The change of day and night on the moon takes nearly a month each time, and it must not be done according to this biological clock.

All workers have a fixed work and rest schedule, and the time spent is also the time on the ground.

On the construction ship, bright lights are turned on during the day, dimmed at night, and even turned off late at night in the living area.

As the first batch of lunar base construction workers, Zhang Wengong has almost gotten used to life on the moon.

I am used to an environment where I can jump several meters high, climb up high places with just a push of my hands, and lift a hundred kilograms of metal with one hand.

It's not tiring to do the hard work here, it's all the daily mandatory exercises that are tiring.

Of course, dusting is just a shorthand name. The buildings on the moon are still different from those on the ground, although there are also reinforced concrete.

Putting on the space suit and leaving the engineering ship, before Zhang Wengong returned to the team, his immediate superior, the captain, came over from outside and stopped him.

"Zhang Wengong, the third transportation is ready to go, and it will be here in a few days. We, the first batch of people, have to go back to the ground. We don't have to work today. Let's go back and pack up first. Don't waste time by rushing around. "


Zhang Wengong didn't react immediately, and stood there in a daze.

"Back, go home?"

"Yes." The captain nodded, walked up and patted Zhang Wengong on the shoulder, "We have been at the moon base for a long time. For the sake of our health, our superiors asked us to go back, and we will arrange a period of vacation at that time."


Zhang Wengong was silent for a moment, then stood at attention and saluted.

The captain returned the salute, and then got into the engineering ship with a smile on his face.

Zhang Wengong looked at the construction site not far away, thinking that he would leave in a few days, he felt a little reluctant for a while.

He thought for a while, and instead of returning to the construction ship, he came to a nearby open space and jumped hard.

He jumped more than ten meters high, and with the assistance of the spacesuit's thrusters, he began to swim in the permitted flight area.

Since we're leaving, we won't be able to experience the low-gravity environment at that time. Anyway, let's talk about the last wave first!


Thunder General Swimsuit.jpg

If you don’t understand, just ask, why do you wear two pairs of underwear in a swimsuit?

Chapter 119 Union is the future

Under the precise calculation of the intelligent program, the huge spaceship spewed out several jet streams that constantly adjusted the direction from the bottom, and slowly landed in the space dock.

When all the engines were turned off, a large number of people emerged from the direction of the command center of the spaceship dock, rushing to the exit hatch amidst a lot of cheers.

When the hatch opened, they quickly lined up and unfurled their banners.

When the hatch was opened and the people inside came out, as the fireworks bombs exploded, the atmosphere instantly became lively, welcoming the "pioneers" who came back from the moon.

They are all No. 1 in Dongyuan's moon landing, and they are the latest batch to come back. For this reason, the ground command center held a grand welcome ceremony for them, and the whole process was broadcast live.

Of course, the first returning astronauts also received such treatment.

It won't be so grand later, but the welcome ceremony will still exist.

Yang Guang, the person in charge of the moon base, has also returned, and Qiu Baiyu is now taking over the responsibility.

Well, Qiu Baiyu wasn't responsible for all the big and small things, but handed everything over to the adjutants under Yang Guang.

"Welcome home!"

Zhang Jianmin of the Space Administration, Song Guoan, President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the commander of the astronaut brigade all shook hands with Yang Guang and saluted.

"How is the situation up there?" Song Guoan asked eagerly as they headed to the command center together.

They actually knew the progress of the moon base all along.

But a report is a report, and a chat is a chat.

"The first laboratory has been successfully completed, as academician Qiu's first alien laboratory." Yang Guang chatted cordially with the old president of the National Academy of Sciences with a smile.

"Academician Qiu's laboratory?"

Not only Song Guoan, but also Zhang Jianmin and others showed interest.

"What is she going to study inside?"

"I don't know, but that laboratory was named Gravity Laboratory by her."

"Gravity lab? Study gravity?"

"That's not clear." Yang Guang smiled and asked casually, "By the way, did any interesting events happen during my absence on Earth?"

On the moon, Yang Guang is usually very busy, and basically has no time to pay attention to various irrelevant things.

"There are some major events, such as the almost nuclear war between us and Miri."


Yang Guang stopped walking with question marks all over his face.

