitement.

I don’t know if I’m really excited or too embarrassed.

The social death introduction just now is still vivid in my memory.

Qiu Baiyu's presence in person made the research institute enter into a high enthusiasm for work like a chicken blood.

After confirming that they will only study artificial robots in the future, Tang Yongan and Qiu Baiyu together applied to the superiors to change the name of the institute to the Institute of Simulated Machines.

Then, there is research and production.

With rich research experience and technical reserves, and Qiu Baiyu's technical support, the results are produced very quickly.

It wasn't long before the first robotic maid came out.

The outer skin of this robot maid is made of brand-new simulation materials. Its physical feel is not much different from human skin. It has the firmness of the skin, and it will not be oily, nor will it break if you scratch it lightly.

very perfect.

This robot is called 'Befah'.

The name came from Qiu Baiyu.

The reason why it was adopted was not only Qiu Baiyu's identity, but also the unsightly naming level of the entire laboratory.

In short, the robot maid 'Beffa' was successfully released and announced, and a special press conference was held.

Because it was a project that Qiu Baiyu participated in, the media from all walks of life immediately flocked to the press conference site after getting the news, to find out what is so special about this 'Belfa'.

According to the usual practice, the projects that Qiu Baiyu participated in must not be ordinary projects.

From nuclear fusion to landing on the moon to supersonic trains, which one is not the country's most important weapon?

Curious media from all walks of life came to the live broadcast of the conference and asked questions to the host.

"We have noticed that Academician Qiu Baiyu is also involved in this project. May I ask where this simulation robot project will be used?"

"Of course it is for civilian use. Robot maids will become the right-hand assistants of the family, arranging various housework for the master, and alleviating the problem that young people don't like to do housework, and there are various types of housekeeping robots with different functions."

There are many types of problems with different functions that cannot be generalized in many industries, especially in housekeeping.

For example, cleaning the floor, washing clothes and washing dishes requires special machines.

Another example is cleaning agents, dishwashing detergent, toilet cleaning agent, laundry powder, oil stains, glass cleaning... There are also specific cleaning agents.

But in general households, at most there are dish soap and washing powder. Other cleaning kits can make one's scalp tingle just by looking at them, making it difficult to choose.

"With the robot 'Beffa', all the housework at home can be put down and let her do it..."

After some opening remarks and introductions, the host tore away the red cloth and showed the perfect maid 'Befa' in front of everyone.

"Come on, Miss Biffa, say hello to everyone."

Biffa bent slightly, smiled and said: "Hi everyone, I am the robot maid 'Beffa', it's an honor to meet you all."

The voice is a very pleasant female voice, without a trace of mechanical feeling.

The reporters and the melon-eating audience who arrived at the press conference opened their eyes wide.

"Is this a robot?"

"Are you kidding? I believe it's real."

"It's boring to play a robot with a real person."


When voices of doubt came out, the host pretended to slap his head, "I'm sorry, sorry, I forgot one thing, Ms. Biffa, please use the machine-synthesized voice to prove your identity."

"Okay, Mr. Host." Befa nodded, then bent slightly, and the mechanical synthetic jade came out: "I am honored to be here. I am 'Befa', the first generation of intelligent machine maid."

After a pause, she changed back to a pleasant female voice: "By the way, I regret to tell everyone that I already have a master, Academician Qiu Baiyu whom everyone knows."

The micro-expression on Befa's face caused the scene to fall into a silence that could hear a needle drop.

All in all it's cute.jpg

Chapter 196

The press conference was a complete success.

The housekeeping ability and intelligence displayed by the first-generation robot maid 'Beffa', as well as the simulation of a robot who didn't even know it, shocked everyone at the scene.

Immediately after this, a large number of people expressed their expectations for the subsequent mass production.

Many people said that if the price is not too outrageous, such as tens of millions, then Renren can still build one in installments.

Especially among young people, there is such a common consensus——

Buying this thing with a loan is much better than those houses that may be unfinished at any time.

As for the various 'high-tech' companies, they also came over to ask if they could cooperate in development or something.

