"He has been granted the right to get rich through labor. Simply put, it is to undergo labor reform. Afterwards, we will look at the other party's reform situation and decide whether to release him or continue to lock him up."

"Yes, remember to do some ideological work. Anyway, they are also the citizens of Eternal Empire who came out of the Eternal Empire. When we pass away later, or the Eternal Empire decides to come out and declare war on us, it is also a card."

If possible, Qiu Baiyu still hopes to solve this trouble through internal disintegration. War or something is too costly.

So many warships were destroyed on the battlefield for nothing, and there are so many precious interstellar navies, it is better to sell the warships to other countries and earn more money to develop and develop the universe.

If this Phalesthun has the potential to transform into a person with a high level of ideological awareness, he will be allowed to return at that time.

If it is really hopeless, there are other crew members, more than 20000 crew members, it is impossible for all of them to be treacherous and evil, right?

Surrender does not necessarily mean treason.

Although patriots are difficult to reform, with a little guidance, they may also be able to help peaceful evolution.

There must be many passionate young people who want to change the current situation of the Eternal Empire. The resistance of other races is the beginning.

"Tell me, what is the situation in the Galactic World and the Eternal Empire? What is the situation in terms of military, economy, scientific research level, etc.? Did Farestun say anything?" Qiu Baiyu asked.

Chen Siyu nodded, "Most of the Eternal Citizens who surrendered have said that the military department has consolidated the information. I want a copy, and here it is."

With that said, Chen Siyu handed over a thick document.

Nowadays, there is technology that holographically simulates books and turns pages, but relatively speaking, Qiu Baiyu still prefers the feeling of slowly flipping through paper materials.

She took out the recliner and lay down, opened the materials, and read slowly.

This information about the Eternal Empire and Yinxin World has been specially integrated and streamlined. Qiu Baiyu can see the traces of Chen Siyu. Obviously, after Chen Siyu got the information, he specially streamlined it again, deleting those worthless nonsense and information.

"This Yinxin world is indeed very interesting."

Through the perspective of Farestun, who is the top executive of the Eternal Empire, Qiu Baiyu saw a more comprehensive view of the world in the center of the galaxy.

This world is the "gods", that is, the miracles left by the civilization of the purgers.

The Clearer civilization transported resources from all over the galaxy to the black hole at the center of the galaxy, and built a huge world on the black hole.

This huge world, the Eternal Empire, does not know how big it is.

Qiu Baiyu can only make a rough estimate based on the descriptions of these people from the galactic core world, and judge that the surface area of ​​the galactic core world may be tens of millions of times that of the earth, and light may take a year to fly around the galactic core world.

Ten million years ago, the Eliminator civilization ascended to a higher dimension, and the Eternal Empire obtained the legacy of the Eliminator civilization, inheriting the entire galactic world and some giant buildings in the surrounding star systems as the entire empire.

The world of the Galactic Center has all the resource output, including mysterious devices that can create something out of nothing, such as the Dimension Making Machine of the Fallen Empire, which can provide them with power and produce resources.

The Eternal Empire was once glorious, and except for the fact that they could not leave the center of the galaxy, they were almost invincible.

The surrounding giant structures produced countless resources, allowing them to indulge in squandering and extravagance. The other races gathered into the Galactic Core World by the purgers became the production units of the Galactic Core World, responsible for serving and producing for the Eternal Empire.

As we all know, the prevalence of hedonism is not a good thing.

All the services and work are done by other races. Over a long period of time, they have gradually forgotten how to use and maintain the giant structures that supply the galactic world, and gradually abandoned all the giant structures.

Then there are the supply facilities of the entire Galaxy World.

Some areas began to be deserted, and the supply of related equipment failed, causing the area to be unavailable to the eternal people. Therefore, the eternal empire gradually retreated to the central area of ​​the galactic world.

According to Phalesthun's description, the Eternal Empire now occupies less than one ten-millionth of the area of ​​the Galactic Heart World, and only knows to guard the powerful equipment in the central area that will not be damaged to continue their enjoyment.

As for other races responsible for production and services, due to the attitude of the Eternal Empire, various forms of oppression, discrimination, and violence are carried out. Some Eternal people like to play tricks on other races, including taking them as slaves, fighting at will, and killing them.

