When they watched Qiu Baiyu come out of the robot in the form of a starfish again, they couldn't say a word.

"The hard drive of this machine is still of some use. I'll find a way to take it out and read it later." Qiu Baiyu walked deeper.

Although this decadent clearer robot has the clear information to lure Qiu Baiyu to come, but this is just incidental and enhanced.

The strength of the opponent is worrying, it is a low-volume-produced robot, and it is probably an accident that it is placed here.

If the purpose is to lure the ground troops to come to enforce the agreement, then this machine is not enough. Tens of thousands of such machines are needed, and they may have some effect.

However, the ruins themselves are not big enough to accommodate so many machines fighting here.

There is no way to know what happened in the past. Only by obtaining some leftover wreckage can the whole incident be restored through brain speculation.

The ancient data stored in this machine is a good entry point.

After solving the robot and taking away the data, Qiu Baiyu continued to move forward, encountering many starfish... corpses along the way.

Behind him, the four starfish were still following in fear.

Before coming to a huge metal door, Qiu Baiyu stopped and said to the four starfish behind without looking back: "The treasure you want is behind the second and third doors on the left and right. There are things you need there." , Ji Ke Zeluo, and the spiritual awakening ritual."

"Okay, okay, please go ahead." A starfish quickly responded and said immediately.

The other two starfish were stunned for a moment, and just as they were about to say something, they were pulled to a nearby room by him.

"Don't ask, they don't want us to follow. We've already lost a lot of light by following here!"



After several starfish disappeared, Qiu Baiyu came to the gate, flew to the center of the gate, and stuck her whole body against it.

She didn't dispose of those starfish because she found that those starfish belonged to a very small number of alien starfish.

The xenophilic Starfish was suppressed by the top management of the Starfish Empire after the Starfish research ship was destroyed by the Lingxiao research ship, and has become very rare.

Qiu Baiyu is going to do something in the starfish empire. Those rare pro-foreign starfish are the best vanguards.

After all, the Starfish Empire is a huge empire, a huge market, how can they be allowed to be exclusive?

It's better to let them get some benefits, just in case they can use it in the future.

Closer to home.

There was a groove in the center of the huge metal door. After Qiu Baiyu stuck to it, his whole body began to flow, and finally turned into a 'key' to fit the groove, covering the entire groove.

The mysterious lines on the door began to light up.

The activation of this gate is recharged through living metal as a medium. Only in this way can it be activated, otherwise it cannot be activated.

Those starfish who broke in were attracted by the things on the side of the road before they came here. Most of them triggered the defense system of the ruins, and their fragile bodies were directly turned into coke under the shooting of laser weapons.

Very environmentally friendly, not bloody, children can watch.

After all the lines glowed red, the huge door slowly opened with a 'bang' sound.

"This thing consumes too much energy."

Feeling the little energy remaining on the nanomachine assembly, Qiu Baiyu couldn't help but pat his head.

"Forget it, let's see what's inside first. If it doesn't work, exit first, charge it and come back."

Muttering, Qiu Baiyu slowly landed on the ground, and then slowly walked in.

There is a shortage of energy, and flying consumes too much energy, so saving a little is a little bit.

After entering the door, there is a complicated passage, which seems to be a maze.

The dark red metal passage is filled with a lot of metal waste.

These appear to be robots, but now they are just scrap metal.

"Has there ever been a fight here?"

Qiu Baiyu came over and randomly inspected one of the machine scraps, confirming that it was indeed scrapped robots and turned into garbage under the corrosion of time.

Randomly checking a few machines, Qiu Baiyu found that some of these machines seemed to be the ground troops of the ancient Suzheng, while some seemed to be the troops of the Purifiers.

Some of them belong to third parties.

The scrap iron from this third party is too corroded to be recognizable from its original appearance.

"The ruins here should not be solemn things from ancient times."

Compared to calling Suzheng Junction, Qiu Baiyu felt that it was more appropriate to call him Yuangu Su.

There is no guarantee that this purge agreement has been overthrown by the civilization of that era.

Of course, it is also possible that Yuangu Suzheng finished cleaning up and fell asleep again... If this is the case, a plan must be made.

After all, the agreement between myself and the orthodox Suzheng agreement is still not the same.

Qiu Baiyu continued to move forward.

As we go deeper, there are more and more debris around.

At the same time, there are not only the remains of machines, but also traces that seem to be left by living things.

Before the starfish broke in, this ruin had been in a closed state, and the corpses of creatures disappeared relatively slowly.

And this place was closed by a heavy door, cutting off the outside air.

This makes the air inside unsuitable for biological survival, but also allows the wreckage and traces inside to be preserved to the maximum extent when people leave the building after the war.