After all, the Institute of Simulation Machines is just a research institute, not an enterprise. If you want to mass-produce it, you still have to cooperate with an enterprise.

Generally speaking, the laboratories affiliated with the National Academy of Sciences cooperate with national enterprises.

However, in view of the particularity and sensitivity of the simulation robot, after consulting Qiu Baiyu, Song Guoan and others, the director Tang Yongan finally decided to cooperate with private enterprises for mass production.

The technology is researched, and the company pays for the production.

In order to avoid various capital problems, many relevant restrictions have been made during cooperation.

The price that everyone is most concerned about, the price of the first-generation robot and all related simulation robots in the future, cannot exceed [-]. This is a strict rule from Qiu Baiyu.

If you can't accept it, replace it.

If you don't cooperate, some companies cooperate.

This thing is equivalent to a monopoly industry, and it is not afraid of capital's small moves at all.

Of course, it is the research institute that has a monopoly, and cooperation will definitely not be exclusive. Just like graphics cards, competition is needed to develop better.

After various cooperation matters were negotiated, the institute officially announced the release time, released the 'official version' simultaneously, and advertised to several cooperating companies, saying that the number of 'official versions' was very small.

Anticipating that there might be scalpers appearing in this thing, Qiu Baiyu also specially made some precautions, using big data and the public security identity system to completely eliminate scalpers.

For a period of time, the popularity of the domestic Internet has been machine maids.

With the discussion, everyone is gradually concerned about two issues, can you be ashamed?Is there a valet?

Two questions were answered after the official version of Robot Maid was released.

You can be ashamed!There are also valets.

The entire network is completely crazy!

"I'm super! A robot maid who can do it? What kind of girlfriend can I have if I have this thing."

"I understand, this is the country giving us wives!"

"Isn't a robot maid who completely obeys her own words, does housework and even cooks for herself, and can meet her needs, and never betrays, better than a girlfriend who is always worried about being cheated on and can't figure out her mind?"

"I have tears in my eyes, thank you country! Thank you Academician Qiu Baiyu! I will always be an enthusiastic fan of Academician Qiu Baiyu!"


Male netizens carnival, and so are female netizens.

"There are servants!"

"I snatched one, and I can also customize the image. I customized the image of my male god, help SOS! So handsome, ahhhhhh!"

"Thank you, you managed to get me to eat lemons."

"What kind of boyfriend do you want, Pu Xinnan? I really appreciate it. It's better to have a robot servant. I can't wait to get one. The feeling of sleeping with a male god every day makes my heart beat faster."


Under the carnival, naturally someone soon sang the opposite tune.

Many experts immediately expressed their pessimism in various media, saying that robot servants should not exist, which will further reduce the willingness of young people to marry.

"The existence of domestic machines is reasonable, but this kind of robot servants, in addition to their domestic functions, also serve as partners. This is definitely not good, and it will inevitably lead to a further reduction in the birth rate."

"The emergence of a robot servant, if it has the function of a companion, will make everyone rely on the machine, which may have unpredictable negative effects."

"Housekeeping machines should not be made into humanoids. They should focus on housekeeping functions rather than adding unnecessary companion functions. If the service life of the machine companion is very short, it may cause a lot of psychological pressure and diseases to buyers in the future."

"I think everyone should be more sensible. It is not worthwhile to buy an expensive housekeeping machine, because we still don't know the effect of this thing on individuals. It is better to use this money to buy a house. Having a stable home is far more important than a pet-like machine. It is cost-effective, and machines can never replace real people..."


The following list of comments by these naysaying experts is full of netizens’ vomiting and strange opinions. What everyone means is——

"It's none of your business what I buy."

The hot discussion on the Internet has naturally been noticed by the country.

Soon, Yun Xing'an contacted Qiu Baiyu.

"Academician Qiu, are you involved in this robot servant project?"

"Yes, what's the problem?"

Yun Xing'an pondered for a moment, then asked, "Can I ask about the future plans for this project?"

"My purpose is the current purpose, to give the people a loyal servant, to help them solve the small things in life, and to free their hands to do what everyone likes to do."

"What else?" Yun Xing'an asked.


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