"Then you wait here for your Noah, we have to return to the Kingdom of Light to hand in the mission first." Bess spread his hands helplessly.

"Forget it, our team of three cannot be separated casually." Scott shook his head extremely seriously.

Bess: "If you want to stay here, you can stay here for a while, and we didn't force you to go back."

Scott still insisted: "A three-person team will survive or die if they work together. Haven't you heard that?"

Jia Luo next to him: "..."

Is this USA San'ao still doing something else?

Just when a few people were chatting more and more happily, Jialuo suddenly became nervous without any warning.

Even he himself couldn't find the reason for this nervousness, but he suddenly felt very palpitating.

At a certain moment, he was summoned in the dark and turned his head to look at the dilapidated palace ruins in front of him.

There, there is a mass of silver-white light slowly condensing into shape.

"This is……"

That name was already on Jia Luo's lips, ready to come out.

Just when Jialuo was about to call him by his first name.


A golden space door suddenly appeared.

Immediately afterwards, Tartarus walked out of the door, without even looking at the people present, and asked sharply: "Where is Titan? Didn't it mean that Noah will be punished, how is the matter going?"


"Human, even if you can't do that kind of thing, we won't blame you."

"After all, with your ability, you might not even be able to see Noah's face!"

Tartarus looked forward as he spoke.

After seeing the condensed light, he panicked!

"No, Ultraman Noah?!"

Tartarus's two big Kaziran eyes flashed wildly.

Ultraman Noah is mentioned many times in historical information related to Ultraman.

He has also seen related pictures of this legendary warrior, but those things are far less intuitive than the current deity.

This incomparable divine light, the indescribable sense of divinity, compassion, warmth and power cannot be conveyed in pictures!

While Tartarus was stunned for a moment, the half-length Noah shadow in the ruins turned into light and stood in front of everyone!

Jia Luo: "Nexis Ultraman!"

Chapter 301 The Domain Expands!

In the headquarters of the Galaxy Rescue Team, Sora's fingers kept beating on the instrument.

"I discovered the energy fluctuations of the Absolut family!"

"On the planet Babel!"

Sora yelled.

"Immediately report this news to the Space Guard and ask for their assistance!" Queen Amaterasu made a prompt decision.

Sola nodded: "Understood!"


Blizzard star.

Sero finally broke out during the fight between the two instructors.

"I have never forgotten the mission on my shoulders for a moment. I have become stronger to protect all the people who want to be protected!"

"My wildness has never disappeared!"

"Watch me set off a black hole storm!"

"Shua!" All the blue stripes on Sai Luo's body turned into red.

Now he looks like a pure-blooded red warrior.

After the wild form appeared, Zero punched Leo fiercely.

"Bang!!", Leo took Si Luo's fist hard, and was sent flying tens of thousands of meters!

After doing this, Sero fought with Jonias next to him.

"Let you see my true strength!"

"Bang bang bang-"

After the wildness erupted, Sai Luo's moves became disorganized and elusive.

As strong as Jonias, even got a few punches from Sai Luo!

Suddenly, a voice sounded in the distance: "I let you get the wild form to let you better control your own power, not to let you go crazy."

When Sai Luo heard the words, he was stunned for a moment. He looked back to where the voice came from: "Father? Why did you appear here?"

"Is there a law in the Kingdom of Light that a father cannot watch his son practice?" Sai Wen asked rhetorically.

"That's not what I meant. What I meant is, dad, you are so busy, how can you find the time." Sero explained helplessly.

Why does dad become more naughty as he gets older?

"Actually, I came here this time to bring you some news..."


Planet Babel.

After seeing Ultraman Noah appear, Ultraman Scott in the three-person team was so excited that he couldn't say a complete sentence: "You, you saw it..."

"The legendary... super soldier!"

"Hey, why did he turn into an unpretentious juvenile form? Could it be that Noah Ultraman also has energy troubles?"

"I don't think things are that simple." Ultraman Bass said.

Just when everyone was in a daze, Nexus' body changed again, transforming into a red youth form in the blink of an eye.

"I understand, this is the legendary warrior showing us his various stages of form!"

"He must have been here alone for so many years, so lonely."

Scott made a very bold guess.

Jia Luo beside him held his forehead speechlessly.

Nexus on the opposite side has already released the Meta Domain, and is about to close the door and beat the dog. Some people think that he just wants to show off his form.

"I can't feel any attacking intentions. As expected of Noah Ultraman's pre-upgrade form, is it well concealed?"

Tartarus murmured.

"But Ultraman Noah, you really look down on me. Even if you come here, I have the strength to fight, let alone this little incarnation!"

After speaking, Tartarus raised his hands forward, feeling slighted.

"Absolute Destruction!"

A golden lightning-like beam shot out, heading straight for Nexus.

At the same time, the Metafield created by Nexus was completely enveloped.

Jialuo originally wanted to get out of the Meita Domain quickly, but when he wanted to leave, he realized that the scope of this domain was surprisingly large.

Sure enough, the able-bodied is the limiter of Nexus, and you have to play your own account to be the strongest.

"Is this the Meta Field? It feels so magical!" Ultraman Scott next to him was still talking nonstop.

"I feel like the energy loss in my body is accelerating!" the alert Ultraman Chak suddenly mentioned.

Jia Luo said forget it: "Normal phenomenon, the Meta Realm is a subspace that belongs exclusively to Nexus. This subspace can weaken the enemy's strength and enhance Nexus' own strength. In addition, he can also shield the realm. From the perspective of outsiders..."

"I see."

At this time, Scott pointed to the position where Nexus and Tartarus were fighting: "Look over there, the little golden man and Ultraman Nexus are fighting."

"It's really beyond his control, he doesn't think he is the opponent of Ultraman Nexus?"

"Huh? I have to say that this guy has something, he can really fight back and forth with Ultraman Nexus!"

"Bang bang bang-!!"

The sounds of Tartarus and Nexus fighting echoed in the Metafield.

Scott's three-person team watched extremely fascinated, as if their mission here was to watch a play.

Beside them, Jia Luo's expression was extremely focused.

He is studying the field of meta.

He has seen two owners of domain skills so far, one is Hitler's Miracle Space, and the other is Nexus' Meta Domain in front of him.

There are also many other monsters or cosmic beings with similar domain skills.

And from the performance of these people, it can be seen that the field is very useful!

So, he wanted to have one too.

"Can you try to synchronize the fluctuations in the Meta field and create an energy field similar to it..."

While talking, Jia Luo tried to synchronize...

After a few minutes, the expression on Jia Luo's face gradually turned to frustration.

Sure enough, Nexus' abilities cannot be coveted casually.

During this period of time, not only was he unable to synchronize with the Meta Field, but most of his energy was sucked away by the Meta Domain!

"It's fine if you can't sync, you have to return my energy, I'm going to fight later."

Looking at the orange-yellow barrier in front of him, Jia Luo slowly stretched out his hand and used the Nether Wave Absorbing Skill!

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