"Is this the living quarters?"

Looking at the green environment simulated by the computer, everyone was puzzled.

There seemed to be some plants growing there, and based on the computer's AI recognition, it was considered to be a living area.

But the real living area is very small at the other end of this area. There are several high-rise buildings there where the people who work on the lunar base live.

After researching for a long time and finding no information, Mani shook his head, "Forget it, send it back to the ground and let them have a headache."

This 'unsolved mystery' may have to penetrate into the interior of Dongyuan before we can know it.

If they know that there are actually a few aliens imprisoned here, I don't know how they will feel.

After the 'Martian' spacecraft frantically photographed the lunar base in the name of acceleration, it left Dimas, and then took advantage of the rare opportunity of Dimas and Dimas to be in the same frame, and used these two satellites to accelerate. , after reaching a certain speed, it left Jupiter and flew to distant Mars.

The flight speed of the "Martian" spacecraft is far lower than that of the engineering ship. After a month and a half of flight, it catches up with Mars at its perihelion and uses Mars' gravity to slow down.

After decelerating, it slowly landed towards the target location.

Just fasten the seat belt during the landing process, and there is no need to worry about danger.

So Mani kept staring at the scene outside the window with an excited expression.

"I will be the No. 1 person to land on Mars!"

This thought kept hitting his mind, making him breathe heavily as if he saw a hundred stripper girls dancing in front of him.

At this time, the detection camera in front of the spacecraft swept across the surface of Mars, and captured a scene not far from the landing site on everyone's screen.

That is--

A man-made complex!

Under the steel buildings, countless drones of various shapes come and go.

Not far from the building complex, in a slanted hole, large vehicles are transporting the minerals inside.

This scene was captured and recorded by the spacecraft's AI, and presented to everyone.

Everyone, including Mani, was dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

"what is that?"

Chapter 200 A wonderful first time, I leave it to you~

The 'Martian' spacecraft slowly came to a stop on the surface of Mars.

The hatch opened, and the seven people wearing armored spacesuits customized by Dongyuan were silent. In the end, Mani took the lead, stepped down from the ladder, and stepped on the ground of Mars.

In front of the spacecraft, several crawler robots were holding the national flag of Dongyuan. After they got off, they said, "Welcome to Mars, foreign friends, you are the first human beings to land on Mars."

Astronauts of the Seven Nations: "..."

Sophia from Maple Leaf Country looked at her companions, and said in a hoarse voice, "Should we send what we encountered here to the ground?"

Mani was silent for a moment and said with a wry smile: "The ground command center can receive the situation here without us having to tell them."

Seeing that they didn't respond, the robot in front said again: "The visitor is a guest, friends, please come with me, the Mars base has reserved a residence for everyone, so that everyone can have a good time."


Not happy at all.

When they fell, they found the continuous base a few kilometers away, and the mood of the astronauts of the seven countries was comparable to eating shi.

It is more appropriate to say that after knowing that I have eaten shi, I have to bite the bullet and continue to eat, and I still have to eat for a day.

Their landing is not just to be No. 1, but also has many observation tasks to do.

They need to install signal transmitters, Mars seismometers, temperature sensors, solar wind testers and other instruments here to detect all aspects of Mars, obtain information on alien planets, and judge whether there are conditions for colonization here.

Speaking of coming here, I endured a month and a half of boredom to come here, and I feel very beautiful.

All the emotions disappeared after seeing the red national flag.

How excited I was just now, how depressed I am now.

If it wasn't for the order to stay for a while, Mani would have liked to return to the spaceship now and leave this shameful place.

As for the kind invitation that the robot said...

What a joke, it's really an obvious mocking invitation, who would go?

Musashi Juquan, an astronaut from an island country, quietly said on the team channel: "There is only a broken robot here, why don't we dismantle it?"

Mani's eyes lit up, "Great idea! Come on, Mr. Juquan Musashi, I will leave this honorable matter to you!"

Musashi Juquan's complexion turned bad immediately.

But at this time, astronauts from other countries began to echo and instigate him, directly making it hard for him to get off.

In the end, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and stepped forward with a smile, "Hello...Look! There is a stone falling behind you!"

The robot is indifferent.

Everyone: "..."

It's embarrassing.

Musashi Juquan simply squeezed his fist, then kicked towards the robot's face.

But the robot was faster than him, reaching out to stop his foot before he could hit the face.

I saw it lift Musashi Juquan's leg and flick it, throwing the stone man aside like a chick.

Fortunately, the quality of the space suit is excellent, otherwise he would send it if the clothes were torn.

Of course, if the clothes are intact, the person is not necessarily the same.

Musashi Juquan coughed non-stop in the communication, but he couldn't say a word other than that.

Everyone hurriedly paid attention to his situation in the communication.

Of course, Musashi Juquan has no way to reply to them now.

"Malicious attack detected, danger level 0, first warning, self-defense counterattack protocol will be activated if another attack occurs."

The robot took out a gun from behind, and pointed its black muzzle at Juquan Musashi, which was frightening.

Mani immediately declared: "Don't get excited, don't get excited, Dongyuan friend, that's just my friend's personal behavior, please don't rise to us, we advocate peace."

"Yes, we are all pacifists, against violence, please don't get emotional."

"Yes, we have no ill intentions towards you or Dongyuan."


Everyone immediately explained and threw all the blame to Musashi Juquan.

As for Musashi Juquan's thoughts, no one cares.

Anyway, he didn't die.

It doesn't matter if he died, just when he was killed by a meteorite while working on Mars.

They'll bury him.

"Friends come with good wine, jackals come with shotguns, Dongyuan welcomes friends with good intentions to visit." The robot put the gun back, "Welcome to our Mars base as a guest."

"No, no, I won't bother you, we'll be here."



The situation on Mars was quickly reported back to the ground.

The spacecraft equipped with new signal transmission instruments can communicate with the ground very well. Although there is a high delay, the network transmission efficiency can reach about 500kb.

What happened on Mars was quickly learned by the ground command center.

Seeing the robot with the Dongyuan flag coming to greet the astronauts, everyone fell silent.

The person in charge is in a mixed mood.

"This damned Dongyuan quietly built a base on Mars without saying a word!"

"The most frightening thing is that we have not received any news! And the Mars probes have not found their base."

"What should we do? Nowadays, the Internet is promoting that Your Majesty Mani is the No. 1 Mars landing, and Mirui Aerospace is far ahead."

"Did you hear what that robot said? It said that Mani and the others were the first humans to land on Mars."

"Huh? Go back and put it aside to have a look."


"It really is."

"Do you want to send out the current situation?"

"Is it still possible to hide this kind of thing? Those all-pervasive media may get the information soon, so it's better to disclose it directly."

"Well, it was a difficult decision. I really admire your courage."

"No, I will resign when the announcement is made."


Landing on Mars is fascinating.

Today is landing time, and the world is watching for official news from the Joint Mars Exploration Center.

Various media have already sent out the manuscripts written in advance.

With the help of powerful computer synthesis software, they can synthesize simulated pictures in advance and use them as news pictures.

Then, officials released the first batch of Mars landing photos.

Mani's first step on Mars was used as the cover, and marked "This is one small step for him, but one giant leap for mankind".

Among the large number of pictures, the media quickly noticed a problem——

There is an unknown robot in many pictures.

The robot has a national flag pattern on it. Under the 8k photo, the flag is enlarged, and the small yellow five-pointed star is still clearly visible.

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