Then he sat back in his seat.

Quietly wait for what else this light curtain will expose next!


Liu Dang is here.

At this time, Liu Dang was very excited when he saw himself in the video!

did not expect!

Unexpectedly! !

I was said to have no talent and could not practice.

One day in the future, he will actually become a stranger!

I never thought that there would be people in this world who could help me climb the wall!


Liu Dang raised his arms in excitement and cheered!

But next second!

Liu Dang seemed to have thought of something!

Immediately put your arms down to protect your chest!


The video of pinching my Doudou gave me a shadow!


Biyou Village.

After Ma Xianhong saw what Liu Dang said in the video. 150

The whole person was like a puddle of mud, paralyzed on the ground!

It's over! It's over!

This is the end!

My secret is really going to be exposed!

What if there are bad guys at that time? ?

What if I ruin my stove?

Besides, my furnace hasn’t been repaired yet!

What if those people came here because of their fame but returned without success.

At that time, everyone thought I was a liar...

Who will come to Biyou Village in the future? ?


Countless forces have their own ideas.

Some people directly launched barrages.

"Holy shit, shit, shit! Have you ever heard of people without talent suddenly turning into strangers? - Feng Xingtong"

"No! Absolutely not! This kind of thing is impossible! It is impossible for ordinary people to become aliens! This is simply against common sense! - Wang Ye"

"Humph, there are so many things that go against common sense! Isn't your Fenghou Qimen just something that goes against common sense! - Zhuge Qing"

"So... is this one that can turn ordinary people into strange beings one of the Eight Wonders?! Let me go! This is too outrageous! This light screen actually revealed so many Eight Wonders, It’s incredible!——Lu Linglong”

"This light screen is so amazing! Next, we will probably have to expose how Ma Xianhong achieved this magical operation, right?! - Zhi Jinhua"

Countless viewers discussed it wildly.

The more we discuss it, the more shocked we are!

The more we discuss it, the more incredible it becomes!

To know!

Ordinary people simply cannot become aliens!

No matter how deep this person's obsession is to become a stranger!

How hard you practice!

In the end, it is impossible to climb over this high wall between ordinary people and strangers!

Now you're telling me a regular guy turned over with help! ?

It's a fantasy!


Light Curtain has never lied!

Now it is revealed that a person has transformed from an ordinary person into a stranger!

No matter how incredible this thing is!

But it is the truth!

However, how is this process achieved?

There should be an explanation for the light curtain this time!

This light curtain did not reveal why Quan Xing attacked Longhu Mountain before!

It should be exposed now, how did Liu Dang transform from an ordinary person to a stranger?


Just when countless viewers are looking forward to it!

Unexpectedly, the picture in the light curtain stopped suddenly!

Then a huge word "End" suddenly popped up and occupied the entire light screen!

Boil! ! !

Made! ! !

Again, it ended when everyone was curious!

This damn light screen producer! ! !

Countless viewers were filled with anger when this video came to an abrupt end!

"It's a leg! It ended when everyone was curious! Does this light curtain know what we are thinking! Why does it pinch so accurately every time! - Lu Linglong"

"Blanched!!! This light screen producer!!! It's really exciting! I know everyone wants to see how Liu Dang transforms from an ordinary person into a strange person! You're done!" ? It’s so irritating! Don’t let me catch you!—Feng Xingtong”

"Ouch! It's so annoying!! Don't talk about how this Liu Dang turned from an ordinary person to a stranger! He didn't even finish teaching the baby's Eighteen Awei Styles!!! He actually ended it like this! I'm so angry People!——Lu Linglong”

Countless spectators howled crazily!

They hate this light curtain now!

Although he exposed the dark history of many people!

Bringing great joy to all!

But these did not affect their anger towards this light curtain at this moment!

Their appetites are really whetted now!

It’s okay if the secret of Liu Dang’s transformation into a stranger is not exposed!

In the end, you didn’t even expose the baby’s eighteen Awei poses!

It’s so irritating! ! !

Thinking about it, countless viewers continued to discuss.

"Damn! I'm so angry! This light screen producer has dug so many holes! I really don't know when he will come back to fill them! - Lu Linglong"

"That's right! Why did Quanxing attack Longhu Mountain? The entire content of Baobao's Awei Eighteen Styles! Why did Liu Dang change from an ordinary person to a strange person? What secrets were there during this period? These pitfalls are always left , it makes people feel so nervous! - Zhijinhua"

"Alas! This light screen maker! I have come to know his tricks! The previous secrets should be exposed in the encyclopedia of memes later! Fill the hole!! - Wang Ye"

"Oh! I raise my hands to agree with Wang Daozhang's opinion!!! For example, there is a follow-up to the previous "Walking Birds under the Moon"! How could these shocking secrets not be revealed hahahaha~——Feng Xingtong"

"Don't cue me, thank you! QAQ——Zhang Chulan"

Countless viewers expressed their opinions wildly after the video ended.

Some viewers believe that the makers of the light screen should reveal these secrets in subsequent memes!

After all, the content in many previous memes.

It’s all related to the previous pit!

So they firmly believe that the maker of this light curtain,

He must have put these secrets behind him!

A thought here.

Only then did their restless hearts calm down.

But some viewers looked at the word [End] on the light screen.

But I couldn't calm down for a long time...


The head office that works everywhere!

At this time, Zhao Fangxu was standing in the conference room.

"Immediately send someone to the location of this video and immediately check Ma Xianhong and Liu Dang! Check whether what was exposed by the light curtain is true!"


After that, dozens of people walked out of the conference room.

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