Devil Fruit has a weakness of being unable to swim!

And this is just the most basic animal-type devil fruit with limited potential. Even Yukino, Ringo and other wives and concubines whom he values ​​​​are a bit of a waste of their potential - in the future, Natsuhiko gets other good things and can give them better ones!

And giving it to others seems a bit wasteful - this time it's a waste of Devil Fruit!


"Just her!" Xia Yan's eyes lit up and he walked into Uchiha's secret room.

There is a imprisoned 'fluff ball' there, who might be a good choice!

"It just so happens that this is an Inu-Dog fruit... This is a perfect match!"


The fact is just as Xia Yan thought, after feeding the 'Devil Fruit Ji? Ya?? Pastoral Dog Form' to Samui, she quickly mastered the human-animal mode and transformed into a beast-eared girl.

The two canine ears are very smart and fluffy, making people want to touch them just by looking at them.

She has gloriously become a mother in a very literal sense...ahem!

Xia Yan was so happy for several days that he even had less time to devote to his newly married wives and concubines!

Even Yukino has some opinions - Natsuhiko, what are you doing? If you don't get along with the new people quickly, do you still want to revive Uchiha?

"That's right! I can't go on like this!" Xia Yan tried hard to strengthen his belief: "The newly married wives and concubines are not used to the life of Uchiha yet. It is inevitable that they will be a little uneasy and nervous, and they need my more comfort!"

"I have to give more time to them, instead of just enjoying myself!"

Xia Yan learned from the experience and deeply regretted it. After coming out of the secret room, he immediately made up his mind to quit the beast-eared girl.

Say no to drugs, say no to gambling, say no to beast-eared girls!

Starting from three days ago, today is the first day that he successfully 'rejected the beast-eared girl'!

After seven days.

"I must quit today!"

ten days later.

"As a top ninja, I must have a strong will!"

fifteen days later.

"Forget it, what about love!"

Xia Yan lay flat - I admit that I lack willpower, sorry, I admit defeat.

There is no way, he has successfully achieved the goal of killing a hundred people, and he has no shortage of wives and concubines.

Although he still warms every wife with his philanthropic mind, maintains strong energy and insatiable desire, he has a strong interest in the bodies of his wives and concubines every day, and is deeply obsessed with them.

But it is definitely still the combination of the beast-eared girl + flannel ball, which is more novel and more attractive to Xia Yan!

"Hey, as a man, I am guilty..."


During the days when Xia Yan worked hard, others were not idle either.

After Naruto learned that Sasuke had followed Jiraiya, he made a fuss and yelled, 'Sasuke doesn't know people, can't he see that Brother Natsuhiko has the biggest legs?'

But a few days later, he started shouting again, 'Damn Sasuke, you actually saw through the fact that Natsuhiko didn't have much energy to teach us, and chose to run away?I also want to learn from a master, and then I will crush you! ’ words, and then stalked Kakashi in an attempt to learn his Raikiri.

This left Kakashi speechless - my ninjutsu requires thunder attribute chakra. If you don't have it, you don't have it. Even if I want to teach you, you can't learn it!

But Naruto still didn't care, and shamelessly wanted him to teach him.

After all, there are few ninjas in Konoha who are stronger than Kakashi.

Tsunade is the Hokage, she works a lot on weekdays, and she is pregnant. She needs to be able to work hard, so naturally she will not teach students.

Mai".![-]:![-] showed too much fighting power, Naruto didn't know his level.

Xia Yan is quite strong and is happy to teach others how to practice.

But I couldn't stand it. Among the wives and concubines that Uchiha had recently married, many of them came here for Natsuhiko's reputation as the "strongest in the ninja world", in order to gain personal guidance from Natsuhiko and make their own strength even further.

In order to make the child's mother stronger and increase the child's potential, Xia Yan would naturally not refuse the requests of his wives and concubines.

Although the training of ninjas at the elite Jonin level does not require Natsuhiko to keep an eye on him all the time, it is enough to take a look at him every day and give him a few words of advice.

But the large number of wives and concubines also consumed a lot of Xia Yan's time, and he had no intention of making room for Naruto.

Jiraiya and Sasuke went out without Naruto.

Of course only Kakashi is left!

Even if Kakashi and Naruto are not the same type of ninja, teaching them is troublesome and the progress is not very great.

But Naruto still pestered his teacher!

Looking at Kakashi's helpless expression, Natsuhiko almost wanted to recommend Naruto to sign up for the 'Orochimaru Tutoring Class'!

But although Kakashi couldn't teach Naruto anything, Natsuhiko discovered that Naruto's chakra became more and more smooth. During one practice, he even had a fiery red 4.9 chakra...

"This is Nine-Tails Chakra!" Natsuhiko was stunned: "Naruto, is this kid on good terms with Nine-Tails?"

After all, it is not surprising that he is the child of destiny.

On the other side, Neji's strength is also constantly improving.

Although he has not found the threshold of the reincarnation eye, he is a genius in his own right. What he lacks most is actually an undeveloped body, because this directly affects the power of Hinata's strongest attack method, the soft fist.

He even borrowed disciples to carry out his own targeted training!

