But it's fine.

Dongyuan welcomes the development of Sa Wu.


Because Sawu lacks pioneering technology and experience!

Although they can refer to what Dongyuan did when they opened up the Nantianmen Star, it is obviously not in line with their national conditions to blindly imitate, and it may end up being out of control.

So they need Dong Yuan's help.

It is equivalent to starting from walking to graduating from college, all under the care of Dong Yuan...

Difficult to stretch.

But this is also impossible.

Calculated according to the progress of other alien civilizations, it took them one or two hundred years from the discovery of nuclear energy to the control of nuclear fusion, and some of the research reports show that not all civilizations that discovered nuclear energy can go to heaven, and some of them have gone outside. The resources of the planet are exhausted, and the nuclear bombs are thrown at each other, turning the planet into a dead planet

But in fact, this is not the end, because there are some civilizations that have redeveloped in the wasteland after the nuclear explosion and rushed out of space. He can even resist the nuclear radiation with his body. Of course, they need to spend longer than other civilizations It takes time to grow up in the starry sky.

And a civilization that is lucky enough to tame nuclear energy is unlikely to be able to build ghost things like battleships after going to the sky for 30 years like Dongyuan.

If nothing else, overcoming the battleship's various technologies is a very long process, and it also requires good luck to find rare resources in the universe that can be used to make super-large-caliber muzzles.

After Dongyuan, the shortest civilization to become an interstellar civilization and master battleship technology is the Domler group, which took 300 years and was developed only after ascending to a psychic empire.

Who knows, there is no one behind the other party to help.

With help, it will take another 300 years.

There are already civilized media speculating on the "life experience" of human civilization.

Some people say that it was the "small account" opened by those super empires at the Milky Way level. Others say that Dongyuan is an awakened and fallen empire, a powerful empire that once dominated the star sea. Developed and then re-entered space.

Only such an explanation can prove that Dongyuan has developed such a powerful technological force in just 30 years.

However, no matter how Dongyuan and human civilization develop, there is no alien civilization to offend Dongyuan at this moment, allowing Dongyuan to gain a period of rapid expansion.

At the same time, it also helps other countries of mankind to stand on the big stage of the star sea.

In the territory of Sawu, countless Sawu people who were selected as the first batch of pioneers were very excited.

The number of pioneers is only [-], and many of them are seniors who have pioneering experience in Nantianmenxing.

In addition to them, there are also many engineers from Dongyuan who will help Sawu establish a stable outpost and living area in the early stages of development.

"Thank you very much. Without your help, we would not have had the opportunity to look at the starry sky. Thank you for your mercy." As the person in charge of the development, Andreyev, the appointed governor of the newly developed planet "Patyusha Star" Warmly shake hands with Mo Haiqing, chief engineer from Dongyuan.

"Everything is for the common prosperity of mankind." Mo Haiqing, chief engineer of Dongyuan, said with a smile, "We also want to have a similar ally in interstellar exploration to move forward together and fight against the crises in the star sea."

The photo of the two shaking hands was taken and sent back to Dongyuan, where everyone was amazed.

"Finally, we have 'neighbors' in the universe (laughs)."

"Sawu has had a very good relationship with us in the past few decades. It should only be beneficial to us if the other party becomes an interstellar civilization."

"Speaking of which, why does the country help other countries to become interstellar empires? I don't understand it. Can't you swallow it by yourself?"

"Where is it so easy? If you can swallow everything, why didn't those aliens in the universe do it?"

"Yes, the nearest neighbors around our earth are more than 40 light-years away, and there are more than ten galaxies between them. How can such a large sea of ​​stars be eaten?"

"Instead of cheapening those warlike aliens, it is better to let the human country become an interstellar civilization. Compared with traveling in the interstellar and seeing all kinds of messy races, I am more like seeing 'foreign countries' with only human beings."

"Indeed, I traveled to the Starfish Empire before. When I saw the slimy starfish and their unreasonable architectural style, I lost the mood to travel and came back directly."

"Not all aliens are disgusting. Among the more than 1000 civilizations in the Galactic Community, I found a species that fits our human aesthetics!"

"What species?"

"Fox girls! There is such a species as fox girls! They are about the same height and appearance as us humans, but they have fluffy ears and tails! It's unbelievable. I thought they were only Two-dimensional."

"Is there a possibility that we are actually in Two-dimensional()"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"Where is the Fox Lady civilization? I'm going to travel, but I'm going to settle down!"

"By the way, is there a cat girl?"


Therefore, it is a quick way for netizens to deviate from the topic.

One second they were discussing Shitu, and the next second they were talking about Jianzheng.

Many Shitu groups were blown up not because of posting Shitu, but because they were blown up by Jianzheng.

The scene of Savu boarding the pioneer ship was broadcast live.

Next, they will sail in the interstellar space for a year, and go to a galaxy that is 60 light-years away from the Solar Galaxy and renamed the Patyusha Galaxy to develop.

It is also because the distance is too far, so the development ship carried 10 people, and the saved space was used to store other materials, and a self-sufficient ecosystem was built on it.

After the pioneering operation is confirmed, they will send citizens there one after another.