These behaviors made other Bronze races living under the control of the Eternal Empire very dissatisfied.

Coupled with the fact that many of the equipment failed, they could only carry out the most primitive production activities manually, which led to their anger rising and countless resistance actions broke out.

This time is the fiercest one.

If it weren't for the fact that the legacy left by the Purifier civilization was so strong that other races had no way to resist, the Eternal Empire would have been overthrown countless times.

Qiu Baiyu noticed that when the interrogators questioned these captives, they mentioned the question she had casually mentioned before, about whether the Purging civilization left AI with a personality matrix.

The other captives didn't know the answer, but Phalestourn answered in the affirmative.

"Yes, after the gods went to the God Realm, they let the great avatar enter the online world and take charge of coordinating the equipment of the entire Yinxin world. However, there seems to be something wrong with the great avatar. I haven't seen it for a long time. I don't know what happened. matter." These are the original words of Phalesthun.

These words made Qiu Baiyu fall into deep thought.

"Could it be that this AI sees the Eternal Empire as indestructible, so it chooses to be autistic?"

This guess is very ordinary and has no credibility, but Qiu Baiyu feels that there is no need to think deeply about everything. The real reason for things that may be more complicated in imagination is actually very simple.

If there is a chance to communicate with that AI in the future, Qiu Baiyu will definitely ask directly to see why the other party can't come out, what's wrong, or seeing the situation of the Eternal Empire and hating iron for steel, so he shut himself up.

After reading all the materials, while Qiu Baiyu was still thinking, Chen Siyu suddenly opened the door and walked in.

"What's wrong?" Qiu Baiyu looked up at Chen Siyu.

"There is an urgent message." Chen Siyu said: "When the military department sent three thousand clearer civilization spaceships to the relevant research institutes, the swarm fighters who passed through the Thorin queen hatched, and those swarm fighters saw the clearing warships. , there was an abnormality, Kong Xiaoyu said, they were stressed."



Chapter 539 The Worst Session

The insect swarm cultivated by Queen Thorin was taken over by the Institute of Space Biology and studied by the Institute of Space Biology.

The direction of the research is mainly about how the swarm allows individuals to have the power to cross the void, which is also the main goal of the current biological research.

Humans can now use cell regeneration therapy to extend their lifespan to an extent that scientists do not know how long, because no one has reached the limit after undergoing cell regeneration therapy.

The chief person in charge of the institute is Fang Xiaoqi, Qiu Baiyu's student, and it was she who noticed the problem and passed it on to Qiu Baiyu.

"What exactly happened to these bugs?"

Qiu Baiyu came to the Institute of Space Biology and asked Fang Xiaoqi.

"After seeing the purging warships transported over, they seemed to be aroused by something in their genes, and became restless, and wanted to attack the purging ships several times." Fang Xiaoqi said.

"Could it be that...the Scavengers civilization is the 'hunter' that destroyed the swarm?" Qiu Baiyu fell into deep thought, "No, the time is wrong, the Thorin swarm came from their home galaxy, and it took only a thousand years for the Scavengers to ascend. It was thousands of years ago."

Fang Xiaoqi said: "It seems not. Liu Hanmo sent me a message. The worm queen told them that these ships of the clearer civilization are not 'hunters' to drive them away, but are more terrifying than hunters. They seem to be related to 'hunters'." Hunter' has something to do with it."

"let me see."

Qiu Baiyu reached out to take the information handed over by Fang Xiaoqi, flipped through it for a while, and recorded the information in his mind.

"I'll go talk to the military department and bring you a few scavenger warships for experimentation. Let these swarm fleets try to contact and attack, and see if they or the worm queen can think of more information."

"Good teacher."

After answering some questions for Fang Xiaoqi at the Space Biology Research Institute and helping her with some research, Qiu Baiyu went to the Ship Design and Research Institute, where several Qingqing warships were specially used for dismantling and research.

The Eternal Empire only knows that the battleships are very powerful, that a salvo of main guns can destroy stars, and they can survive a supernova explosion, but they don't know the technical content of these ships, nor do they understand the internal principles, they only know how to use , once damaged, it can only be scrapped.

