All of these need to be tested.

The holographic imager on Qiu Baiyu's side shows the image of the anchor point control center of the virtual capture device. The image is compiled to present what the virtual anchor point perceives in the form of a view.

The virtual world presented on the holographic screen is a world covered with dark purple clouds above and below.

The materialized psionic energy formed a dense dark cloud, slowly churning, as if entering the interior of a gas giant planet.

When the anchor tentacles come here, the looming chains will occasionally appear in the dark clouds, as if to lock all the clouds.

The tentacles of the Void's anchor point lock the Void itself, and these spiritual powers are the embodiment of the Void, so it looks like a few chains locking the dark clouds.

Not long after, news came from the Void Capture.

"found it!"

The found Void Creation appeared on the holographic image. It was a four-pointed star-shaped substance intersected with purple and white, with a bit of cyan. The composition was unknown, and it exuded spiritual energy fluctuations that were slightly different from other Void substances.

"Let's call it the Void Realm Mark Star for the time being, if this thing is really the Void Realm Mark." After Qiu Baiyu casually named it, he ordered: "Contact the Void Realm Mark Star, read the target, and try to crack it!"

"Read the target and try to crack it!"

A chain emerged from the clouds, locking the entire purple-white four-pointed star virtual realm creation, and the spiritual energy fluctuations on the chain began to synchronize with the target's spiritual energy fluctuations.

It didn't take long for the spiritual fluctuations of the chains to be successfully synchronized, receiving all the information of this virtual creation.

At the same time, there were some changes in the looming locked-in feeling of Tianchuan, just like the calm water surface was thrown into a stone, and it became rippling.

"Very good, it really is this thing, disassemble it!" Seeing the information displayed by the Void Creation, Qiu Baiyu narrowed his eyes and said.

The chains that were originally softly wrapped around the star in the virtual world tightened instantly, and after a while, the whole star in the virtual world collapsed inch by inch.

A powerful fluctuation of psychic energy emerged in the atmosphere of Tianchuan Star, and instantly spread to the entire planet. A purple-black virtual scene emerged in the atmosphere, completely blocking all light, as if turning the entire planet into a virtual planet!

All the people working on the planet couldn't help but look up, wondering what was going on.

After getting the news in advance, the management team found out about this scene, and hurriedly told everyone to be calm through the radio.

This surge of spiritual energy came and went quickly. In less than a minute, the virtual scene slowly faded, and finally dissipated completely.

"Scared me, I thought that after destroying the virtual star in the virtual territory, the virtual realm would immediately swallow up the entire planet." Xiao Hui let go of his tense heart.

Just now she almost turned into a combat form to resist the engulfment of the void.

"That's not going to happen, but there will be backlash." Qiu Baiyu adjusted the parameters, and said at the same time: "The skyship star has been marked with a virtual realm for less than a year. According to the data we obtained from that virtual realm star simultaneously From the point of view, this star marking is still in the solidification period, that is, the planet has not been completely marked, and the planet has not been further controlled. If it were our capital, or the capital of the Domler group, the backlash would probably be It’s not as simple as just showing us the scene of the virtual world.”

"Then the next thing to do is to protect against backlash?"

"Well, I'm afraid I have to ask you to help me, quickly design a way to protect the mark from backlash, and the anchor point can also conduct research to see how to destroy the void mark without causing damage to the planet.

"Also, let's see if the mark will appear after the void mark on Skyship Star is cleared."

There is basically no solution to such a thing as a virtual realm mark, if it is not a giant creation that can control the virtual realm, such as a virtual realm capturer.

And it’s not like building it as you want, not to mention the need for a large amount of dark matter, which is enough to empty out the wealth of countless civilizations, just talking about technical issues, you are sure to be able to successfully develop a giant creation that can control the virtual world within 50 years and build it smoothly come out?

More importantly, apart from the accidental ones like Dongyuan, which civilizations signed contracts with Yuanshen are not in awe of the Void?

