Wang Yidi said: "The four of us have a lasting friendship, and I won't be angry. Why should I be angry?"

Zhong Bai suddenly didn't understand. Damn it, are you putting pressure on me? Zhong Bai felt that his CPU didn't seem to be working.

Qiao Yingzi said: "Do you want to join us? It's okay, I don't mind multiple women."

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I can't do it, you have to play, you play, I can't participate, I'm afraid."

"Okay, I understand, let's help you with the quilt."

Zhong Bai nodded, and a few people started working.

On the other side, Chen Fan followed Peng Jiahe to the dormitory and said, "Are you that stupid?"

"There's no other way. I haven't studied this before. I've been studying for the past six months, otherwise I wouldn't be able to pass the exam."

Chen Fan said awkwardly: "Okay, don't pretend to be cool in front of me. It's up to you to do whatever you want in front of outsiders."

The two entered the dormitory. Chen Fan saw the other three people and couldn't remember them for a moment. However, they had parents helping them, and Chen Fan also understood what Peng Jiahe meant.

Without a family, Lu Yuan was busy with work, so she could only do it by herself.

In fact, what Peng Jiahe wants is someone who can take care of his family status.

Chen Fan seems to be the family member Peng Jiahe chose.

There was a feeling of dependence, but Chen Fan didn't hate it and didn't mind either.

Chen Fan was holding the quilt underneath, and Peng Jiahe was busy on it.

"Hello everyone, I am your class teacher, Qiao Fei."

Several parents came quickly to say hello.

"Well, after you lay down the quilts later, parents can hang out with their children in the school, but remember not to stay too much. After all, the school's protection is still very strict."

Several parents also understand that not causing trouble to the school is naturally their most direct idea.

"This classmate are you?"

"Chen Fan, Peng Jiahe is my classmate on the finance side."

"Oiou, yes, you can help, but after you finish helping, don't stay too long and leave quickly."

'I understand, don't worry, Teacher Qiao Fei. '

Dear translator, the woman who starred in "Big Power", Qiao Fei, has a master's degree in French.

Chen Fan was very happy. The older he got, the more he looked forward to college life.

"I'm going to get out of here first. If anything happens, remember to call."

Peng Jiahe nodded.

After Chen Fan left, several parents lamented. Is this child a little too handsome?

As soon as Chen Fan left the girls' dormitory, he bumped into a short-haired woman holding a pile of books.

"Sorry classmate."

"it's okay no problem."

Chen Fan looked at the short-haired woman and said, "Zhuge Dali?" '

"you know me?"

"I've heard of my senior sister's name."

Zhuge Dali picked up the book and said, "Oh, you are a junior."

"Senior sister, I'm not familiar with Fudan. Can you show me around?"

"Okay, wait for me."


Chen Fan's most immediate feeling right now is that everything is in chaos.

Damn it, it was completely messed up, and I couldn't stand it for a while.

Before, it was only in high school that all the people he came into contact with were people from Xiao Huanxi, so Chen Fan felt that he could recognize them.

But after entering college, suddenly, it felt like people from all the film and television works were pouring in.

Not only that, Chen Fan even saw a girl with big breasts.

The role played by the adolescent Zhao Yihuan, but what Chen Fan is not sure about is whether this person is taking the supernatural route of the Bixian school beauty or the adolescent route?

Zhuge Dali wore a white waist-revealing short-sleeved shirt.

The lower body is in neat shorts.

The clear vest line declares the strength of this all-powerful woman.

Ask, why are you so interested in Zhuge Dali?

Come on, this is the goddess who can support a TV series.

Almighty goddess, Zhuge Dali, okay?

"Okay, what's your major?"

"Finance major, senior sister."

"Oiou, that's right. How do I feel? I've seen you before?"


Zhuge tried hard to recall and said: "I remember, when I went to Jingyan Company for an interview, you happened to be having a meeting there, and I saw you surrounded by a group of people and entering the elevator, was it you? 》”

"Oh, that's right. It's really me. Did you fail the interview?"