"Well, it's all in the past tense. You worked so hard up there, so I didn't tell you. It's not a big deal. It's just that the Mirui Empire launched some nuclear missiles, but we intercepted them."


Yang Guang doesn't know how dangerous the understatement is, but it's definitely not that simple.

Zhang Jianmin suddenly thought of something, and said, "By the way, Academician Qiu sent us a message, telling us that scientists from other countries can be allowed to board the ship to the moon, and you are responsible for the screening. Did she tell you?"

"I said, contact the countries that are interested in cooperation tomorrow, and then review the recommended scientists." Yang Guang nodded.

"Tomorrow?" Zhang Jianmin didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "What are you thinking, Comrade Yang Guang, you just came back from the moon, how can you resume your life on the ground so quickly, you need to recover in a week first, and then start working."

Yang Guang waved his hand, "The moon is not a gravity-free environment. It's just a little lighter than the ground. You can get used to it in half a day."

"Oh? Really?" Song Guoan said with interest: "Then you take a few steps to see?"

While talking, they had already walked into the command center.

Hearing this, Yang Guang immediately became unhappy and said, "It's just a couple of steps, keep an eye on it."

After saying that, he immediately jumped forward.

Like a child jumping and jumping.

"Hahahahaha!" Song Guoan immediately burst into laughter, "Look, look."

Yang Guang: "...well, it does take a while to get used to."

Zhang Jianmin patted him on the shoulder, "Dean Rong was just joking, don't take it to heart. The first group of people came back before, just like you, walking habitually jumping and jumping, and slowly changed back. "

The gravitational force of the moon is 1/6 of that of the ground. When they move on it, they basically jump and jump, and rarely walk as slowly as the ground.

Not only because of the walking speed, but also——

Jumping around is fun.

It's just like the astronauts working on the space station. They don't crawl slowly from one room to another, but press the door and sprint.

This point, when they return to the ground, they occasionally have the habit of pressing the door and rushing out.

Fortunately, after falling a few times, it changed back.

What's more, they are used to placing things in the air, which also causes a lot of things to fall when they take them...

It's not as intense on the moon, but some behavioral habits will definitely have some impact, such as lifting heavy objects, walking, climbing, etc.

Yang Guang, who was full of confidence at the beginning, also had many embarrassing behaviors in the first three days, but fortunately, he changed back slowly.

After returning to his old habits, he immediately went to work.

The current work is to send invitation letters to countries that intend to go to the moon for expeditions, and ask them to select scientists, and Yang Guang is responsible for the review.

After there was no problem, the scientists were summoned to Dongyuan to train them for moon landing.

This idea was proposed by Qiu Baiyu.

At the time of the above, he also asked Qiu Baiyu why he wanted foreigners to participate in the construction.

Qiu Baiyu smiled and told him: "Going to the starry sky is a matter for the entire civilization, and prosperity and unification are more conducive to exploration in space."

Space exploration can be played by yourself, or you can bring others to play together.

Qiu Baiyu chooses to play with others.

It’s no fun to play alone.

By helping others, you can also give back to yourself.

"Currently, there are not many countries that have the ability to conduct space exploration. Only Mirui, Sawu, Sunset, and Yinsan... have already sent invitation letters to them."

Yang Guang's assistant is reporting the work situation.

"Okay, wait for two days and see how they reply." Yang Guang nodded, and then smiled, "I don't know how the countries like Mi Rui and Yin San who have always been against us before will react."

"I think they might reject our invitation," said the assistant.

"It's okay, they refuse to save face, then we can only express regret."

Yang Guang looked through the recent intention mails sent from various countries.

"However, before we sent the invitation letter, several countries have sent us emails asking if they can cooperate to land on the moon."

"Yes, even when the situation was tense, the space agency of the Miri Empire quietly sent us an email asking if we could cooperate. They said they would try their best to persuade Congress."

"Then let's see what they say."

Except for Sawu and a few countries, the other countries with space capabilities are all countries that have no dealings with Dongyuan.

After they received the invitation letter, their faces seemed to be wonderful.

Chapter 120 There were so many people outside just now, brother knelt down for you

"What? Dongyuan Space Agency sent us an invitation letter, inviting us to go to the moon together?"

Peter, the director of Mirui Space Agency, looked shocked.

"Are you sure this isn't an April Fool's joke?"

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