"Of course, that's the proposal that made them veto it."

Another official nodded, "This is just the beginning. No matter how hard we try, we can't catch up with our technology. Why don't we find a way elsewhere?"

"I know, what I mean is, wouldn't it be better to let someone else do this kind of thing? Like Kangaroo Country, Sunset Empire and the others."

"Of course, after the draft is submitted, it would be nice to ask the Kangaroo Country to claim it."

"Okay, I understand what you mean sir, I'll do it now."


Soon, a proposal appeared at the United Nations General Assembly asking Dongyuan to involve other countries when exploring outer space.

Before this proposal was voted on, it was "accidentally" leaked in advance to let the world know.

Soon, the meeting arrived, and everyone thought that Dongyuan would definitely not agree to such a draft, but when it came time to vote, Dongyuan did not express his opinion, either disapproved or opposed, and just watched quietly. Several countries headed by Mi Rui performed.



Chapter 227 18921 New World Building Agreement

"After voting, 51% of the countries agreed to pass the "World Aerospace Technology Sharing and Exploration Act", and the bill passed!"

The Mirui United Nations representative who announced the passage of the bill announced the passage of the bill targeting Dongyuan with some disbelief.

He thought Dongyuan had at least used their veto power to veto it.

He looked at Dongyuan's delegation, but found that they were all smiling, as if laughing at their farce.

Fortunately, Mi Rui's representative had already practiced a thick-skinned face, and pretended not to see the ridicule of Dongyuan and the delegation standing in Dongyuan.

Whether this regulation is passed or not is actually useless. The United Nations is just a mediation agency. It may be able to intervene in the internal affairs of small countries, but it has no binding force on big countries.

Unless those big countries can all benefit, or no big country loses its interests in it.

Otherwise, disobedience is also normal.

It won't be like in the game, where you will receive a buff reduction if you violate interstellar law.

An interstellar empire with artificial moral codes would actually receive debuffs when it violates interstellar laws. Even the council cannot avoid it. This is funny just thinking about it.

After the conference, reporters immediately swarmed in front of the Dongyuan delegation, and various question plans that had been prepared long ago came out one after another.

"May I ask what Dongyuan thinks of the "World Aerospace Technology Sharing and Exploration Act?"

"This bill requires the world's aerospace technology to be made public for all countries to observe and learn. Is Dongyuan going to make it public?"

"Is Dongwon planning to violate international law?"


All kinds of guns and short shots, and deliberately provoking them, trying to make them angry and misspoken, but none of them made the delegation say anything. Basically, the reporters asked the relevant departments at the press conference and press conference, and then Escorted by bodyguards.

Without any news, all kinds of third-rate media began to use ambiguous words such as "maybe" and "maybe" to play up Dongyuan's attitude in order to attract attention.

They are not afraid that the East will make them angry, and they even want to make such a big country angry, so that they can get rich and rich, and become the most famous media.

After all, it is an 'honor' that others don't have to be able to make a big country angry with itself.

On the other side, taking advantage of the opportunity to report on the task, Kong Xiaoyu couldn't help but pull Chen Siyu.

"Sister Chen, do you know what they are planning to do?"

Chen Siyu glanced at her, and couldn't help laughing at her girlish attitude, "If you want to know, just ask the boss?"

"I don't ask too many times, I'm sorry to ask!"

"I know, but if you want to know, you have to exchange things." Chen Siyu smiled.

This is not confidential information. Kong Xiaoyu is now replacing her master Liu Xiaoliu as the top leader of the Lingguan Office. If you want to know, you can find out just by asking. It depends on whether she has nothing to do all day and wants to eat melons.

"No problem, what do you want? Money? I can give it to you."

"Then I can't accept it, or the discipline inspection will find out that I'm not finished?" Chen Siyu collected the materials and put them away, "I just want to know, how do you maintain such a young girl mentality?"

Psykers are born from their hearts, their bodies will appear as old as their hearts think they are.

Even if it doesn't increase life expectancy, who doesn't like looking younger and more beautiful?Especially female psykers.

Chen Siyu's current appearance is that of an intellectual mature woman. Just looking at her face, others will think that Kong Xiaoyu is in her twenties, while she is in her thirties.

"Hey, I thought it was a big deal. If I want money, I have to find a way to operate it. If it's just this, then of course there is no problem."

"Okay, what the boss means is that Dongyuan has launched a call. Just like the former lunar base, all countries are welcome to respond. After your master completes the investigation and returns, he will begin to establish a preliminary base on Nantianmen Star. Everyone in the base, Demand compliance with Dongyuan law.”

"I see..." Kong Xiaoyu nodded. Although she didn't know how to operate it, it seemed that the new planet was something that had existed in Dongyuan since ancient times.

Unless other countries have the conditions to land on Nantianmen Star, enclose a piece of land in the name of their country, and carry out overseas colonization like in the age of great navigation, otherwise, follow Dongyuan, and can only do things under Dongyuan's jurisdiction. It is also a disguised admission that Nantianmenxing belongs to Dongyuan.

Colonizing a new planet will definitely not involve building a giant spaceship with hundreds of millions of people at once, and then allowing the colony to develop freely. There will be very little exchanges such as population movement.