"I passed it, but I didn't go. I'm too lazy to go. It's a small company. I'm not interested. I just want to test my strength. It seems pretty good, but I'm very interested in ocean development recently."

"Are you interested in this too?"

"Yes, the Shenlong Group is indeed very big. It is no longer limited to grabbing resources on the ground with everyone, and engaging in so-called real estate. It directly tilts resources to the ocean. The area of ​​​​the earth's ocean is still very large, and in doing so, In fact, it is also changing the direction to lead everyone to develop resources and guide the oceans."

Chen Fan said: "Is it good?"

"Very good. I like strategic vision very much. I like to follow people with vision to do great things. You should be the person in charge of Shenlong Group."

"Senior sister, you guessed it and you still want to praise me?"

"I have to praise you, but I guessed it. Come on, I'll show you the cafeteria and the library."

Chen Fan followed Zhuge Dali leisurely.

Lin Miaomiao followed her father to carry the quilt, and behind her was the younger brother born to her by her parents.

Deng Xiaoqi on the other side was enjoying the scenery of the school calmly.

Known as the school beauty in many people's hearts, Lin Luoxue looked pitiful and looked for help.

"You seem to know a lot of people?"

"It's okay, I just think it's pretty good."

"Really? I found that you are looking at girls. Do you lack women?"

"That's not true, I just think it's interesting."

The two arrived at the back mountain.

Workers are installing the dragon sculpture.

"I have been researching the dragon in Magic City, but I still can't find any clues. It seems that all the evidence is telling me that the existence of the dragon is fake, but I clearly saw it."

"Can you see it clearly?"

'Yes, it's very clear. I saw the dragon scales and claws. It's impossible for me to be blind for such a big dragon, and my mental state is very stable. '


"By the way, something strange happened in the school. Remember, don't go to the abandoned teaching building over there. Do you understand?"


"When you were in your senior year of high school, some weird things happened here. Several students played Pixian Psychic in school and then killed themselves. This incident caused a lot of noise at the time."

Damn, the principal didn't tell me.

"I think the principal should not build the Shenlong sculpture, but Zhong Kui. After all, Zhong Kui is responsible for catching ghosts, and Shenlong is not responsible for this."

Chen Fan said: "Actually, we can build a King of Hell. I think it will be very good."

"You are quite humorous. I like you very much."

Chen Fan said: "Thank you senior sister for your love."

"Don't wander around at night. I suspect that something is not right in this world. Many sciences have been overturned. I have been studying occult science recently. I am not sure what is going on. You have to protect yourself. Such a good Shenlong Group, etc. I’m graduating and I’m going to show off my talents, so don’t get into trouble.”

After a few words of explanation, Zhuge Dali left.

Chen Fan asked for contact information.

Chen Fan likes to watch movies and TV dramas very much, and Zhuge Dali ranks high among the movies and TV dramas that Chen Fan is most interested in watching.

But her words reminded Chen Fan that there is actually soul ferrying in this world, but at this stage, it seems that he has not been involved in the plot of soul ferrying. Chen Fan doesn't know if he will really intervene one day.

Then, will my identity as a divine dragon still be useful?

What do you want to do with this?What Chen Fan is thinking about now is when will his five internal organs be transformed.

Damn it, Chen Fan is ridiculed by Wan Xiaojuan every day, now he wants to regain his place.

The transformation of the kidneys, who knows when it will be completed.

After strolling around the school for a while, 860 dropped by the class to report, and after a brief polite exchange with the classmates, Chen Fan joined the team that carried books and went on a school tour.

In the evening after being so busy, Chen Fan answered a phone call and left.

Wu Aiai opened the car door and Chen Fan got in the car.

Wu Aiai kissed her hard.

"No, Detective Wu, do you want to use your authority to fall in love with me?"

"No, I just miss you. The Animal Management Bureau is being consolidated recently, and the department has a new leader."

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