"It doesn't seem to have any idea about us, but..." Chen Siyu looked strange, "They really want to start the war again, but the target they choose..."

"Could it be the Fallen Empire?"

Chen Siyu looked frustrated, "It's true, but I can't hide it from Team Qiu's eyes. If you know the information in advance, you don't need me to report it, right?"

"That's not it." Looking at Chen Siyu's resentful little eyes, Qiu Baiyu chuckled and said, "It's just a reasonable guess based on your expression."

Chen Siyu looked at Qiu Baiyu quietly with an expression of "I don't believe it".

Qiu Baiyu said: "Look, since they don't start a war against us, the other three permanent directors have no grievances or enmities with each other. Among them, the Kingdom of the Atalan Elves has a close relationship with us, and the Cyber ​​Guardian and the RT1080 chain The road units belong to the mechanical empire, and their relationship is closer than our relationship with elves.

"Beating one of them is equivalent to going to war with the other. Of course, the Domler group is not without allies. The Brugan Federation, which is firmly controlled by the other party, is an 'ally', but they dare not bet. If so, will the other three join forces to take them down, so they dare not, and besides the small civilization that can be bullied at will, is there any civilization in the entire star field that has combat value?

"That's right, it's the administrator of the fallen empire Azanti. Apart from us, the only civilization in the star field that has dark matter technology. The Domle group is now very strong, and the contract of Yuanshen makes them extremely confident. They want to pay for their strength." For the price, they must strengthen themselves, and then complete what they think is 'bringing the end'."

Chen Siyu thought about it carefully, and nodded, "That's right, according to the speculation from the Security Bureau, the Domler group does have such an idea."

"Then let them fight, just let us see the strength of the Fallen Empire, so that they won't be caught off guard after a while after awakening."

The Fallen Empire is the remnant of the last reincarnation. They have been sinking for tens of millions of years. If reincarnation comes again and they continue to sink, they will inevitably be eliminated unless they pray for a civilization to defeat the reincarnation executors.

As the saying goes, it is better to ask for others than to ask for yourself. The awakening of the fallen empire is inevitable.

The Orion Arm star field's fallen empire trend of thought is extremely materialistic. It is a self-proclaimed knowledge manager who likes to collect all kinds of knowledge. There are also scientists from various civilizations. The purpose is unknown. They also asked Dongyuan for Qiu Baiyu and his team before, but they were rejected. Refused.

So far, the opponent hasn't made any further moves, but it shouldn't be far away—if he doesn't act, Dongyuan will have the strength to defeat the opponent.

As an extremely materialistic knowledge manager, if the administrator of Azanti wakes up, there is a high probability that he will wake up as a "vigilant adjuster" who tries to seize the independent research and development rights of all civilizations.

As for whether it can really be awakened, it is unknown.

Qiu Baiyu doesn't have much information about the fallen empires in this world. They refuse to communicate with anyone. Their network is self-contained and belongs to the internal network, which cannot be hacked.

It's okay if it's an omnic degenerate.

It's a pity that I can't change it.

Not long after being guessed by Dongyuan's intentions, the Domler group really made a new move.

They have declared war on the Azzanti Administrator.

This move directly shocked all civilizations.

"Are the Domlers crazy?"

"That is a fallen empire that looks like a god!"

"Maybe, the current strength of the Domler group can already compete head-on with the administrator of Azanti?"

"I hope it won't be a one-sided battle like when Azan launched his army and crushed all civilizations in all directions."

"The Domle group belongs to an extreme idealistic civilization, and Azanti belongs to an extreme materialism. The two sides have very low affection for each other, and it is normal to fight."

"These decayed antiques should become history!"


All eyes were on the Domler group. Taking advantage of this time, the second stage of the Void Capture Device was completed. Zhang Pingfan made a decisive decision and immediately asked Qiu Baiyu to expand the capacity of the Void Channel and increase the capacity of the Void Energy. extract.

That is to say, the psionic shock wave that was once generated will be repeated.

The time is set for the day when the Domler tribe sends troops to contact the Azanti administrators.

That day will come soon.

Zhang Pingfan and Zhang Hui smiled at each other in the virtual world water pump completed in the second stage.

"They're fighting."

"Then let's get started."

The asteroid-like Void water pump began to run at full power, tearing the Void once again into a bigger gap than before.

After studying the Void for so long, the fleet of spirit body killers stationed in this galaxy has long been prepared, and the surrounding galaxies have also implemented martial law to prevent innocent ships from being affected by the shock wave of psionic energy and suffering from indiscriminate disasters.

With the injection of energy, the barrier between reality and virtual world was torn apart again.

This time the gap was five times bigger than the previous one!

Countless psionic energy poured out from the virtual realm, 90% of which were contained by the virtual realm's water pump, and the rest turned into psionic shock waves that instantly spread throughout the galaxy!

This psychic shock wave is ten times stronger than the previous one!

Even for the well-protected fleet of spirit body killers, the shields shattered with a bang when the psionic shock wave spread.

And the leap engine, which incorporates the spiritual energy leap engine, is malfunctioning and cannot be used temporarily.

Fortunately, no one in the ship was harmed, but the psyker felt a headache.

But inside the Void Water Pump, nothing happened at all.

"The gap is a bit big."

Zhang Pingfan and Zhang Hui looked at each other.

Zhang Hui scratched his head, "Indeed, but it's okay if it's too big. The anchor point is already stable and won't be broken by a crack. Our Void Water Pump is specially designed for Void, and its strength is high enough."

