After all, the distance between stars in other places is a few light-years, but in the galactic center area, there are dozens of stars in a light-year.

After completing the research on the principle of the superluminal engine, Qiu Baiyu was not very interested in the principle of this engine. She was more interested in why the ship was not affected by the galactic center after using the gravitational slingshot effect of the stars and neutron stars to distort space. Strong gravitational influence.

Using the gravitational slingshot effect and neutron star warping space to achieve super-light travel, if Qiu Baiyu wants to do it, he can also easily design it. After all, it is something in the technical reserve, and it is not difficult to turn the principle into a real thing.

The difficulty lies in how not to be affected by the strong gravitational force during the transition.

Qiu Baiyu decided to ask the leader of the Kobold tribe, Jill Boqi.

"Our spaceship was designed and built by the Sakyein tribe, and the cat-human's spaceship was also built by Sakyein. We don't know how they overcome the strong gravitational interference of the galactic center and achieve faster-than-light travel... If it wasn't for these two days We've read a lot of your books on spaceships, and we even think it's a normal thing," Gilporch replied.

At Tamura, because the spaceship had already been sent, Qiu Baiyu asked related questions, but the other party only said that he didn't know. Later, because there were no samples and experimental products, Qiu Baiyu didn't continue to ask.

Now ask Jill Porch and get a brand new noun——

"Sakiyin family?"

"Yes, this is the leader race of our rebel army. They are natural designers. All our recent buildings, spaceships, and weapons are designed and built by them. We don't know what the principles of these things are. And no one is interested in investigating."

As he said that, Gilpoch suddenly sighed: "Unexpectedly, people from outside your system are so generous. The design and construction principles and blueprints of the spaceship are so generously placed on the Internet, and you can watch them at will."

"Not only spaceships, but also those powerful weapons, I checked, antimatter bombs, dark matter energy, etc., there are related principles on your network... This is amazing, you are not afraid of someone using these principles to create Sending out weapons to threaten your rule?" This is Jill Boqi's younger sister, Jill Buqi, who lives in the same place as her brother, seeing her brother talking with Qiu Baiyu and other scientists, she couldn't help interjecting.

Regarding this point, not only Jill Buqi is curious, Jill Boqi, but also many kobolds, and even the cat people who have integrated into Tianjiang Star are also very curious, but Tamura has not asked, and now Jill Boqi and Jill Buki asked.

Looking at the curious expressions of the two, Qiu Baiyu was a little puzzled: "Why do you have to worry about someone making spaceships and weapons?"

"Shouldn't you be worried?" Gilpoch was stunned: "The knowledge and weapons left by the gods in the Eternal Empire are very precious. Except for a few races who have come into contact with them, other knowledge is classified as confidential and is strictly forbidden to spread. This knowledge includes all weapon principles."

"That's because the Eternal Empire is afraid that you will learn to make weapons to resist them, but we are not afraid." Qiu Baiyu shook his head.

The attitude of everyone in Dongyuan is not to hide pure knowledge of principles. On the contrary, Dongyuan passed on these basic knowledge to all the human countries that went out.

In the old days, for the most deterrent nuclear weapons, as long as you have a little knowledge, you can easily find the principle of nuclear bombs, and even explain how to make nuclear bombs clearly on the Internet.

However, even so, most countries cannot manufacture nuclear bombs, because the principle is the principle, and the material is the biggest problem that plagues civilization.

It's normal for the relevant knowledge of materials to be kept secret, but theoretical knowledge must be kept secret... Qiu Baiyu doesn't quite understand what the Eternal Empire is afraid of.

Qiu Baiyu hung up the phone after asking some questions about the Eternal Empire and the Shaqiyin Clan.

Looking at the engine parts in front of him, Qiu Baiyu couldn't help muttering: "Don't say it, the Eternal Empire's hiding of theoretical knowledge is still somewhat useful. Now we don't know how the spacecraft's engine shields the gravitational force on the spacecraft. Disturbance of navigation . . . but it doesn't bother me."

Reverse technology is a technology that every interstellar civilization needs to master, and Dongyuan is no exception.

The kobold spaceship does not have the encryption of the Tianji Project. It is not a problem to reverse and verify it, it only takes a little time.

While Qiu Baiyu continued to study how to overcome the interference of the galactic center gravitational force and realize the galactic center transition, on the other side, the galactic center observatory.

"They showed up."

The data detected by the observatory shows that densely packed tens of thousands of spaceships are departing from the vicinity of the star Galactic Center 06 towards the periphery.

