After the main force entered the key galaxy and fought with the defensive forces in the galaxy, Xiao Hui and the First Fleet jumped directly to the galaxy closest to the main fleet to make a surprise attack!

There is no accident, with Xiao Hui as a guarantee, even if the combat power brought by the leap is affected, it can still push this fleet without the will to fight, and is in a hurry to escape in the face of the sudden enemy.

In the end, it took less than a day to destroy about 30% of the fleet's ships. The remaining ones either used psychic jump engines to escape, or made an emergency super-light escape through subspace, or rushed to gravity. Escape through the hyperspace channel outside the well.

As for the loss of Dongyuan's first formation, it is almost negligible.

After the fight, Xiao Hui was stunned, "What's going on? Didn't they resist?"

"If you want to resist, you can't resist." Qiu Baiyu smiled lightly: "After entering this galaxy, I hacked into their precognition interface through some methods, messed up the other party's psionic system, temporarily stopped their combat system, and then... ..."

"I see."

Xiao Hui understood.

In fact, even if Qiu Baiyu hacked into the opponent's combat computer with some "tricks" obtained through studying the Void Realm, it would be impossible to achieve such a great effect. The main reason is that the opponent does not want to fight and has a deep shadow on the "Titan Ship". I'm afraid that if I fight, I will be beheaded or I won't be able to escape through emergency superluminal speed.

"The other fleet can't go, let's go, let's go to the big troop for a round, their fleet should be almost assembled, notify the fleet on standby at the Dark Star DM, and tell them to get ready."



This sudden attack made the remaining fleet that was about to set up a trap completely afraid, and ran to a distance of several jumps, leaving only a drone fleet waiting in place.

This is the node to the next important galaxy, and they think Dongyuan will come from here.

However, the Dongyuan counterattack fleet told them with facts that they were not the Brugan Federation and would not do such a stupid thing.

If you find a place where mines are buried, you have to go through the minefield. Unless the minefield must be passed, wouldn't you be a fool?

Obviously, that galaxy is not the only way to go, it's just the closest among dozens of roads, even if it takes a detour, it will only take two more galaxies and a few days more time.

At the same time, when the counter-offensive fleet counterattacked and entered the interior of the Domler ethnic group, the front line was also engaged in fierce battles.

A total of 10 fleets of standard fleet size were invested in the front line of the Domler group, half of which intercepted the Titan formation in Dongyuan, and the other half gave up and continued to "recover the Holy Land", turned their bows, and headed aggressively towards the border of Dongyuan rushed over.

Unlike the counselors of the defense fleet, the soldiers on the front line all have the mentality of making contributions. They are not afraid of death, have high morale, and will not flee in fear of fighting.

The pressure on Dongyuan's border defense suddenly increased.

It's holding up for now.

"We need to speed up." Qiu Baiyu erased one point from the star map, and clicked on the other points, "There are many fleets in the capital of the Domle tribe, and our goal now is to lure the opponent's capital defense fleet. Come out, the premise to achieve this goal is that these defense fleets cannot be organized to prevent us from demolishing our homes, and our distance also needs to be in their perception. at the same time, they can arrive in time, so that they can rest assured."

"It's just to show the enemy's weakness, this is very familiar."

"Dohmler doesn't know how far our jump engine has developed. He doesn't know that our jump engine can already jump over a distance of more than 200 light years. Their psionic jump engine has almost the same data. Next, it's time to play. "

After the counterattack fleet successfully destroyed this key galaxy, it gave a little time, and then rushed to the expected target galaxy.

At the same time, the defense fleets that came to support them were almost assembled, with a total of 6 fleets, and the rest were still on their way.

They passed the interstellar highway and arrived at the key galaxy first. They cooperated with the steel fortress of Optimus Castle and stood ready.

However, what was waiting for them was that after the Dongyuan counterattack fleet approached the galaxy, it suddenly changed direction and sailed to the other side, without directly attacking the galaxy.

This situation caught the fleet waiting in full swing. After calculating from the data that the galaxy that Dongyuan turned around was another key galaxy, they immediately reported the situation to the Imperial Capital Headquarters.

At this time, the command department has already been directly taken over by the Great Prophet, and other people can only serve as auxiliary commands.

This was done because Xiaohui and the first formation suddenly leaped and drove away the trapping fleet. He was so annoyed that he simply went into battle and commanded it himself.

It was also because he was personally in charge of the headquarters that the frightened fleet commanders of the defense fleet did not dare to hide anymore and rushed to the key star systems to wait for Dongyuan's arrival.

Now, Dongyuan turned around, and the commanders of the defense fleet breathed a sigh of relief, and reported to the headquarters: "Master Great Prophet, Dongyuan is afraid of our divine power, and when he was about to arrive here, he suddenly turned, and they turned to Turas The direction of the galaxy went."

It doesn't matter whether Dongyuan is really "afraid of divine power", anyway, when reporting, these modifiers can't be used badly.

"Chase!" The Great Prophet ordered directly, "The longer the time goes, the worse it will be for them. They can't escape!"

snort!Sure enough, they were still scared.

It's just that the six defensive fleets are a bit unstable, but in the steel fortress of the Sky Fortress, in addition to the intensive firepower, there are also auxiliary combat functions such as communication disruptors and force field jammers that can interfere with the enemy, which are more practical than the Titan ship Interference can significantly enhance one's own combat and weaken the enemy's combat effectiveness.

With these things in place, the defense fleet has some confidence.

In the end, Dong Yuan didn't come?

very good!

Now the defense fleet is more confident.

Sure enough, Dong Yuan would also be afraid!

Then won’t it be easy to say next?

Wait until they run a little farther away, and then overtake through the interstellar high-speed kilometer curve, go to the target galaxy first, and continue to wait.