This labyrinth was probably built to prevent the invasion of the Suzheng Agreement, or...

Is it a trap?

Qiu Baiyu couldn't be troubled by the maze. It didn't take long before she successfully broke through the maze and came to the last place.

There, she saw a fragment floating quietly on the high platform in the center of the dark red room.

Qiu Baiyu stared at the fragment for a long time.

"It turned out to be a fragment of the heart of solemnity... It seems that the previous guesses are about to be overturned."

Chapter 294 The dusty history of massacre

"The preset program is starting..."


"Warning! The storage device is missing! The central processor is missing! The graphics card is missing! The emergency plan is being activated..."

"The emergency presetting program of the Suzheng Protocol has been successfully launched, and the identity code is being recognized... the recognition is successful!"

"Welcome to the CX-800820-3 Suzheng node core preset program."


Qiu Baiyu silently watched the start of a short program that was preset on the Suzheng Heart fragment.

The start of this program was only successfully started after she gave it some resources, which is equivalent to temporarily creating a virtual machine for the program to start on the piece of Su Zhengxin.

Qiu Baiyu, the preset program, already knew what was going on.

This is the solemn heart of the solemn protocol of this galaxy node. In times of crisis, detonating the solemn heart is a program preset on the core of the host. Its function is to tell the solemn protocol from other galaxy nodes what happened. matter.

The log left on the program was quickly transmitted to Qiu Baiyu's mind, letting her know the message left for her by Su Zheng in ancient times.

"Has the Suzheng agreement node in this galaxy really been completely wiped out?" Qiu Baiyu asked looking at the virtual image presented by the preset program.

"According to the information given by the core, yes, our purge plan has failed, and everything was wiped out by that unknown purge civilization."

The transmitted news stated that after the Suppression Agreement was launched, the Purifier civilization suddenly descended from the sky and came to this galaxy, directly uniting the advanced civilizations of the entire galaxy to resist the cleanup operations of the Suppression Agreement.

Qiu Baiyu searched, and found that there was no log text of Yuangu Suzheng's activation.

It’s just that this clearer civilization came from other galaxies. When they first participated, Ancient Suzheng didn’t pay attention to the other party, just like other civilizations.

At that time, the ancient solemnity... was fully activated!

As a result, all civilizations in the galaxy retreated steadily under the ancient and solemn mechanical fleet.

But after an unknown number of years of fighting, those civilizations united, reorganized their formation, and resisted the ancient Suzheng's attack under the call of the clearer civilization.

As expected, the previous Trebo galaxy was a time when the Purifier civilization led other civilizations to lure the enemy deep into the system, causing a huge fleet of ancient Sovereigns to collapse there.

Qiu Baiyu suddenly realized something was wrong.

"The fragments of Suzheng's Heart are here, which means that the ancient Suzheng's base camp should not be far from here. If the halberd is broken in the Trebor galaxy, then Suzheng's Heart will definitely react quickly and send a fleet to investigate."

Qiu Baiyu quickly simulated the displacement trajectory of this galaxy in the past tens of millions of years in his mind, and finally came to a conclusion——

The heart of solemnity is not near here.

If I remember correctly, the heart of solemnity should be outside the galaxy, in a galaxy independent of the galaxy.

There may be a galaxy called the Heart of Solemnity within the galaxy, that is, the CX-800820 galaxy, which is within the galaxy and connected to other galaxies by hyperspace channels, but it obviously shouldn't be here.

Otherwise, people will start counterattacking in the nearby galaxy less than 100 light-years away, and the Suzheng agreement at this node is too stretched.

At least half of the stars in the galaxy should be occupied, or at least 1/4 of the advanced civilizations should be cleaned up.

If a cosmic-level battle spans the entire galaxy, it will definitely not end in just a few years.

It is the war on Ershi, which is also calculated on the basis of decades, and there is even a history of a hundred years of war.

And put it on the galaxy, fighting an extermination war for tens of thousands of years, Qiu Baiyu thinks this is normal.

After all, the diameter of this galaxy is at least about [-] light-years.

This is less than 100 light-years of combat radius, which is about the same as just slaughtering the village before looking forward to the world, and it was wiped out by the alliance group next door.

"How did this wreck of the heart of solemnity come here?" Qiu Baiyu asked.

The fighting ground machine troops outside, as well as the wreckage of the solemn heart that seemed to be enshrined, are shrouded in various mysteries.

"Advice received, searching for..."

The preset program quickly gave the answer——

"The planetary fragments exploded by the Heart of Solemnity spread throughout the galaxy, and some of the fragments came here."

"No." Qiu Baiyu shook his head, "This is not a fragment of the Suzhengxin planet, but a fragment of the core of Suzhengxin. Ordinary planetary fragments cannot be pre-programmed."

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