It has always been her dream to rescue Cocosia Village from the evil dragon!

But even if Nami is deceiving herself and is familiar with the dangers of the world, she can't really believe that the evil dragon, the vicious pirate, will hand over the village obediently after she collects [-] million beli's money...

What's the best option for a pirate?

Of course I want the money, the village, and even you, too!

Although the evil dragon behaves relatively trustworthy, it is only relative.

If there is any other way, Nami will not place her hope on the reputation of the evil dragon.

But compared to the evil dragon who has a high probability of default, Xia Yan is a truly trustworthy person!

But because of a word from the Pirate Empress, she went and smashed Marie Joa's!

Although everyone looked at Xia Yan like a lustful lunatic, they had to admit that this guy really dared to play, and most people didn't need to worry about him breaking the contract.

In order to marry a wife, he even destroyed the holy land of Marie Geoia.

Do you still need to worry about him not keeping his word?

To be honest, if Natsuhiko hadn't smashed Marijoa and directly become a sworn enemy in the eyes of the World Government and the Navy Headquarters, it is estimated that countless women with bounties exceeding [-] million would have gone directly to Dressrosa and asked to marry Uchi The Bo clan is here!

The incident of Xia Yan smashing Marie Joa directly proved that what he said on the news was serious!

He never lied!

In fact, at this time, there were already many female pirates with bounties exceeding [-] million, and they ran to Dressrosa because they wanted to let Natsuhiko pay for me.

In this age of great navigation where wars were frequent, the relatives and friends of these people were killed, and they had no hope of revenge.

Originally, they could only watch all this in silence, but they were unable to resist the stronger enemy.

But at this time Xia Yan turned out...

This gives them hope of revenge!

Anyway, he will die, so what if Xia Yan is regarded as a mortal enemy by the World Government?

As long as you help me get revenge, I will be yours!

Nami has the same idea. She is not afraid of death and is willing to die for the village. As long as she can please Natsu Yan, everything will be worth it!

The only problem is...

"My strength is not enough for Xia Yan's request... Will he agree to my request?"

Nami's expression was gloomy.


Chapter 274 Hancock: Bitch, how dare you steal your husband from me? !

Nami thought she hid it well, but both Xia Yan and Hancock could clearly see every little move she made in their minds!

Hancock's domineering power of knowledge and color is not weak!

And Xia Yan's perception is also not inferior to others!

But although Xia Yan couldn't help but glance out the window to see this unexpected 'acquaintance'.

Hancock didn't pay any attention to Nami's little actions.

As the Pirate Empress, she always attracts the most attention, whether in the pirate group or in the outer sea!

It's perfectly normal for someone to sneak a few glances at you.

If Hancock wants to take care of such people one by one, then she will probably have to kill them from beginning to end when she goes out in the future...

In fact, not only Nami, but also a lecherous cook who just came out of the kitchen and wanted to blame the diners for running away and wasting the ingredients, she didn't bother at all!

Even this lecherous cook spurted blood from his nose the moment he saw Hancock. The large amount of blood was like a jet rocket, bringing with it huge force, and the huge reaction force made him fly backwards.

Finally, he fell on the cold floor of the kitchen, and his blood quickly turned into a small pool of blood.

"Beauty...the most beautiful woman in the world..."

He muttered some words that were incomprehensible, making the cooks around him shake their heads helplessly, and then he had to personally take action and drag the humiliated person back to the dormitory to rest.

"Sanji, you're still as embarrassed as ever." Xia Yan's lips twitched.

Isn't she just a beauty? As for letting him be like this?

Xia Yan was disdainful, and at the same time he put one hand around Hancock's slender waist and held him in his arms.

"Hancock, what do you want to eat?"

"I think this red wine stewed beef is very good!" Hancock's face turned red and his body squirmed slightly, but he still leaned on Xia Yan's chest like a bird clinging to someone.

"Well, it looks really good...Boss, give me two portions." Xia Yan said with a smile: "This low-temperature and slow-roasted beef ribs also looks delicious. Please give me three portions."

"And here's this pea soup..."

Xia Yan lit it casually, and the amount he ordered was not small.

People in the pirate world don't have weak appetites. In other words, the more powerful the master, the more calories they consume through exercise, and the better their appetite.