Zhang Pingfan opened the communication with the fleet and star base outside, and asked: "How is it over there? Is anyone injured?"

"No one was injured. The psychic has a headache. We have already checked it out. It is just a short-term side effect caused by the psychic impact. Just take a short rest."

"That's good."

Zhang Hui said: "We are prepared like this, then other civilizations..."

The two looked at each other, and then unanimously started the live broadcast of the frontline battle report.

If someone wants to challenge the Fallen Empire, there will naturally be people who are not afraid of death and go to the star system where the battle will be broadcast live.

There are many such live broadcast rooms, and what the two of them watched was the official live broadcast room of Dongyuan war reporters.

Up there, through the over-the-horizon camera, a violent cosmic spark could be seen erupting between the Domler Clan and the Azzanti Administrator's fleet.

Not long after, a faint white shock wave rushed past, and the shields of both sides flickered for a moment before collapsing.

The war reporter was stunned. "Some accidents happened on the battlefield. It seems that there was a powerful wave of psychic energy. The shields of the ships on both sides of the battle were under this wave of psychic energy, and all of them were invalid."

The speed of the war reporter's speech gradually accelerated: "The fallen empire has dark matter shields, and their shields are so strong that it is difficult for the fleet of the Domler tribe to cause effective damage to them. Now that the shield is invalid, the Domler tribe can directly attack them The two sides of the hull are now in an equal state, and it is not known who will win the battle in the end, and the appearance of this wave of spiritual energy can be sure that the victory or defeat of this initial contact battle will be accelerated..."

Zhang Hui complained: "What did you say so fast?"

Zhang Pingfan also said: "Why don't we connect to the front line and let this reporter speak slowly?"

"Okay, come on."

"No, I think it is most suitable for you to come. I still have important work to do, but you have just completed the second phase of construction, and you should take a break. This war is a good pastime live broadcast."

"Forget it, I don't want to be interviewed by the leaders above tomorrow."

"What are you afraid of? Your immediate boss is Academician Qiu. Who would dare to interview Academician Qiu?"

"I think Academician Qiu will be the first, so I'll ask. I will definitely not have any rest by then, so let me start dealing with the third phase of the problem."

"Isn't that nice? The sooner it's done, the sooner you can rest."

"..." Zhang Hui just looked at Zhang Pingfan and didn't speak.

"Haha..." Zhang Pingfan laughed dryly, "Let's watch the live broadcast and see how the situation will change when we interrupt it."

So the two continued to watch the live broadcast.


At this moment, on the battlefield.

Whether it is the fleet of the Domle tribe or the administrator of Azanti, when the shock wave of psychic energy rushed past, they did not react at once. The attack that could be resisted by the shield in the original calculation, because the shield disappeared, directly hit hard on the hull.

In just one click, hundreds of ships turned into space garbage.

The administrators of Azanti carried out their arrogance all along. Facing the declaration of war by the Domle tribe, they responded with an extremely arrogant attitude, and then began to dispatch troops.

Someone declares war on them, and they will certainly not sit still.

The ancient machinery began to rotate slowly, the decayed shipyard was restarted, and batch after batch of fleets were produced from the shipyard and transported to the front line.

In addition, a group of fleets rushed out directly towards the territory of the Domler ethnic group.

The wars of fallen empires are basically very civilized. After the war goals are achieved, they will generally return the occupied star systems.

When encountering a galaxy with inhabited planets, they will strictly follow the galaxy law. After selective bombing, they will send ground troops into the ground to fight against the planet's ground troops and occupy the control of the planet.

Relatively speaking, the Domle ethnic group is definitely not that civilized - the premise is that they can break into the stronghold of the administrator of Azanti.

Obviously, it's a bit difficult.

Psionic Shock disables shields and doesn't change the situation much.

When the battle progressed to the second day, all the war reporters could basically see that this first contact battle would end with the victory of Administrator Azanti.

"The Fallen Empire is indeed very strong."

"It can crush our Domle group fleet. In front of the Azanti administrator, it is like a child with a knife. Although it caused some damage to the adult Azanti administrator, the final result is still Beaten to pieces."

"Is the Fallen Empire really hard to defeat?"

"Their dark matter shields are so strong, and Dongyuan is also a dark matter shield, but their dark matter shields seem to be solidified."

"Aren't they already the legendary singularity civilization?"

"According to unreliable information, the Domler tribe has also become a singularity civilization, but it may only be around level 1 to 2. The Azanti administrator seems to be at least a level 4 singularity to be able to crush Domler so easily. fleet."

"Next, should it be the defense of the capital of the Domler tribe, or...are they going to compete with the Fallen Empire for resources like the previous tactics?"

"According to unreliable information, the singularity of the Ajanti administrators is in terms of energy and minerals. They may have the ability to compete with the Domle group in resource consumption."

"After all, it is a fallen empire, how could it be impossible to fight for resources?"

"Wait and see!"


While everyone was paying attention to the battlefield, many civilizations took the time to pay attention to the sudden surge of psionic energy.

This shock wave of spiritual energy has even materialized the spiritual energy, producing a shock wave visible to the naked eye, which is much stronger than the last time.

But fortunately, except for the nearest galaxy groups, this shock wave only caused the shields of all ships to temporarily fail and malfunction, and there were no other problems.

But shield failure is no small problem.

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