According to this ratio of the Milky Way, if two civilizations fight, the village weapon fight will be farther than the two civilizations.

If you count other galaxies, superclusters and other places, that's not to mention.

"Looking at the current situation, the Yama civilization and the starfish empire should be the two civilizations closest to us." Qiu Baiyu came to the sofa and sat down slowly, took a sip of the tea that Chen Siyu had just poured, "The higher-ups plan to How to respond?"

"The higher-ups are discussing how to respond and whether to make it public. They know that you are on vacation, and they specifically told me not to tell you if you don't ask, and ask for your opinion if you do."

"I have no objection." Qiu Baiyu waved his hand, "It's fine to let a random person figure out how to deal with such a trivial matter of civilized exchanges. I don't have the time to take care of such trivial matters."

"Okay." Chen Siyu nodded, "The above means that there may be more and more exchanges in the future, more and more frequent, do you want to report every time information?"

"No need." Qiu Baiyu lay down on the sofa, "Actually, you don't need to consult me ​​about these things, your thoughts are actually my thoughts, you still don't know after getting along for so long?"

"That's true, but..." Chen Siyu said seriously: "I cannot overstep my authority and decide these relatively high-impact matters."

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about this, it's all here, why don't we go black together, eat here when you're hungry, and sleep here when you're sleepy, it's no problem."


The last picture of AGM gave me a warning 0.0

Chapter 237 Plasma Launcher and Cracking Cannon

"In this universe there are not only 'humans' but an alien civilization!"

"We should send greetings in other directions and contact other civilizations!"

The individual image of the Yama civilization is somewhat similar to a small dinosaur, with a prominent head, a severely forward body, a pair of small broken hands, and small wings that may not be able to fly.

According to human seating standards, Yama's protruding head could hit the computer screen while sitting on the chair.

A group of 'dinosaurs' having a round table meeting together is funny no matter how you think about it. Of course, it is imagined from a human point of view, using human tables and chairs.

Qiu Baiyu is now watching their meeting through the monitoring equipment of a forward base in their outpost.

They gathered around a round table full of abstract style, head to head discussing things seriously.

"In our Republic, the sentiment towards the exchange of alien civilizations is unprecedentedly high, but you have also seen that we have sent signals to the outside world for nearly two years, and it was only recently that we got contact with an alien civilization."

"Yes, we should think about what went wrong."

"Human civilization sent us a contact, and they told us that they discovered our communication frequency band by accident, and it was very difficult to analyze it. It was a problem with our communication frequency band, and Wuhu couldn't get up."

The gradually degenerating wings of the Yama individual made them unable to fly, so their catchphrase became a similar meaning of "can't fly", the real meaning is probably no, negative.

And if it's 'flying', it means that things are done perfectly.

In order to be down-to-earth, Qiu Baiyu translated Fei into Wuhu - which is more in line with the characteristics of Yama civilization.

"How should we get up in Wuhu?"

"I think I can learn about human signal frequency bands. Their communication signal frequency bands are more excellent and can be better received by signal receivers. Do you know? When I first received human communication frequency bands, I felt that we Tachyon communication is really outdated."

"Then upgrade the communication technology! Let the communication technology Wuhu rise!"


Qiu Baiyu, who likes to observe secretly, is lost in thought while watching Yama's meeting.

"How can I help them and let them connect with the Starfish Empire..."

Yama civilization has entered space for many years than human civilization, and they have established outposts in many stars.

The reason why they still have the two empires fighting openly and secretly on their home planet is mainly because they were unlucky, and they didn't find a habitable planet until recent years.

It is worth mentioning that this livable planet is not 100% livable. According to their public information, the Yama civilization prefers dry planets. Their home planet is a dry planet with scarce vegetation. The land is covered by cliffs and canyons, and only the north and south poles have jungles. The reason is that their parent star is too close to the star, which leads to high temperatures near the equator.

However, the habitable planet discovered by Yamagno is a polar planet, that is, there is only vegetation near the equator, and the north and south poles are covered with ice and snow, which is extremely cold, which is exactly the opposite of the climate of Yama's parent planet.

Unless it undergoes long-term transformation, that planet cannot become the capital planet of Yamagno, and only experimental colonization can be carried out. Life is limited to some areas on the equator, and the cost of settling in other places will be very high.

Therefore, in the process of discovering habitable planets and slowly migrating to them, the competition for the home planet is still not lost, and it is absolutely impossible to give up the home star to Yamamilu.

The development of the scientific and technological competition between the two countries of the Yama civilization has made their technological and military strength superior to that of human beings. It is obviously better for them to get in touch with the Starfish Empire.

While looking at the content of the stolen meeting, Qiu Baiyu was thinking about how to get the other party to send a tachyon signal to greet the coordinates of the Starfish Empire without disturbing the other party's senior management.

"Do you want to tell them directly through the identity of human civilization?"

It seems that this is not impossible. It can be said that human beings have received the tachyon signal from that coordinate, but it has not yet been successfully analyzed.

Then by the way, the signal frequency band sent by Haixing [-] was sent to Yamagno for their own analysis.

With their attitude, 100% will send greeting communications to coordinates.

However, if both parties want to decipher each other's language, it should take a long distance.

During this time period, the two parties will definitely send communications tentatively for communication.

At that time, it will be possible to determine what trend of thought the Starfish Empire belongs to.

It is also possible to send the language of the Starfish Empire that I have already learned to Yama, but in that case... it is not impossible.

At most, it is to reduce the other party's favorability towards their own civilization.

But in this case, the intention is too obvious, and it is still only telling one coordinate.

