"Everyone, we are ready to jump, please sit still and support yourself." Chen Siyu suddenly said.

Kong Xiaoyu quickly sat down and helped her up, Qiu Baiyu and Xiao Hui also sat down together.

In the next second, white light enveloped the entire Qiuyusihanliu, and the void in front of it immediately changed, and countless stars flowed rapidly around, and in the next second, they appeared in a strange galaxy.

"This is the buffer galaxy outside the Lasso Federation." Chen Siyu explained to everyone: "If we start from our own star gate, there is a high probability that we will be exposed, so we need to jump once and go to other civilizations to take the star gate Arrive at the vicinity of the Kingdom of the Elves in Atlanta, and then jump again, approaching the Kingdom of the Elves in Atlanta."

"Can we jump so fast?"

"Yes, Team Autumn will install the jump engine on this ship as soon as possible. We only need less than a month to jump again."


A walnut is a walnut, oh~~.jpg

Chapter 474

Qiu Baiyu never fights unprepared battles.

Just like now, after deciding to "play" with the Atlan Elf Kingdom, she will arrange everything properly.

Whether it was the status of entering the border or how to enter the capital later, she found a series of excuses, but this required more responsible procedures.

Soon, the Autumn Yusi Hanliu arrived at the border of the Atlan Elf Kingdom, successfully passed the border security inspection of this civilization, entered the territory, and then landed on a border planet specially for Star Sea adventurers to land.

"This is one of the outer living planets of the Atlantean Elf Kingdom, and most of the adventure activities and exchanges are carried out here."

Looking at the lush green planet in front of him, Qiu Baiyu introduced to Kong Xiaoyu and others.

"This civilization seems to love nature very much." Kong Xiaoyu looked at the planet that was about to land.

"Yeah, it's also because of this. When we were translating, for the sake of convenience, we added an 'elf' to the Kingdom of the Atlan Elf, which means that they like to be close to nature."

As he got closer and closer to the landing city, Liu Hanmo was also surprised when he saw the green between white and white below: "Even in the city, their greening is very good. If you don't look carefully, you can't see it. This is a city made of steel."

"Speaking of this, I'm afraid that the other party also wants to build a city purely from 'nature', but this is obviously impossible, and the cost is too high, so it's unnecessary." Qiu Baiyu laughed.

The spaceship slowly landed on the space dock, and several people disembarked one after another.

"Is this the planet Gaia you mentioned?" Kong Xiaoyu took a deep breath of air, using spiritual energy to analyze the content of oxygen and spiritual energy in the air.

"This is not Gaia planet." Xiaohui replied after inspecting for a while: "This planet is still undergoing transformation, it is not Gaia planet, if I want to meet the standards of Gaia planet, even if I am here, I should feel very comfortable That's right."

Qiu Baiyu nodded, "Well, this is indeed not the Gaia planet. Their transformation of this planet is still in its infancy. It should take decades to completely transform it into a Gaia planet... provided they want to."


"This is an external planet. Unless they have pro-foreign thoughts, it is estimated that other civilizations will not be allowed to go to a planet where they have completed their transformation and only have their race." Qiu Baiyu said.

"So, it's basically impossible for us to go to their capital to find Eva's remains?"

"In general, that's the case. But there are exceptions to everything, right? As long as this civilization is not really closed to the outside world, it is impossible to keep people from other civilizations from entering their capital."

Kong Xiaoyu thought for a while, and said, "That's right. Generally speaking, the capital of our country does not allow aliens to pass through, but it doesn't mean that all aliens are not allowed to enter. It's just that if you want to pass, you need a lot of requirements to go."

"The same is true for the kingdom of the Atlanta elves. They have stricter requirements for aliens to go to their transformed planet and capital. However, no matter how strict their requirements are, as long as we can pass, we have a chance to pass."

Xiaohui added: "Even if they forbid aliens from entering their capital, we still have other ways to get there, such as disguising as individuals of their race."

Individuals in the Atlan Elf Kingdom are actually humanoid, and their overall image is somewhat similar to the legendary elves, except that their skin is rough, blue, and full of hair, but they are not like monkeys. Hair, a bit like Fu Rui of the ancient Meteor.

According to the research of other civilizations on individuals in the Atlan Elf Kingdom, the reason why these Atlan Elves still have a lot of hair is related to their love of communicating with various natural trees.