However, according to Falestoun, there is a special shipyard outside the orbit of the Galaxy World. Only need to input materials, the smart AI of the shipyard can build ships reserved in the computer, allowing them to supplement the fleet .

Like all giant structures and mysterious devices, these docks lack maintenance, and after a long period of wear and tear, they are already old and worn out, and the speed of building ships is relatively slow.

But it's better than nothing to build.

Although the Qing Qing battleship is invincible, it cannot withstand the wear and tear of time. It is not that the Eternal Empire has not used its fleet for 1000 million years.

Every time there was a rebellion, they would send the fleet over to orbit and flex their muscles.

In addition, they also have to patrol the vicinity of the galactic world to kill space creatures that suddenly appear.

Even if some ships have not been moved at all, they have been corroded and aged by various substances over such a long period of time, such as various gases and cosmic rays, so now there is no spaceship from 1000 million years ago. The oldest one The ship, with a lifespan of only 100 million, has become a museum exhibit.

Qiu Baiyu had no idea what the purgers were thinking of giving these heritages to the Eternal Empire after their civilization ascended.

Isn't this a civilization that only knows how to use it and doesn't know anything else? Isn't it just a matter of time before it perishes?

However, Qiu Baiyu also admires his ability to persist for 1000 million years.

The legacy of the Eliminator civilization is truly terrifying.

"I'd like to see how your ship is so powerful that even the ancient Suzheng can't beat it."

Qiu Baiyu immersed himself in the research and reverse research on the battleship of Qingqing.

When she fell silent, the outside world did not fall silent.

In extreme anger, Phalesthun sent a tachyon signal to the entire galaxy, causing countless civilizations to notice the center of the galaxy.

Most civilizations, especially those close to the center of the galaxy, have developed curiosity about this special region in the center of the Milky Way.

Conditional civilizations occupy a galaxy near the galactic center, as an enclave, and establish observatories to observe the galactic center.

However, due to the chaos of cosmic rays in the galactic core and the strong gravitational effect, it is impossible to observe the situation in the galactic core by conventional means.

If you use traditional optical telescopes or radio telescopes, you can see the light of stars tens of thousands of years ago.

Apart from knowing how the stars inside are divided, the light emitted by the stars has no effect on whether there is civilization in the galactic core.

After all, most civilizations have already done this kind of research on the starry sky when they were still indigenous civilizations. For interstellar civilizations, this kind of research can obtain too little information and is of little value.

What is certain is that after studying the galactic center, almost all civilizations have told everyone that the special characteristics of the galactic center cannot give birth to civilization at all, because there are too many stars, neutron stars, black holes, and a series of other things that can prohibit life. There are countless celestial bodies born. If something goes wrong with any star and produces pulse radiation, it can instantly kill all living things on the habitable planet.

In this case, life can still be born and enter the interstellar stage, which is against the sky.

Everyone originally thought so, that there is no civilization in the galactic core, and there are too many stars in it, which is not suitable for the development of civilization.

However, the sudden tachyon signal slapped those scientists in the face.

The matter of slapping scientists in the face is one of the most enthusiastic news in the media.

Soon, the news about the tachyon signal in the galactic center swept across the entire Milky Way.

After reporting, these media said they would wait for scientists to explain.

As we all know, tachyon signals can only be obtained through research, but cannot be generated naturally. This kind of tachyon can be point-to-point or diffuse randomly.

Even if the tachyon signal stream is generated by various coincidences, the fluctuations will not be regular and stable, but will only be chaotic, just like noise.

In the early days, the civilizations that had just researched tachyon transmission signals mostly searched for neighbors by scattering tachyon signals.

Now, there are regular tachyon signals coming from the galactic core, what does this mean?

It means that there is a civilization in the galactic center on the star stage, and sends a tachyon signal to the outside world, hoping to find neighbors!

This is the explanation given by scientists and the media in most civilizations.

"This civilization that sends tachyon signals to the outside world is basically impossible to be a civilization that has existed for a long time. If this is a powerful interstellar civilization, it is impossible for the other party to send out the first tachyon signal until now, in order to ask the outside world to respond to them .” A certain civilization scientist said firmly.

He exemplifies the difference between many powerful civilizations and civilizations that have just entered the interstellar stage to demonstrate the correctness of his remarks.

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