Zhepu listened silently and took note of each dish carefully.

The menu at Shanghai Restaurant is relatively large, after all, there are many big eaters who come here to eat.

He doubted whether Hancock, who was slender, and Xia Yan, who didn't seem to eat much, could finish all the food they ordered...

Like Sanji, Zhepu also hates people who waste food.

In other words, Sanji's belief came from Zhepu.

Just looking at the notorious Pirate Empress in front of him and the God Killer who had just had a falling out, he didn't say a word. After making sure that the two of them had finished ordering, he turned around and went back to cooking.

Not only that, as soon as he came to the kitchen, he said directly: "Take out all our ingredients and get ready to start work!"

At this time, Chef Paddy came over quietly: "Chef, should we..."

As he spoke, he revealed the rat poison in his hand.

Although the chefs clean the restaurant every day, it is a kitchen after all, and it is inevitable to attract pests and mice...

Paddy's idea is very simple, why not just give Xia Yan and the two some medicine?

Just poison them to death!

"Don't do anything stupid." Zhepu glanced at him and said in a very soft but firm voice: "We are a restaurant. What we have to do is to feed the hungry guests, not to find ways to use the name of the chef to feed the hungry guests." Guests take action!”

"This is absolutely not allowed!"

"Paddy, don't get involved this time, go take care of Sanji!"

After all, he is a man who has traveled through the Grand Line, and he also knows a little bit about sight, smell and color.

He knew that Paddy wouldn't do anything after he gave the order, but he was worried about what Hancock and the two thought Paddy would do.

Might as well get rid of Paddy from the beginning!

Anyway, with the current number of guests, there are more than enough chefs!

"Yes..." Paddy moved his lips and lowered his head.

But helplessness still flashed in his eyes.

He doesn't have any grudge against Xia Yan, nor is he coveting the bounty from Xia Yan and Hancock.

It's just that he was worried that Xia Yan and Hancock would kill the chefs in the restaurant after they finished eating!

Zhepu remained silent and led the chefs to work.

Although the food at Barati on the sea is all-inclusive, its style is closer to Western style.

Even close to traditional Western food.

It has a strict serving order: appetizer → soup → side dish → main dish → vegetables → dessert → hot drink.

When one dish is almost finished, the waiter brings the next dish and removes the empty plate.

There are two reasons for this style.

One is to better stimulate people's appetite. For example, the appetizer (also known as appetizer) is intended to stimulate the taste buds of diners, increase their appetite, and also make diners look forward to the main course that follows. The soup also has an appetizing effect. The dishes are a transition between appetizer and main course.....

In short, using this well-designed process will maximize the taste enjoyment.

At the same time, there will be no messy cups and plates on the table, which will affect the visual effect.

The second is to extend the time to facilitate diners to communicate for a long time, without making the dishes too cold and affecting the taste...

So after eating this meal, almost an hour or two passed.

To be honest, this is a bit cumbersome for Xia Yan - who created this troublesome and pretentious method? I don't think it's possible to drink soup and eat meat at the same time. I really want to beat him to death!

But I have to say that this method is very suitable for communicating with girls.

The two of them can chat and laugh while eating. Sometimes when you need time to think about what to say next, you can also use the action of eating to give your brain some time to think... .

Of course, this doesn't mean much to Xia Yan.

Hancock's face turned red. She actually didn't care much about what she ate, and she didn't pay much attention to table manners.

After all, she was born in Nine Snakes, so she would not pursue the so-called elegance like the so-called noble ladies.

But now I'm having dinner with Xia Yan!

Naturally, she tried her best to assume a dignified and elegant posture, and used elegant actions that even a master of etiquette could not fault to show her dignity...

Even though her stomach is not full yet, she still pretends to be like, "I'm a girl, I'll be full after just one small bite."

Well, from this perspective, Xia Yan ordered so many, it was really a waste of ingredients.

"Xia Yan, come and try this." Hancock squinted his eyes and gave Xia Yan a piece of meat with a smile.

Watching Xia Yan bite it off, his eyes suddenly blurred.

It seemed as if what entered Xia Yan's mouth was not sweet and fat food, but himself who was sweeter than the food.

What does this guy care about?

Xia Yan's face was filled with greetings.

But the next second, Hancock suddenly frowned.

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