The other ninjas also looked at him with strange expressions.

But Hiyu Sarutobi also has difficulties - the Sarutobi clan has old scores. Are they really not afraid that Natsuhiko will turn over the old scores and cut them off with a single blow?

However, except for Sarutobi Hio, no one else spoke.

Clan leaders like Zhuludie and others do not want to be involved in this turmoil.

The ninjas who were sleeping behind Koharu and Mito Enmon subconsciously did not betray, they wanted to see how it would work...

As a result, this meeting turned into a one-man show for the Sarutobi clan leader...

Sarutobi Hiio was not afraid of embarrassment. After waiting for a while and no one spoke, he continued to denounce those 'traitors', thinking that they were not worthy of being Konoha ninjas and should be expelled from the village!

Xia Yan looked at it with a chuckle for a few seconds, then suddenly spoke!


He sighed as if talking to himself: "My wedding has not been held yet, and several women have decided to marry me Uchiha. Could it be that the two elders want me to become a dishonest person?" man of?"

"You are prejudiced against me!"

"Although I, Xia Yan, have not served the village for many years like the two elders, I consider myself a ninja who loves the village. Why do you families dislike me so much?"

He sighed and shook his head, sighing helplessly.

"Everyone is from the same village. You can't see them when you look up, but you can see them when you look down."

"If you have any opinions, please come forward!!"


"We can also see what reasons we should find to retaliate against you." Xia Yan showed a gentle smile: "After all, I am a reasonable person!"

The special code makes sense!

Is this how you make sense?


Chapter 184 Tsunade: Love, love!

When they went to bed, Koharu and Mito Enmon were both confused.

The ninjas behind him felt a chill in their hearts instantly - because as Xia Yan spoke, boundless murderous aura surged over them, making them tremble as if they were standing between thousands of years of ice.

"I oppose the proposal to transfer to Elder Xiaochun. Our village cannot be so closed!"

"Yes, we must have the freedom to marry our significant other!"

"We want freedom! We want human rights!"

"Konoha Village is open to all rivers, let alone foreign ninjas. I think even rebel ninjas can't be given a chance!"

They spoke one after another without hesitation, fearing that a knife would be stabbed at them one second later.

Some people even talk too fast and are a little careless - what the hell is a traitor giving a chance?

Xia Yan watched their performance with a smile.

"Oh, so that's what you think... Where are those people? What do you think?"

As he said that, he looked at Zhuludie and other wealthy people.

Shikaku and the others only felt boundless pressure coming on them.

They swallowed silently and said one after another.

"Yes, I think so too."

"Konoha should be an inclusive shinobi village."

"This is the will of the First Hokage..."

Nara, Inuzuka, Aburame and other clan leaders expressed their opinions one after another, as if 'whoever agrees with this law is a sinner of Konoha', their words were righteous and full of justice.

"Oh? So everyone doesn't support the proposal to move to the two elders Koharu and Mito Enmen?" Tsunade asked with a smile.

"I don't support it!" Everyone said in unison, with an extremely firm attitude!

After moving to bed, Koharu and Mito Enmon were embarrassed to find that in the entire jounin meeting, it seemed that except for their two proposers, everyone else voted against it!

They became a minority party among themselves!

In politics, being a minority is a very dangerous situation. Even if you are right, you will eventually be labeled wrong.

What's even more embarrassing is that they can't even do it even if they want to!

After all, they were the ones who made the proposal, and no one asked them about their attitude...

"That's it." Tsunade squinted her eyes: "Then this proposal has been rejected... Next is Natsuhiko's proposal."

"Natsu Yan proposes to cancel the privileges of two elders, Koharu and Mito Enmen, who move to another dormitory. What do you think?"

Natsuhiko smiled slightly, and after Tsunade spoke, he said: "The two elders have worked hard and made great contributions to Konoha... Now that we are older, we descendants can't always let our seniors hold us back. Serve Konoha with your aging body!"

"Other ninja villages will think that we in Konoha don't treat the elderly well... This is not okay!"

"I think it's better to let the two elders take care of themselves and enjoy family happiness."

"What do you guys think?"

He looked over with a smile.

When Koharu and Mito Enmon went to bed, their eyes widened even more.

Getting older?

Well, it’s indeed quite big.

But we can still do it!