It is said that on weekdays, the Ino girls directly fight against themselves who are carrying heavy weights. Although the Ino girls have made more and more progress, they have never won.

At the same time, Neji's burden became heavier and heavier...

It can be seen that his progress is not slow!

Although Sakura did not receive much teaching from Kakashi, nor did she win the favor of Tsunade, she found Shizune to teach her medical ninjutsu in a different way.

I don’t know how she found this way. Unlike the original work, Naruto didn’t have any face in front of Tsunade and Shizune!

But Shizune is actually one of the best medical experts among Konoha's medical ninjas, second only to Tsunade and Natsuhiko, who can be cloned and cheated countless times.

It can be said that it is easy to teach a Sakura who has just started to learn.

We all have a bright future!

At this time, a news spread throughout the ninja world.

The five-tailed Jinchuuriki Han from the Iwa Ninja Village and the fourth-tailed Jinchuuriki Old Murasaki both disappeared!

The one who took action was...



Chapter 186 Xia Yan, as long as you promise to give it to me...

The situation in Iwa Ninja Village is very complicated!

Ohnoki's prestige was greatly reduced, and he no longer had the ability to suppress the internal conflicts in the Iwa Ninja Village.

The four-tailed Jinchuuriki Lao Zi also frantically provoked Onoki, opposed his conservative opinions, and hoped to carry out reforms in the Iwa Ninja Village and seek more benefits from the outside world.

Because Onoki caused the Iwa Ninja Village to lose its master and humiliated the country, the Iwa Ninjas were resistant to him. Therefore, he who had firmly raised a flag against Onoki a long time ago immediately gained the support of many ninjas!

It can be said that he is a popular candidate for the Tsuchikage of Iwa Ninja Village!

On the other side, Ohnoki knew that abdicating was the best choice. While suppressing the internal conflicts in the Iwa Ninja Village, he was trying to please Natsuhiko, and at the same time, he was still working hard for the candidate of the Fourth Tsuchikage!

The candidate he selected was the Five-Tailed Jinchuuriki Han!

Han is a mature man with a calm personality. Although he is not good at words, he is indeed an excellent ninja.

In fact, neither of them is a very good candidate. The conservative atmosphere of Iwa Ninja Village makes them less tolerant of Jinchūriki.

Onoki wanted his son Huang Tu to inherit the position of Tsuchikage, but Huang Tu was implicated by himself and caused great opposition in the village, so he chose Han.

After all, there are only a few Kage-level masters left in Iwa Ninja Village!

Although Ohnoki's prestige has been greatly reduced, he has been a Tsuchikage for decades, and his subordinates still have some power.

With Onoki's support, Han passed the review of the village jounin meeting with a slight advantage. As long as he reported to the Daimyo of the Earth Country, he would become the next generation of Tsuchikage.

The four-tailed Jinchuuriki Lao Zi was so angry that he left the Iwa Ninja Village that day and ran to who knows where.

Ohnoki didn't care either. After all, Lao Zi went out to relax more than once or twice. In the past, when I had different political opinions with him, he often went out to relax, but once there was a problem in Iwa Ninja Village, he would rush back immediately27.

After all, Lao Zi still misses the village...

As a result, Onoki began to prepare for Han's accession to the throne. Han also suppressed his shortcomings of poor speech and gave many rounds of speeches in the village, hoping to gain the support of more ninjas.

Then he personally went to the capital of the Earth Kingdom, hoping to get the support of the daimyo - Iwa Ninja Village humiliated the country by losing its master, and the daimyo had already developed opinions on Iwa Ninja Village.

He not only went through a recognized process, but also hoped that the daimyo could continue to support the Iwa Ninja Village and make up for the village's losses!

However, we haven’t reached the capital yet...

Akatsuki's attack is coming!

The visitors were Kakuzu and Hidan. After a fierce battle, Han was seriously injured and defeated. Only one ninja who had been elected to the Shadow Guard was left, risking his life and death to contact Onoki.

Onoki suddenly panicked.

"Anyone really dares to jump on the head of my Iwa Ninja Village!"

"Forget it Xia Yan, you are nothing, Xiao!"

With a roar of rage, he followed the clues and chased her, but in vain.

Although Hidan is not good at hiding himself, Kakuzu is a veteran ninja and knows how to clean up his traces - especially when he led Ōnoki to meet Natsuhiko, he already had some understanding of Ōnoki's pursuit methods.

Ohnoki failed to track, but he understood that it was Akatsuki's people who did it, and immediately issued a strong question to Akatsuki.

Of course, Xiao didn't answer him.

Onoki didn't care at first. He hoped that at this time when the prestige of Iwa Ninja Village was greatly reduced, he could rely on Iwa Ninja Village's own strength to fight a battle to restore the prestige of Iwa Ninja Village and cleanse Iwa Ninja Village. The shame proves the strength of Iwa Ninja.

But this needs to be solved by the new Tsuchikage - there can't be a Kage who is a prisoner of war in the Ninja Village. It is obvious that Han, who is already worthy of winning and supported by everyone, can no longer serve as Tsuchikage.

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