Since it is nature, there will definitely be small creatures such as mosquitoes, which have no impact on the ecology, but are very annoying small creatures. Their hair exists to deal with these small creatures.

Although after entering the interstellar era, they are not afraid of small creatures such as mosquitoes anymore. As long as they think about it, these vampires can be eliminated at any time, but the aesthetics of hair cannot be changed all at once, so their individuals are still hairy Beauty, for those races with little hair and no facial hair, they think it is ugly.

For example, Qiu Baiyu and others, in their view, are "ugly human beings".But it's okay, because humans have hair, and long hair is a plus point for them, and it's not that they can't accept human looks.

Seeing that Qiu Baiyu and the others had long hair, the Atlan elves on the border planet didn't particularly dislike them. Compared with people from other civilizations, their attitude was more friendly.

"Now I have a question, how can we get to the capital of the Atlantean elf kingdom?" Kong Xiaoyu looked at Qiu Baiyu and asked, "Qiu team, do you have any pigs?"

"A pig?" Xiao Hui blinked, not understanding what the word Kong Xiaoyu meant for a while.

"She's talking about clues." Qiu Baiyu explained, and then said: "Of course there is a way. The reason why this planet has not been transformed into Gaia planet is not very correct. There is a problem here, which led to no There is a way to transform, as long as we make a little mention and solve this external problem, so that they can smoothly transform into Gaia planet, then they can be easily invited to their capital."

"Is there something wrong with this planet?" Kong Xiaoyu asked curiously.

"It's not a special problem, it's just that the plate moves violently, and their tree of life can't stabilize the plate, so there's no way to transform it." Qiu Baiyu laughed.

"The plate movement is violent..."

"Equivalent to our origin planet, Ershi's plate movement, there will be earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and so on from time to time."

"Isn't this a normal thing?"

"Yes, but for the Gaia planet, these geological activities must not affect the reproduction of the creatures on it. That is the Gaia planet, and it can also be called a biological paradise."

"This Gaia planet sounds a bit strong, it doesn't even have geological movements or anything."

"Yes, but it will not affect development and construction."

"I'm a little curious about what planet Gaia looks like."

"It's okay, it won't be long before we can see."


There is no Gaia planet in Dongyuan.

The Orion Arm star field is the most barren star field in the entire Milky Way. The probability of the Gaia planet appearing in it is very low, and there is no way to compare it with civilizations in other star fields.

It is said that in other spiral star fields, every powerful civilization has several Gaia planets as the center of the empire... It is not yet known whether it is true or not.

And the entire Orion Arm star field, which is the kingdom of the Atlantes, has the Gaia planet of the Great Hunting Island, and only a few other civilizations have it.

It is also fortunate that there is no fallen empire here, the guardian of the holy land, otherwise those Gaia planets will definitely be the holy land of the guardian of the holy land.

"Before we make plans, let's find a place to live, and then take a look at the scenery here." Chen Siyu suggested.


"No comment."



So the five of them randomly found a hotel that met the aesthetic standards of human beings. After that, Qiu Baiyu was not in a hurry, and took a few people to visit the exotic planet of the border planet of the Atlantean Elf Kingdom.

As an adventure group, they are going to do something similar to the identity of the adventure group, that is, to accept some commissions or something.

There are quite a few commissions inside the planet in every place, and those commissions must be done by new adventurers in the Star Sea.

Not everyone wanted Qiu Baiyu to secretly change the files of the Star Sea Adventure Alliance so that they could skip the "novice mission" and become a senior adventurer.

"Not to mention, it's quite interesting to help others find cats and dogs, or go to the wild to find the fur of certain creatures. It's quite interesting to do it once in a while." Xiao Hui, who completed some "novice commissions", commented this way.

"Do something casually first, so that I can secretly hack their database, and then we can accept the high-risk commission of 'earth crust anomaly'." Qiu Baiyu said.

"no problem."

The few people who occasionally do these "tasks" are very interested. Soon, with their support, Qiu Baiyu successfully modified the database of the Star Sea Adventure Alliance in the Atlan Fairy Kingdom, allowing them to receive the highest Class task 'Crust Anomalies'.


A certain residence on the planet, where everything seems to be integrated into nature, and all buildings seem to be embedded in a big tree.