What?They use the jump engine to go somewhere else?

That's a good thing, our psionic leap engine is afraid of them?

They thought so, and did so, and they didn't care about changing the ownership of the star base that Dongyuan hit along the way.

They didn't notice that Dongyuan's forward route was on an interstellar highway.

All the galaxies on this route are occupied by Dongyuan. Of course, Dongyuan will be able to use the hyperspace repeaters of these galaxies to return quickly!

Chapter 469 Straight to the capital!

In the silent void, Qiu Baiyu and Xiao Hui looked at the star map in front of them, and the sensor heard the red dots of the densely packed ships of the Domler tribe.

Xiao Hui was communicating with the commanders of other formations, but Qiu Baiyu did not appear on their communication channel—if they found Qiu Baiyu at the front line, I am afraid that the strategic command center and the General Affairs Department would definitely let the counterattack formation Return, or ask them to send Qiu Baiyu back safely before continuing the mission.

Although it is said that Qiu Baiyu's body is currently in charge of the construction of those giant structures, she will definitely do the same over there, because she has several "criminal records".

"That's enough here, let's give these aliens a little military shock."

Plant the Dongyuan flag in another galaxy and transfer ownership of all space stations and hyperspace relays in the galaxy. It is customary to leave some drones here as defense, and by the way, repair those star base forts that have misfired. , the fleet sailed towards the hyperspace relay.

There is usually a space station at the exit of a hyperspace repeater, just like there is a toll booth at the exit of a highway.

Now that is highly intelligent, most of these "toll booths" are already unattended, and the authority is with the maintenance personnel of the star base.

According to interstellar law, unless it is a bee swarm, an iron-hearted exterminator, or a civilization that only wants to destroy the universe and is listed as a natural disaster by the Galactic Community, if the general civilization operation does not intend to destroy the star base, it is forbidden to kill the star base after gaining control. Maintenance personnel, this regulation is the same as the prohibition of killing jumping pilots in the old days, maintenance personnel have high value.

However, it is usually difficult to be so civilized during war, and who knows if those people will want to die together after surrender?

The Brugan Federation's approach is to expel everyone in the star base and replace it with their own people, or to run it directly unmanned.

Civilizations that can build star bases can still do basic unmanned intelligent operations, and the people inside are just to collect tolls and increase employment, and by the way, the galaxy will not be unpopular.

Now, Dongyuan's approach is to temporarily imprison the high-level staff inside after obtaining the authority, and the other staff at the bottom who do not have authority will not affect their work, as long as they do not hinder themselves.

The fleet group came to the hyperspace repeater, looking at the Domler group defense fleet waiting in full force, Xiao Hui couldn't help laughing, "I really want to see their expressions when they find out that we suddenly returned to fight there. "

"It's conceivable, but there's nothing to see here. I'm going to enter the interstellar highway." Qiu Baiyu said.

Not long after, the entire fleet group entered the space repeater, passed through the hyperspace repeater, and headed in the opposite direction.

When pushing this way, one galaxy after another was cleaned up slowly, and after returning to take the interstellar highway, the speed was so fast that it made the defense fleet of the Domler clan look confused.

"They... turned around again?"

"No, their goal is the galaxy we defended before!"

"Despicable! They have no respect for the spirit of civilization at all!"

"These cunning guys! They are afraid to confront us head-on, and they are actually playing tricks!"

"Don't be dazed, let's go back soon!"

"It's late, the battle will be over by the time we arrive."

"Then go back, or wait to be scolded."


This side hurriedly lined up, preparing for a vigorous decisive battle, but they didn't come, and ran over deliberately aggressively, but when they approached, they suddenly ran away...

The original formation was forced to disrupt and reorganize, and then headed towards the hyperspace relay.

They must also take the interstellar highway to go there, otherwise, they may not even see each other's shadow when they wait there.

But even if they took the interstellar highway, by the time they arrived, there would only be a lot of debris in the entire galaxy, and the resource warehouses and shipyards here were all wreckage.

On the way there, they received news that Dongyuan was very civilized and had informed them of their coming in advance, so that everyone in the galaxy had time to leave.

The news was like a fist as big as a casserole, hitting them hard in the face.

Now, if they don't confront them head-on, they will be forcibly sent away by the remote control of the headquarters.

But there is good news.

There are two relatively distant fleets that are about to arrive here after traveling day and night. They are planning to recover the star systems occupied by Dongyuan first, and then join forces with the six fleets here.

At that time, there is no need to be afraid of not being able to defeat.

This good news didn't cheer up the defensive fleet for long. Just as the two fleets were taking back the star system occupied by Dongyuan, the Dongyuan fleet had already passed the star highway and was heading towards them aggressively.

A rapid alarm sound came from the fleet's sensors, which frightened the two fleets and ran to other galaxies without looking back.

Before they joined the main force, they were finally overtaken by Dongyuan's fleet. The two sides had a fight. The two fleets left more than 30% of the battle damage, and finally joined the main force.

"Now, let me see where you can escape!"

The guts of the defense fleet regained a little bit under the increasing fleet size and the scolding of the Great Prophet.

However, when they were chasing after them, they found that Dongyuan suddenly used the jump and ran directly to another direction. The location where he appeared was another galaxy with many shipyards producing ships.

"Leap? We will too! Chase!"



The capital of the Domler clan.

The Great Prophet silently watched the "good news" from the defense fleet again on the communication.

His anger reached breaking point.

"These wine bags and rice bags are played around by the other party, and they can only follow behind to eat exhaust gas!"

The secretary comforted: "Isn't this a good thing, let us discover the loopholes in the internal defense? Wait until the Dongyuan fleet is cleared..."

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