Under the deliberate planning of the Presbyterian Church, Starfish spies would occasionally attend activities organized by the Presbyterian Council to enhance their presence and let the starfish below know that they are "being protected by the gods".

And now, the hero is about to go to that mysterious kingdom of God, so all starfish must be very curious about how to enter.

Under the watchful eyes of countless starfish, the starfish spy's body began to glow blue, and a pure spiritual blue beam of light shot up into the sky, and then spread out to shine on the faces of all the starfish—this is the burning of the remaining Zelo. of light.

"Ah, this is..."

"This is a gift from the gods!"

"I feel a strong force surging!"

"It's so comfortable, as if the whole person is wrapped in warm water."

"I feel my mother's arms..."


Countless starfish showed their eyes of enjoyment.

If there is an expression, the starfish spy is smiling at this time.

All the elders of the Presbyterian Church who had enlightened psychic power felt like they were facing a formidable enemy, but they felt that this wave of psychic energy was not harmful, but instead strengthened their strength, so they relaxed and told the senior elders that this ceremony no problem.

So, under the watchful eyes of everyone, the starfish spy's body gradually drifted away, turning into countless tiny particles and floating in the air.

At the end, Starfish Spy seems to be smiling: "I'm bringing you the last gift, I hope you like it."

The light faded, and the starfish spy was gone.

The many starfish bathed in the burning brilliance of Zelo feel nothing now, and they are all thanking the starfish spy for this gift.

They don't know that after a period of time in the future, their bodies will be slowly occupied by disordered spiritual energy, and then gradually decompose and die.

Just like radiation, high concentrations of psionic energy can easily cause irreparable damage to living things. Among them, the afterglow of Ze Luo is equivalent to sticking to the face of uranium 235 that is rapidly fissuring.

This is the last gift from the starfish spy to the starfish empire.

Ignite the last remaining Zelo, then turn into countless nano-robots and leave to reunite in another place.

Just when the countless starfish on the altar of worshiping the gods still couldn't get enough of the warm light, the starfish spy had turned into another starfish, bargaining with the ship owner in front of an interstellar shipyard.

Several intelligence programs that have been placed on the Starfish network have already created an account for the Starfish spy by the way, and the Starfish currency stored on it is enough to buy a civilian spaceship.

"Hee, are you sure you're really going to 'that galaxy'?"

"Of course."

"If that's the case, then I can accept your price, but I need to see you enter that hyperspace channel!"

"no problem."

Chapter 289 Curator

The galaxy Qiu Baiyu locates is surrounded by the Starfish Empire. It is an unoccupied galaxy, but all the galaxies around it have been occupied by the Starfish Empire.

Only leaving this galaxy is enough to show that there is something in this galaxy that makes the Starfish Empire very difficult and cannot be broken.

According to the information obtained, it seems that there is a mysterious alien civilization entrenched in this galaxy.

When the Starfish Empire entered this galaxy, it was like encountering the Lingxiao scientific research ship. The scientific research ship of the Starfish Empire tentatively attacked the space station of the alien civilization—and then was beaten and fled.

Later, the Starfish Empire also dispatched a fleet, but the result was not too bad, basically they could only be beaten and fled.

What makes the Starfish Empire fortunate is that the alien civilization did not pursue it in the end, and if it bypassed it from a distance, the other party would not attack.

This prevented the galaxy from becoming a stumbling block to the Starfish Empire—and was also named the 'stumbling galaxy' by the Starfish Empire.

Qiu Baiyu felt that the translation was a bit weird, so he changed the name on the star map and changed it to 'Half-Dimensional Galaxy'.

If human beings enter this galaxy in the future, they may empty their minds and wonder about the origin of the name "half-width".

Because it once attacked that alien civilization, the Starfish Empire had no choice but to communicate with that alien civilization. In addition, the mainstream thought trend of the Seastar Empire was xenophobic, and basically refused to communicate with that alien civilization. look.

"There is a planet in this galaxy with many treasures, which attracts countless adventure stars, but that planet is within the vision of that alien bastard, so it is easy to be attacked... So, brave adventure stars, you enter this Is the galaxy also for the treasure on that planet?"

In front of the hyperspace channel of the half-angle galaxy, a checkpoint was set up by the Starfish Empire—except for the 'terrible galaxy', they have set up checkpoints for the hyperspace channel of other galaxies to charge the 'channel maintenance fee'.

Regardless of whether they have the technology to maintain the waterway, in short, this is the name of the fee.

"Yes, I'm also here for that treasure." Facing the inquiry of the checkpoint toll collector, Starfish Spy nodded.

"Very wow." The toll collector showed an exaggerated expression, "But your ship seems to have only one star for you, do you need help? You only need to pay 10000 nautical coins for each star."