Continuing on the Ershi star actually does not help their development. It is better to go directly to a new place, how to develop depends on oneself, and no longer intrigues with the neighbors around.

They were obviously planning to move the whole country.

Many countries have expressed their support for this, and Dongyuan also expressed that they will keep their country base on Ersh, and will not let others destroy those precious heritages that cannot be taken away.

For this, Sa Wu obviously expressed his gratitude.

As for what will happen next, I don't know.

In fact, Dong Yuan also wanted to do what he said.

The resources on Ersh Planet are insignificant compared to the resources in the universe.

Instead of mining resources on Ershi, it is better to keep it as a protected area and exist as a "sacred place".

Because this is the birthplace of human beings, no matter what, it is impossible for Dongyuan to abandon this place and move the capital out.

Many formerly developed countries thought the same way.

If there is a choice, Sahu also wants all other countries to leave, so they stay.

But anyway, they don't have the strength, so why not keep a few people on Ershi, which means they haven't left Ershi, and then move all the troops to a new planet, where they start a new life.

Sa Wu, as the leading brother, left.

Other countries, such as the Iranmic Kingdom and the Indian Three Kingdoms, also began to get excited.

Especially in Yinsan, a large number of people gathered in a small place. If it weren't for Dongyuan's opening up of a new world, the population of the other party might surpass Dongyuan and become the most populous country in Ershi Star.

Obviously their domestic resources cannot support so many people.

Their leaders have always wanted to get out of this predicament, and it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice.

They also want to develop on new planets, and their willingness is even greater than that of Sha Wu.

Qiu Baiyu believes that the three countries of India must be more adaptable than all other countries in developing a livable planet.

After all, their mother river contains the entire periodic table of elements. They can survive just like this. No matter how harsh the environment of the new planet is, it will definitely not be a problem for them.

But they also know their situation, the aircraft carrier can be bombed, if the development ship is bombed, it will be completely sent.

After all, if the aircraft carrier blows up, it can be repaired, but if it is a pioneer ship that has problems in the starry sky, it may not be so easy to repair.

But now, when they saw Sa Wu leave, they also became jealous after he left very gracefully.

"We also want to open up the star sea!"

The public voice of Yinsan is very high, and the business opportunities contained in it are so high that it affects the decision-making power and elections of high-level officials. Therefore, the current Prime Minister of Yinsan has to say that they already have plans to develop and are currently building a pioneer ship.

However, because of the fear of neighbors coming to destroy it, the plan and construction site were kept secret.

In a word, I'm doing it (new folder).

In addition to India three, other countries have also begun to be excited.

Not long after, orders for the construction of pioneer ships were quickly piled up in Dongyuan's space dock office.

The relevant space dock leaders laughed from ear to ear.

"Everything is getting better!"


"The pioneer ship of the Sawu Kingdom has left the earth and headed for the planet Patyusha." On the Qiu Yusi Hanliu adventure ship, Chen Siyu reported the news received to Qiu Baiyu and other people on the ship.

Even though it has been such a long time, Chen Siyu still habitually seeks out information that Qiu Baiyu is interested in, and then reports it to her personally.

"Very good." Qiu Baiyu nodded, "That's pretty good. It would be even better if human beings could spread all over the universe. It's good to face aliens who meet the aesthetics every day. Some aliens are really good-looking... …It’s hard to say, I don’t even want to touch it.”

"Indeed." Liu Xiaoliu nodded in agreement, "Some aliens are all slimy, and I don't know how they look like this, it's disgusting."

"It's okay if it's sticky." Liu Hanmo said: "I'm afraid that it looks like a spider or a cockroach. For example, the Bebak group looks like a big-eyed spider, and I'm afraid when I look at it."

"I think so too." Kong Xiaoyu also said.

"I'm really looking forward to seeing the moment when human beings spread all over the universe." Qiu Baiyu looked at the stars outside the window, "What do you think? Is it possible to achieve it?"

"I think... before we see that moment, we should go west." Liu Xiaoliu laughed.

She is the oldest on the adventure ship Qiuyusi Hanliu. According to the original human age, she is almost 80 years old.

Although the face looks very young, but the body is also very young.

Among psykers, there is no aging unless the psyker wants to grow old.

Idealism is like that.

However, at the age of 80, if Liu Xiaoliu went back and said it when approached, he would definitely scare away countless people.

But if Liu Xiaoliu lives to be 800 years old, then there will be no problem.

No one is interested in an 80-year-old woman, but a lot of 800-year-old women are interested.

It is also the legendary elf man who likes an 80-year-old lady, not a 400-year-old beautiful elf.

Not to mention Liu Xiaoliu, everyone in Qiu Yusi Hanliu has now reached the age group that makes people feel old the most.

Only when you are over a hundred years old will you feel young.

"It's impossible to return to the west." Qiu Baiyu smiled slightly, "My good apprentice is already researching and developing the 'elixir' that prolongs life, and when the time comes to get the relevant technology on the Qiuyu Sihanliu, it's best to get it all done. Automatically, you can go in and lie down if you have nothing to do. But..."

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