At one point, a message popped up on the naturally modified computer, drawing the attention of the Atlanteans sitting next to them drinking some kind of tea.

"Another person came to accept this extremely dangerous task, and I don't know how long they can last." The Atlanta elf glanced at it, then shook his head with a smile.

After a while, he stood up, "Forget it, it's a matter related to the future of this planet, so we have to take it seriously."

He came outside the residence, waited for a moment, and after a while, five 'aliens' with long hair came to him.

"This race...human? It's not bad. It has very long hair. Although there are not many hairs, it's not very annoying." He commented in his heart.

Afterwards, he greeted him, "Hello, friends from foreign lands, I am the person who released the commission, my name is Lan Weisi, and I am the general manager of the Star Sea Adventure Alliance of the Kingdom of Atlanta Elves. Nice to meet you."

Hope you don't get buried under the Earth's crust while you investigate.

"Hello, Mr. Lanvis, I'm Qiu Baiyu, the leader of the Qiuyusi Hanliu Adventure Group, and they are members Chen Siyu and Kong Xiaoyu..." Qiu Baiyu made the usual etiquette of the Atlanta elves.

Be polite, favor +1.

Lanvis smiled, "It's been a long time since I've seen such a polite alien. Then I won't hide it anymore. This mission is very dangerous. The adventure groups who took the mission basically never came back. , All the adventure groups who went deep into the crustal investigation were buried under the deep earth by the changes in the crust. Although I am the commissioner who issued the commission, I still remind you carefully that it is very dangerous there, are you sure you want to go?"

"Danger and opportunity coexist, don't they?" Qiu Baiyu laughed.

"Yes, if you can help us solve the abnormality of the earth's crust, while you will get rich rewards, you will also win the friendship of the entire Atlanta elven kingdom." I didn't know that Qiu Baiyu and others were attacking their original tree of life. Lanvis nodded at Eva's suggestion.

"We like to challenge difficulties and dangers. Mr. Lanvis, please tell us directly how to reach the mission location and what is the main goal of the mission?" Qiu Baiyu smiled.

"Since you are not afraid of danger and are ready to move on, I will stop talking nonsense." Lan Weiss nodded and continued: "According to our scientists' investigation, the core area of ​​the planet's crust that cannot be controlled by the tree of life, Located deep in the Andre Mountains, there seems to be a mysterious force that affects the transformation of the planet by the tree of life. We cannot go deep into it and investigate what is there, so we issue a commission. I hope that the knowledgeable people in the universe Soldiers, able to resolve the anomalies there, allowing our tree of life to transform the planet."

"Andre Mountains?"

"This mountain range is the highest mountain range on the entire planet. The highest peak, Mount Andrei, is as high as 10422 meters above sea level. According to the calculations of our geological scientists, Mount Andrei will grow 0.5 meters higher every year. Soon, this mountain will be due to If it collapses due to gravity problems, there will be serious geological disasters around, and we don't want this mountain to collapse if we can."

"Two days ago we went on a hunting mission to go to that mountain. That mountain is indeed magnificent and a very good check-in point. If it collapses, it would be a waste." Qiu Baiyu nodded, "We will help you Solve the abnormality of the earth's crust and stop the growth of this mountain, don't worry."

"Then, I wish you good luck, please come with me, I will take you on board the spaceship and head to the Andre Mountains."

"It's work."



Judging from the satellite image, the Andre Mountains on this planet are similar to Ersh's highest mountain in the world. There is a crack on the ground, which means that this is a mountain caused by the impact of the crust.

It has also become a check-in point for many people from alien civilizations to visit, and the main peak Andre Mountain is the peak of Internet celebrities.

Many people initiated mountaineering challenges. On the way to the mountain, countless bones were buried in ice and snow, which added a touch of mystery and death to this peak.

Of course, Qiu Baiyu and the others were not interested in mountaineering challenges.

In particular, Qiubaiyu was the No. 1 peak on the top of the volcano. That mountain is more than 2 meters high, which is not much higher than this peak.

Lanvis led a few people to the foot of the mountain, looked at the highest peak of the planet, and said, "Go to the crack deep in the earth's crust, just at the foot of Mount Andre, in a blocked area, then, I wish you all the best!" come back safe and sound."

"Then let's go."

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