The ship purchased by Starfish Spy probably cost about 100 million, while a Starfish sailor would cost [-]...

"Thank you, I suggest that you take my money directly." Starfish spy politely declined.

"Can you?" The toll collector's eyes lit up.

"You can try."

"Just kidding, but I don't seem to have seen you, nor have I seen a ship with only one star. Maybe you don't need someone to help you drive, but I believe you must need something else, such as a galaxy map..."

"I'm in a hurry, and if you sell any more stuff that I can't possibly buy, I'll cut off your horn."

"Don't be so violent, I wish you a smooth journey."


When leaving the toll point, Qiu Baiyu could still see that the toll collector was chattering and promoting the next boat to pass.

"Generally speaking, setting up card charges on hyperspace waterways, with the size of the Starfish Empire, should have a good income, right? Why are you still selling these messy things?"

This thought flashed through his mind, and then Qiu Baiyu stopped paying attention.

The ship successfully entered the hyperspace channel and came to the half-width galaxy.

In this galaxy, there are also many civilian spaceships from the Starfish Empire.

Sensors show that all ships will intentionally avoid an arc when they are flying. Obviously, that arc is the warning range of that alien civilization.

The sensor was aimed there, and the space station of the alien civilization was soon displayed on the screen.


Qiu Baiyu sent a communication message to the space station using the signal frequency band of human civilization.

Soon, the news got feedback.

"Welcome, dear visitor of human civilization, we are curators, keeper of knowledge, and serve you wholeheartedly."

"Hi, I'm Qiu Baiyu, from the Solar Galaxy 52 light-years away, you seem to have conflicts with the Starfish Empire?"

Qiu Baiyu made inquiries while approaching the curator's space station.

"Yes, this savage civilization attacked us after ignoring our greetings during the first contact. Our curator organization does not welcome any hostile civilizations, nor will we communicate with them."

"Oh?" Qiu Baiyu said with great interest, "Introduce yourself first?"

"No problem, honored guest."

A moment after this message was sent, a creature image that looked like a tidal sea spirit appeared on the projection screen.

"Hello, I am a curator investigator. The curator organization has been active in the Milky Way for tens of millions of years. Our main duty is to collect various knowledge and record the history of the evolution of galaxies and the universe.

"In order to obtain some additional resources, we will sell our knowledge as a commodity to civilized races who want to obtain the mysteries of the universe. We are willing to accept all intelligent creatures with sufficient ability and communication ability to join our organization. different forms of life to provide suitable living conditions."

"So, your space station is very large in the universe?"

"Yes, we are a pan-galactic neutral organization, just like the non-governmental organization that was born in the development stage of your civilization, we are a pan-galactic non-governmental organization."

Qiu Baiyu opened the star map and took a look, "This space station of yours is currently surrounded by the Starfish Empire. Are you afraid that they will come back to attack you again?"

"It's possible that they have also cut off our connection with the outside world." The curator investigator nodded.

"Aren't you in a hurry?"

"For now, there is no need to worry. Moreover, we have also waited for the second civilization, which is you... But why is the image of your ship similar to that of the Starfish Empire? It is a very rare phenomenon."

"I bought ships from the Starfish Empire." Qiu Baiyu said.

At this moment, she is no longer the image of the starfish spy, but has become her personal image.

"That's it." The investigator nodded, "Welcome. If you want to land on our space station, just tell us, but we need to conduct a safety inspection on your ship to prevent it from being blown up by bombs. Our laboratory."

"I have no plans to land at the moment." Qiu Baiyu looked at the blue planet in front of the curator's space station, "I am planning to land on this planet, is it okay?"

"Of course no problem, guest, please go ahead, we welcome you anytime."


Chapter 290 Knowledge Sharing

Qiu Baiyu's collection of nanomachines slowly approached the curator's alert range.

The route she set was different from other starfish ships, and she did not intend to evade the curator's vigilance at all.

This situation immediately attracted the attention of the surrounding starfish ships.

A starfish frigate patrolling in the distance immediately tapped into the ship's communications.

"Personal transport ship No. 1022899, the front is dangerous, please stop immediately and change the course, please note, your course is extremely dangerous..."

Under the watchful eyes of many starfish ships, Qiu Baiyu's ship successfully entered the curator's warning area.

"It's over, this star's head is not working well, and he will run in."

"Which stunned young man is this, did no one tell him that this shortcut cannot be copied?"

"What is he going to do? Does he want to land directly on that treasure box planet, or fly directly there?"

"I can already think of his spaceship boom!"


So under the expectant (maybe nervous and worried?) eyes of many starfish, the spacecraft successfully entered the warning area.


Nothing happened.

The early warning range of the space station seems to be fake.

The frigate that was originally connected to the communication to warn to drive away was also stunned.

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