Ohnoki from other Ninja Villages is of the same generation as him, there is a Genshi in Mist Ninja Village who also leads Mist Ninja, Chiyo and Ebizo from Sand Ninja Village are also named elders...

We can still do it!

We will serve Konoha for another 20 years!

But others said without hesitation.

"Yes, the two elders are too old. I don't think they should be made to work too hard."

"We in Konoha always respect the elderly, how can we let the elderly do such hard work? I agree with Sir Natsuhiko!"

"Let the old people shine for Konoha because we, the younger generation, are incompetent... I suggest giving us young people a chance to prove our abilities to the old people!"

Everyone spoke one after another, but their hearts felt cold.

In today's meeting, everyone knew that the two elders wanted to drive a wedge between Xia Yan and Hokage, but Xia Yan slapped them back.

But this way of taking photos back...

"Just like Uchiha Madara back then!" Everyone sighed inwardly.

People from Madara Uchiha's era are no longer alive.

Even Koharu and Mito Enmon, who were the same generation as the Third Hokage, could only be said to be rising stars back then. They could not reach the top circles of Konoha and did not understand the political situation of Uchiha Madara during his time in Konoha.

But all the major families have records of the history of that period - Uchiha Madara often used his murderous aura to frighten the clan leaders at jounin meetings, forcing them to agree to his suggestions!

It's not that Uchiha Madara is deliberately playing tricks. In fact, Uchiha Madara's suggestions back then were all from Konoha's perspective. In many cases, he even supported Senju Hashirama's suggestions, forcing everyone to be obedient. .

After all, not all of Konoha's clan leaders are wise and powerful. Some of them are exactly like the first Kazekage in the Five Kage Conference, arrogant people who shamelessly ask for benefits from Konoha.

Although Senju Hashirama is strong, he has a gentle temperament and never threatens others, which gives these clan leaders room to play.

However, Uchiha Madara never got used to these guys!


If you don't obey me, you will no longer have ears!

Relying on the power of Uchiha Madara and the gentleness of the first Hokage, Konoha, as the first to initiate the ninja village system, did not have any problems.

And now...

Xia Yan stood behind Tsunade with a smile on his face, but his murderous aura was released crazily!

The kaleidoscope pattern has already appeared in the eyes, and the surging pupil power makes everyone present feel as if a big stone is pressing on their bodies, and even breathing is very laborious!

"Is this how our ancestors felt back then? No wonder when Uchiha Madara ran for Hokage, everyone unanimously supported the first Hokage... Is it okay to support him?" Shikaku and others felt bitter in their hearts as they thought about the records in the clan. .

Tsunade snickered secretly.

Although she has the bonus of the Senju Clan, she actually has a lot of flaws.

Those who owed money, even some creditors, with the secret support of the two elders, went straight to the Hokage Building to collect debts!

The decision to marry into an Uchiha aroused secret protests, including from many clan leaders.

To say that they would obey the Hokage's orders might be a bit exaggerated.

But it is not difficult to delay a little, use a wrench, and then the elders come to suppress the Hokage's prestige!

Although she is the Hokage who 'led Konoha to win the war', she really doesn't have the attitude of Rasa who sticks to her word - Suna Ninja Village has been suppressed for too long, and finally a Rasa can appear. With the benefit of leading everyone to win, even the suppressed clan leaders supported Luo Sha without hesitation!

And now...

No matter what the top ninjas think in their hearts, on the surface they are all singing praises for the policies of the Fifth Hokage. It feels a bit like "if the sky does not give birth to the Hokage, Konoha will be like a long night"!

Power is in your hands!

This is very cool!

"I love it, I love it. Is this how I felt when I was a great grandfather... This is a real Hokage!"

Tsunade looked excited, as if she had reached the climax.

Then many decrees were passed one after another that were "for the good of the village, but would weaken the power of the powerful clans and would not be passed on ordinary days."

Including but not limited to the retirement of Koharu and Mito Enmon, the resignation of their subordinates, Konoha's anti-corruption campaign, the training system of medical ninja, and distribution standards, etc...

With Natsuhiko standing behind him, no matter how reluctant they were, the jounin had no choice but to agree.

Tsunade was in high spirits, even though she was pregnant with a child, as a medical ninja she knew she shouldn't be too excited.

But she couldn't stop her excitement!

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