The video continues to play.

In the picture, Master Jie Kong is giving instructions to Bao Jing.

"Remember not to rush into practice!"

"If you rush forward and fall into the word [greedy], it will increase the power of 'I', and all your previous efforts will be wasted..."

"Yes, Master."

However, at this time, Bao Jing was happy because the red eyes disappeared!

I was somewhat noncommittal about Master's advice.

He turned around and began to practice more secretly.


The process of cultivating Buddhism is exactly as the saying goes: "quietly consider the four confusions in life, and increase greed, pride, and ignorance."

In the meditative state of abandoning external objects and emotions, practitioners will have an extraordinary sense of joy and be proud of their own "quietness". This is called "dying".

If you cannot get rid of this state and are too greedy for meditation, delusions will inevitably arise.

And Baojing is indeed sliding towards the worst outcome.

The screen turns!

It's night time.

At this time, Bao Jing was practicing secretly again.

As a result, "ego" flourishes!

At this moment, he couldn't help but turn on his intense red eyes!

Bang bang bang bang bang! ! !

Warning bells in the temple were rung frantically.

All of a sudden, countless monks fled in all directions!

At this time, Baojing is no longer the monk Baojing, but Xiao Zizai, whose "self-grasping" is flourishing.

Xiao Zizai's eyes were so red that it was scary!

At this moment, Xiao Zizai, who was trapped in the abyss, hit anyone he saw!

And all of them are deadly!

For a moment, the entire Lingyin Temple was filled with miserable wailing!

"Quick! Run quickly!!! Bao Jing is possessed!!!"

"Crazy! Really crazy! Run for your life!"

"Hurry up and find the monks to help! Bao Jing is going to go on a killing spree!!!"

Countless monks are running around!

Xiao Zizai is always afraid of being possessed by a demon.

At this time, Xiao Zizai looked at the monks running around.

There is only one thought in my mind.

slay! ! !

Whoever you catch will be slapped in the face!

Whether he is dead or alive has nothing to do with him now!

. . . . . .


very familiar name...

Whose name is this...?

Whose voice is this voice...?

so familiar...

So kind...

However, at this time.

Xiao Zizai suddenly became irritable!


What is Baojing? !

My head hurts! ! !

slay! !

slay! ! !

Xiao Zizai's red eyes became even scarier!

Run straight towards Master Jie Kong!

next second!

Xiao Zizai struck directly with the Great Compassionate Palm!

Master Jiekong looked at the familiar palm technique and smiled.

"Hehehe, this is the first move I taught you. I didn't expect you to be even more proficient now!"


A huge explosion resounded throughout Lingyin Temple.

Master Jikong put his hands together, his cassock was completely torn, and he was covered in blood!

Master Jiekong actually withstood this palm with his mortal body!

When the other monks saw this, their eyes widened suddenly, and many junior monks had tears in their eyes.


Master Jie Kong coughed up blood.

Then he said lightly.

"Don't worry about me, my apprentice, I'll save you!"

Then he shouted towards the possessed Bao Jing.

"If you want to kill someone first, kill me first!"

Xiao Zizai, who was possessed by the devil, was stunned for a moment, and then continued to use the merciful hand that Master Jiekong once entrusted to him!

Boom! !

Xiao Zizai waved his palms twice!

Master Jiekong's body was bleeding from all over!

Even the flesh and bones are exposed!

On the side, Monk Baowen couldn't bear it anymore and attacked Xiao Zizai who was possessed by the devil!

At this moment, Baowen no longer cares about rules and regulations!

A palm was swung towards Xiao Zizai!


Jiekong shouted towards Baowen with all his strength.

Baowen hesitated for a moment and then withdrew the move.

"Master! We can't go on like this! Bao Jing has become a demon! If he doesn't stop it, I'm afraid all the monks in Lingyin Temple will die at his hands!!"

"If you want to kill someone, kill me first!"

Master Jiekong closed his eyes tightly and clasped his hands together.

Still saying those words.

Baowen clenched his fists and shouted loudly.

"Bao Jing!!! You bastard!!! Wake up!"

"Have you forgotten who brought you into the temple?!"

"Have you forgotten who taught you the great mercy?!"

"Have you forgotten all this?!"

At this time, the possessed Xiao Zizi heard these words.

I was struggling very much.

I saw Xiao Zizai just holding his head, swaying from side to side, and his whole person became even more manic!

But the next second!

Xiao Zizai still had red eyes and hit Master Jiekong!

Such a compassionate hand!

He hit Xiao Zizai's master from close range!

"Bao Jing..."

"wake up......"


There was an earth-shattering explosion!

The fire was mixed with thick smoke and roaring, setting off waves of impacting air one after another!

In the worried and desperate eyes of countless disciples!

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