"It is estimated that these spacecraft will arrive in the No. 10 star system in 05 days, and notify the Hyperspace Channel Project to have all working ships retreat immediately!" Zhang Xiling ordered.

At this moment, the hyperspace channel from star system 05 to star system 06 has just been opened. With the help of the hyperspace fluctuation of the hyperspace channel, the observatory can detect the movement trajectory of the huge fleet of the Eternal Empire.

After estimating when these fleets would arrive in star system 05, Zhang Xiling, as the head of the observatory, gave orders decisively.

She looked at the dense spacecraft alarms coming from the sensors, her eyes burning with fire.

"The stupid and corrupt Eternal Empire, your 'Eternal Eternity', will perish under the torrent of Dongyuan!"

At this moment, the holographic image of the assistant popped up from the holographic communication next to it, "Station Master, we detected a powerful wave of spiritual energy from me in the main control room of the observatory, you... oh, it was you who applied the spiritual energy to the eyes The psychic energy of the production capacity fluctuates, that’s fine.”

Zhang Xiling's raging flames were extinguished in an instant, and he said dissatisfiedly, "Can I say hello when I contact you next time? Don't use emergency communication at will!"

"Okay, okay..." the assistant nodded quickly, and then muttered in a low voice, "I thought someone had invaded the space station. Who knew that you, the station master, fell ill again."

Fortunately, Zhang Xiling didn't hear the last sentence, otherwise...

As Qiu Baiyu's student, not only Zhang Xiling, but others also have psychic powers. Even if they were not psychic users before, they have all become outstanding psychic geniuses under the powerful research of psychic powers.

This is not the privilege of Qiu Baiyu's students, but the right enjoyed by all Dongyuan citizens.

The Void Water Pump makes the energy of the Void within easy reach, and the research on the Void is advancing by leaps and bounds. Dongyuan's research on psionic energy and the Void is unmatched by any spiritual power ascending empire.

Powerful psychic research can naturally give the blessings of the Void to every citizen. As long as you want to, you can go to any psychic management office, register as a psychic, and enjoy powerful power... At the same time, you need to do more work.

At present, Dongyuan is divided into three factions, the genetic faction, the mechanical faction and the psionic faction.

The population of these three factions are using Dongyuan's powerful genes, spiritual energy, and mechanical research to enhance their physical fitness and combat effectiveness.

Among them, the Gene School and the Mechanism School look down on the Inspiration School, especially after the Domler group was liquidated by Yuanshen, the Gene School believes that inspiration belongs to external objects, and only the body is their own strength.

And the population who likes machines simply doesn't like the soft and weak feeling of psykers-especially for men.

Similarly, the psionicists also look down on the gene faction and the mechanical faction, thinking that these two rely on external objects, and they cannot achieve the "I think, therefore I am" of the psykers, nor can they control supernatural forces such as wind, fire, thunder and lightning by themselves. .

Although the three factions look down on each other on the Internet, just like sweet and salty tofu brains, in fact, most people will register as psykers while undergoing genetic enhancement or mechanical enhancement.

Spirituality is life, discrimination is leisure.

Those discussions and disputes on the Internet did not affect high-ranking scientists like Zhang Xiling.

Possessing psychic power is only to make the mind more agile, so as to conduct scientific research better.

Now that the Void Realm is completely controlled by Dong Yuan, there is no need to worry about having psionic power, and there is no need to worry about the negative effects of psionic power.

Zhang Xiling usually doesn't use her psychic powers to make herself fly into the sky and escape from the earth. She won't encounter any personal disputes. In the disputes between civilizations, individual psychics can't make a splash.

Therefore, she likes to use her psionic energy in unexpected places.

She was a little ashamed to be discovered by her assistant.

"Since you've seen my secret, then I can't keep you!" Zhang Xiling looked at the assistant seriously.

The assistant was terrified, "I don't want to eat sweet tofu!"

"No! You have to eat if you don't eat!"

"Boss, I was wrong!"

"Since you know you're wrong, then obediently stand at attention and get beaten."


After slightly punishing the assistant, Zhang Xiling changed his expression and dialed Qiu Baiyu's number.

"Hello? Xi Ling?"

"Teacher! We have discovered the movement of the Eternal Fleet." Zhang Xiling looked serious, "They have arrived at star system 06 and are expected to enter star system 10 in 05 days. Do you need to do something?"

"Have you made all the engineering ships evacuate?" Qiu Baiyu asked.

"A notice has been sent to them to evacuate." Zhang Xiling nodded.