After making the decision, Qiu Baiyu sent a message to the newly established Interstellar Diplomacy Office for External Liaison, and simultaneously sent it to the General Affairs Department.

Just told the coordinates of the Starfish Empire to the Yama civilization, there is basically no doubt, this proposal was passed, and it is going to be sent to the Yama civilization in the next contact.

Regarding the research on the two starfish, the relevant high-level officials in Dongyuan basically felt that if this starfish empire came into contact with it, it would definitely not coexist peacefully, and it would not coexist in a friendly way like the Yama civilization.

According to the words of the two starfish, it can be judged that the pro-expatriate starfish has a lower right to speak, so we must be prepared for the extreme xenophobia of the other party.

The stellar base is still under construction. Don't think about the dock module or anything like that. That's just the next step.

If you want to build an interstellar war-class spacecraft, you can only produce it on the ground and then transport it to the dock of the moon base for assembly.

In order to prepare for the possible crisis of the Starfish Empire, after a period of discussion, Qiu Baiyu decided to design a miniature frigate, which is roughly equivalent to a drone in modern warfare, using its powerful detection capabilities to attack information stations and Penetration.

As for space combat, weapons and the like must of course be updated, and it is impossible to use missiles for ground combat.

No matter how the missile flies, can it be as fast as the speed of light?

The current technology is still unable to accelerate the hydrogen bomb to sub-light speed to strike the target. Before the development of anti-matter missiles, it is obvious that the missile technology is not suitable for the starry space environment and can only be used for short-range interception.

Regarding the star combat strategy, Qiu Baiyu directly proposed two new plans.

Plasma Launchers, which fire spheres of high-energy plasma at targets, and Disruptor Cannons, which fire molecular bonds that break atoms.

Just like before the advent of controlled nuclear fusion, human beings have developed powerful bombs such as atomic bombs and hydrogen bombs.

The current technology cannot completely control the molecular atoms, but if you want to, you still have the opportunity to break the molecular bonds of most substances.

Drink tea~(It seems to have been posted?).jpg

Chapter 238 Didn’t You Say There Are No Interstellar Weapons?!

"I really don't know what those guys who only have shit in their heads are thinking, Dongyuan is so powerful, and he still stubbornly targets them, eh..."

On the moon base, Orff, the first foreign scientist who came to the moon base, came back and was chatting with the astronaut Sophia he met on the moon base.

Ever since he was ridiculed by the whole world for his ignorance, Orff learned from the pain, and now he has lost his original arrogance.

Sophia is pretty much the same.

She was one of the people who landed on Mars as 'No.1', from Maple Leaf Country, and of course her nationality has been changed to Miri Empire now.

"Those stupid politicians only know to ask us for votes all day long, and they don't care about anything else. It's better to count on monkeys than on them." Sophia is also very dissatisfied with those Miri politicians who are full of shit.

In Miri, there are many countries from the west, criticizing politicians and regimes, that is daily political correctness.

They call it free speech.

At the moment, Dongyuan's technological, military, and even economic strength has crushed them, pushing their arrogance into the cesspit.

If they want to maintain their arrogance to the third world and maintain their 'nobility', they can only start with 'freedom'.

After discovering that Dongyuan seldom discusses their high-level executives on the Internet, I feel that they have more freedom of speech.

Of course, their freedom of speech can only be reflected in criticizing the government, others dare not criticize at all because they are politically correct.

And Dongyuan basically dares to scold and say anything except the above, even dare to say what the west dare not say, but the comment does not exist after saying it.

The top management of Mirui is basically in a state of failure and cannot catch up. What else can they do if they don't fail?

Of course, you can't say clearly that you are bad, you must use Dongyuan as an excuse, touch Dongyuan every day, say hello, and show that you are doing it.

This attitude, of course, made many people in their country scold their mothers.

Orff and Sophia are among the scolders.

They are carrying out the mission of the Miri space agency, and the senior management of the space agency told them that the grand occasion of sufficient funds in the past few years is no longer there, and the landing on Mars is already at its peak. Now, with their dependence on Dongyuan Aerospace, the senior management of Miri has been decreasing year by year their expenses.

"How many days do we have here?" Orff asked.

At this time, they were on the hill outside the moon base, looking at the blue planet hanging high in the sky.

"It's only been three days, the funds are not enough, and the time to perform tasks here is getting less and less."

"No way, those stupid pigs have taken the money."

Orff sighed and stood up, "Treasure these three days, maybe you won't have the chance to come to the moon in the future."

Sophia turned her head to look at Orff, looked at his face through the transparent mask, and suddenly smiled: "Do you want to take advantage of the last time to do something exciting on the moon?"

Orff understood in seconds, and smiled, "Of course, I also want to try it out, what is the experience of looking for excitement on the moon."

"I remember that in our laboratory there is a miniature experimental cabin that cuts off cosmic rays and mimics the living environment. The panoramic view is transparent, which is suitable for taking it out to 'do an experiment'."

"Is there such a thing?" Orff's eyes lit up, "Then you have to give it a try."

So the two quickly returned to the laboratory, using the excuse of doing research, to take out the experimental cabin that can accommodate two people.

Looking at the appearance of that thing, it is equivalent to an oval glass cover with a bracket on the bottom and some special materials and circuits on the top. There is a simple oxygen tank inside, which can provide oxygen for a period of time.

The two took the glass cabin out of the moon base and came to an imperceptible place.

Earth can be seen here above the sky.

After simple installation, they drilled into the glass cabin, closed the lid, and after confirming that the external environment was okay, they quickly took off their spacesuits and began to seek excitement.

"Darling, this is the first time for me to sit in such an open place."

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