Fear of the Void makes them dare not desecrate the Void.

Unless you decide to become a natural disaster and get the blessing of the mission.

The Void Capture Device designed by Qiu Baiyu was successfully designed after combining the huge database of the Suzheng Agreement, the research on the Void obtained from various psychic ascension empires, and his own extensive research on the Void.

This also used her own and Xiao Hui's computing abilities.

For other civilizations, I am afraid it will be difficult to get this thing done from scratch within 50 years.

But the benefits after getting it done are huge.

The most direct benefit is that you can use the infinite power of the Void Realm, and then clear the Void Realm mark from the Void Realm level, thereby prohibiting Yuanshen from collecting debts.

Illusion mark cannot be erased?Then I will directly become the administrator of the virtual environment and delete this thing in the background!

When Qiu Baiyu was researching how to avoid the backlash caused by deleting the virtual mark, the Domler group had already started contacting Dongyuan.

Before being forced to surrender until now, except for the necessary communications initiated by Dongyuan, the Domler ethnic group has never actively contacted Dongyuan.

This is not arrogance, but they are afraid of public opinion even if they want to take the initiative to contact them. After all, almost all Domler people, including the former Great Prophet, believe that Dongyuan won without force and are not convinced, so of course they will not give anything good. Her face looked like that of a female brat. She put on a bad face and cursed while obeying Dongyuan's request.

Although you have to do things, you need to have an attitude so that you can explain it easily.

Now asking them to make friends with Dongyuan, isn't that against the will of the people?

But then what can be done? The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as a subordinate institution, can only comply with the request of the current Great Prophet.

Anyway, if there are doubts, just push the blame to the Great Prophet.

The communication between the two parties was not smooth.

The Domler group has done too many nasty things, and the diplomats in charge of the docking will not give them any good looks.

After several exchanges, the two sides basically talked frankly (unable to communicate), fully exchanged opinions (each said that they were arguing fiercely), and enhanced the understanding between the two sides (there are big differences and they don't like each other).

After several meetings, Dongyuan said on a diplomatic occasion that the talks were useful.

Then, gone.

Apart from a bunch of people wrangling, there is no breakthrough.

Because the diplomats of the Domler group still put on a bad face even if they took the initiative to communicate according to their past habits.

Under such circumstances, how could the diplomats whom Dongyuan was dealing with give him a good face?The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is not the Ministry of Foreign Slaves, and if you don't beat him up directly, you will give the other party a face.

If it were Liu Xiaoliu, it would probably turn from quarreling to fighting.

So no matter how much Liu Xiaoliu pleaded and applied, he never got the chance to participate in the conversation with the diplomats of the Dohmler group.

These useless diplomacies were quickly spread to the Domler group through various interstellar media.

Soon, there were voices of questioning within the Domler group, questioning why they took the initiative to initiate diplomatic activities with Dongyuan?What is the purpose of trying to befriend Dong Yuan.

As the doubts fermented, all kinds of monsters and monsters began to emerge.

Some people say that this is because the current great prophet sees that Dongyuan is developing well and wants to kneel down and lick Dongyuan.

Some people even say that the Great Prophet is Dongyuan's spy and is planning to sell Domler to Dongyuan and live in espionage.

This is the disadvantage that the Great Prophet did not control the entire empire and compromised with various interest groups.

Remarkably, he didn't even know the sounds.

After deciding to launch diplomatic activities, the Great Prophet also paid attention to the voices of the people.

People's doubts cannot be concealed, and he can easily see them.

However, those who said all kinds of bad things about him were basically deleted in seconds after they were sent out, and then permanently banned.

"Current polls are not all skeptical." A subordinate from a large group reported a 'good news' to the Great Prophet.

He showed the results of some media polls to the Great Prophet. According to the polls, 42% of the people supported their friendly relationship with Dongyuan, and believed that hatred would only bring war and death.