Centuries ago, when the countries in the west colonized the continent of Miri, it took hundreds of years to reach the current scale.

The price is that the aborigines have been driven to extinction, which is less than the protection of animals. Under every lake, there are many bones.

"Do you have an approximate number of the first batch of people who built the new world?" Kong Xiaoyu asked curiously.

"The people above are still discussing, but the boss just asked me to prepare a proposal for the new world construction agreement. There are relevant information on it. She said that the first batch of people will not go too much to be safe. 20 people Just left and right."

"20 people?!" Kong Xiaoyu opened his eyes wide, "That's it? Can you manage so many people? That's not a place with perfect order. It's a new world where everyone starts from scratch!"

"I don't know about that." Chen Siyu shook his head, "Even though the boss told me, let me read her plan casually, if I have any questions, whether it's management, construction or development, it's all in the plan, but……"

"But what?"

"The plan has 18921 pages. I think it's better to forget it. The curiosity is not so heavy."

Kong Xiaoyu: "..."

An [-]-page plan, is this an encyclopedia?

"There are so many, who can read them all?"

"Maybe it's not for reading, it's for people to look up, and then enter it into the system, let AI manage and inform all participants, every New World manager will have corresponding guidelines and work directions. "

"It doesn't seem too outrageous. Let AI record it. Everyone knows different things and performs their own duties. It's really good... By the way, who is the boss you are talking about?"

"..." Chen Siyu glanced at her, but didn't speak.


Kong Xiaoyu knew.

"It's time for me, how do you maintain your girlish mentality?"

"That's not easy? Using the big data of the Internet, let the Internet think that I have always been a college student, and then use the information cocoon to make the information I receive every day accepted by young people, so that my mind can be fixed in the desired age group. .”

"Huh? There are so many things to do every day, are you sure this is feasible?"

"Of course it is possible, as long as you think about the world with a young mind, and refuse to be assimilated when facing the thinking and concepts that the elders try to impose on you, that is to say, don't let yourself live like the elders think you should be. not the way you want to live, but the way you want to live."

"... a little twisted."

"In short, make good use of the Internet...but it is actually quite difficult to change your mentality. Good luck."

"OK, thanks."


Chapter 228 Qiu Baiyu Is Retiring?

"Academician Qiu, your plan...seems a bit long."

Ye Dexing, the new head of Dongyuan State General Affairs Department, was dumbfounded when he saw the plan sent by Qiu Baiyu.

18921 pages, the impact is not so small, especially each page is not a simple picture, most of them are densely packed text.

Of course there are pictures, but they are all auxiliary.

What is the concept of nearly [-] pages?

Lawyer, one of the most difficult professions in Dongyuan, may add up to less than a thousand pages of teaching materials for the law test, which stumps countless law students who want to become lawyers.

Ye Dexing casually read the contents of this proposal twice, and many of the contents are similar to the written style of laws and regulations. The norms are norms, and it doesn't hurt your eyes to read them, but it's just...

Too much.

It takes a long time to read it, let alone understand it.

"It's a bit long, but the content is quite comprehensive. If you want to know, you can find it by searching." Qiu Baiyu smiled, "Don't worry, my built-in intelligent search system supports fuzzy search, no matter how fuzzy you are, you can find it." Calculate the content you want to search and let the viewer know the content."

"Then I'll try."

Out of curiosity, Ye Dexing tried a few random searches, using the keyword 'too many people management'. Soon an entry appeared in front of him, and he clicked on it. Sure enough, it was about how to deal with too many people at once. Standard management items.

The above description is very detailed, as long as the administrator is not an idiot, he can understand and refer to the entry to implement the management policy.

Qiu Baiyu will not pay attention to the following personnel selection, but she will participate in the selection of some important managers and leaders.

In order for the construction of Nantianmen Star to proceed in an orderly manner as planned, the abilities and actions of leaders and administrators are essential.

A good leader does not require all efforts to turn the tide, but he certainly cannot do one three against three orders.

"It looks good, but with such a big plan, isn't Academician Qiu going to give a brief overview? Otherwise, I won't be able to communicate with my superiors and the conference."

Ye Dexing said with a wry smile: "There are too many contents. If some of the regulations conflict with Dongyuan's traditional principles, legal regulations or the wishes of the people, it may cause a lot of trouble."

Qiu Baiyu nodded, "I know, don't worry, I can be responsible for my plan. In addition, I have basically taken into account all the precautions and development matters discussed within the affairs department.

"This plan is a white paper on the construction of a new world that is open to the whole society. My idea is to make it public to the whole country. All people can search the plan, find out what they want to change, and then put forward their opinions. What do you think? "

"If all the people participate, then there will be no problem." Ye Dexing nodded, "Then I will hand it in for you?"

"Well, contact me if you have anything."



Ye Dexing is actually the third head of the affairs department who is in touch with Qiu Baiyu. Except for the first Yun Xing'an, the next few are Qiu Baiyu's immediate bosses in name, but basically no one dares to use this to add to Qiu Baiyu. Basically polite.

In addition to the General Affairs Department, there are also Dongyuan high-level executives. Many of Qiu Baiyu's contacts with Qiu Baiyu have retired one after another. If anyone wants to suppress Qiu Baiyu's power, I am afraid they can Rely on the General Assembly to suppress.

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