"Very good." Qiu Baiyu nodded, "Since they have appeared, they should not be missed. This time, send some military drones to test their strength. By the way, let's see if we can find out why they came so slowly. reason."

"Received! I need authorization for a military drone fleet."

"Okay, I will send you the authorization later."

"Good teacher." After agreeing, Zhang Xiling asked again: "By the way, teacher, how is the research over there?"

"There is one last problem to be solved. After I figure out how to overcome the interference of gravity on the spaceship, we won't have to slowly move from the hyperspace channel, and jump directly to their lair!"

Having said that, the diameter of the galactic center area is very long. If you want to jump into the galactic world, you need multiple jumps. The hyperspace channel and the planned hyperspace repeater also need to be built.

If the jump engine is regarded as an airplane, the hyperspace channel is equivalent to an ordinary road, and the hyperspace repeater is a highway.

Can't we give up the construction of roads and expressways just because we have airplanes?

According to Tamura and Jill Poch, it may be difficult for the Eternal Empire and the civilizations outside the Milky Way to reach peace.

Qiu Baiyu also doesn't really want to have peaceful exchanges with this civilization that uses the legacy left by the Eliminator civilization—unless they are willing to contribute information about the Eliminator and the fleet of the Eliminator.

Obviously, this is impossible.

When a ship escapes from the Galactic Heart World, tens of thousands of spaceships will be sent aggressively to hunt it down. From Qiu Baiyu's point of view, this civilization is probably hopeless.

Who the hell would do that?

The most important thing is to chase after him. If you are still chasing so slowly, how passive and slow are you?

Qiu Baiyu believes that this kind of situation can only happen in civilizations that are extremely decayed.

In the old days, the Miri Empire couldn’t even kill a person and had to send 1 soldiers to hunt down and kill them. Those who were still dawdling had finished enjoying their lives and only just arrived near the place where the target disappeared.

"I'm applying to participate in the design of the new superluminal engine." Zhang Xiling raised her small hand.

"Hey, let's talk about it when the time comes. You should investigate the situation of this eternal fleet first."

"Okay, teacher, leave it to me, you can leave everything to me!" Zhang Xiling's eyes were about to burst into flames again, but she reacted in time and extinguished the flames.

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Chapter 535 The Corrupt God's Proxy

ten days later.

There was a flash of light on the edge of the star Yinxin 05, and soon, one after another, huge and ancient warships appeared from the void.

The hulls of these ships are full of traces of time, which means that they have traversed the world for countless years. Although they are in their twilight years, they are still full of strength and cannot be challenged.

Although, the people who piloted these warships were only using them to hunt down a man who could easily be captured but dragged on for so many days before arriving late, and no one had disappeared.

"The target has appeared, ready to fight." The Yinxin Observatory serves as a transfer station for the strategic command center at this time, allowing the strategic command center to connect to the drone fleet that is already on standby in the No. 05 star system, and conduct timely command operations.

Of course, the operators who command the drone group are not at the strategic command center, but at the Yinxin Observatory, and the strategic command center is mainly the command staff.

Whether it is the strategic command center or the sentinel array, due to the complex gravitational environment and dense cosmic rays in the galactic core, it is impossible to accurately control and detect in real time like outside the galactic core.

Xiaohui has already taken over the transformation of the Sentinel Array and Strategic Command Center, and is cooperating with the Observatory to study how to make the Sentinel Array and Strategic Command Center overcome the complex environment inside the Galactic Center and achieve the same accuracy as the world outside the Galactic Core with real-time detection.

Before the upgrade is completed, there can only rely on the Galactic Center Observatory near the Galactic Center for indirect detection and communication.

The reason why the galactic center can detect the information of the nearby galactic center is mainly due to the hyperspace channel sensors laid at a close distance. For the time being, there is no way to shield the complex gravitational and cosmic ray environment in the galactic center for real-time detection.

Of course, it is only temporary, as long as Qiu Baiyu is given a little time, she can use Dongyuan's huge cloud computing power to assist, combined with the knowledge from the Yinxin world, to solve this problem. At that time, the Yinxin world and the Eternal Empire will no longer be No longer a mystery that cannot be explored.

Now, nearly 500 disposable unmanned battleship fleets are moving towards the Eternal Fleet in the No. 05 star system. These drones are not expensive, and they do not have independent intellectual combat AI. The biggest role is to investigate the Eternal Empire by being beaten. The combat effectiveness of the chasing ships.

The Eternal Fleet also discovered these menacing drone swarms. As before, these fleets rushed towards the drone swarm without hesitation.

Soon, the two sides started a confrontation.

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