The rest is questioning and inquiry, what is the purpose of taking the initiative to befriend Dong Yuan.

In addition to the polls, there were also highly praised comments selected by the media, which were also shown to the Great Prophet.

"Master Great Prophet, look, our people still have confidence in you, they all understand your ideas, and many people are willing to support your strategy."

The Great Prophet glanced at the words of support, then put it aside and went to look for voices of doubt.

"The questioners are basically asking why we want to improve our relationship with Dongyuan, whether we are going to put down our hatred, or have other plans." The subordinate explained: "Most of the comments are rational, not what you expected, There were radical comments and protests."

"Really?" The Great Prophet asked his men to go down and read newspapers from major domestic media.

I checked carefully and read all the local and capital newspapers, but found no reports of excessive actions.

The Great Prophet breathed a sigh of relief, "That's great. Ask the Minister of Foreign Affairs to come and see me. I want to know why there has been no progress after so long."


Soon, the Minister of Foreign Affairs came to the office of the Great Prophet and had a secret meeting with the Great Prophet.

"Why has there been no progress for so many days?" the Great Prophet asked.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs showed guilt and said angrily: "I'm sorry, Lord Prophet, we have neglected our duty and failed to complete the task you gave us."

"Tell me, what happened?"

"Dongyuan's attitude is too bad." The foreign minister changed his look of indignation and said excitedly: "They look down on our diplomats at all, and after sending out a request for a visit, it took a long time for them to respond!

"After our people arrived in Dongyuan, they didn't greet foreign guests with the etiquette. They even called us like Valbachia and moved to the conference room on the red carpet, claiming that this was to see our attitude. Only Only by doing this will you have a friendly conversation with us, Lord Great Prophet, you know, for us, it is the greatest insult for us to move forward like Valbachia!"

The Great Prophet's expression became ugly, "Dongyuan is so rude! How do you respond?"

"Our people have backbone, refused to move into the arena, and confronted each other directly outside. During this period, we retreated a lot, but they still persisted, so we had to go back. The following conversations were the same."

"Then why didn't you record and publish these records?" the Great Prophet asked calmly.

The diplomat shook his head, "The task you gave us is to make good relations with Dongyuan, not to worsen the relationship and expose Dongyuan's ugliness. Isn't this a disgrace to the great prophet?"


"It really makes no sense!"

The Great Prophet slapped the table hard, "We want to improve the relationship, but it doesn't mean we will become cowardly and accept insults! Next time, if they are still like this, just make their evil deeds public! There is no need to improve the relationship, we still have to I'm afraid they won't succeed!"

At the scene, I am a snake.jpg

Chapter 492 Your capital is hopeless, wait for death, farewell

As a result, the following diplomatic negotiations between the Domler group and Dongyuan deteriorated sharply.

Originally, everyone thought that after the change of rulers, these two powerful civilizations would break the ice, but it turned out that they were still naive.

Outsiders don't know who has a good attitude and who has a bad attitude on both sides, because whether it's the Dongyuan or Domle tribe, they all say that the other side's attitude is too bad. They simply want to humiliate themselves and do not come with the attitude of improving relations.

At the end of the quarrel, the two sides became fiercely confronted again, and Jomsrent of the Prophet's Conclave was dying of anxiety, but there was nothing he could do.

He has met with the Great Prophet several times, hoping that he can communicate well and ask the Ministry of Foreign Affairs not to do this all the time.

After several rounds, the Great Prophet was annoyed by him, "Dongyuan insulted us, why should we wag our tails in front of them like the Valbachia?"

Jomsrent was stunned, "How could it be? Don't Dongyuan advocate peace and friendship? How could they insult other civilizations? Our diplomats, didn't they do something?"

The Great Prophet looked Yomsrent up and down, and then said: "If you have any doubts, you can ask our foreign minister in person. I'm tired, so you can step back."


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