"what's the matter?"

"Can I change places with you and give you 50 yuan? How about that?"

Chen Fan had a grim look on his face, "Good guy, has he officially entered the plot?"

This little prince in love has started to like girls?

Lin Luoxue was a little speechless in front of Chen Fan.

After finally queuing up in front of Chen Fan, such a fool appeared.

Chen Fan took the money and came to the back.

The boy behind him said hello.

"Xiao Haiyang."


The god in the distance said nonchalantly: "Bi Shisan."

Chen Fan said: "Chen Fan."

"We are classmates, don't worry about this guy, he is just a big carrot."

Xiao Haiyang exposed it ruthlessly.

This master of repeating grades knows a lot about the school.

Chen Fan smiled without saying a word.

Lin Luoxue came to Chen Fan and said, "What are you discussing again?"

Chen Fan said: "Why are you here?"

"Using the friendly spirit of my classmates, I gave up my seat, so I can be next to classmate Chen Fan."

Chen Fan was speechless.

Xiao Haiyang looked at Ren Yifan with sympathy, this kid really wanted to die.

Chen Fan is a good-looking guy, but I would stay away from him.

"Classmate, what is the painting in your hand?"

Chen Fan said: "It's a painting."

Pooh, hahahaha. ,

Lu Qiaochuan and Xiao Haiyang smiled wildly.

This answer is basically chatting to death.

"Wow, it's a painting. Classmate Chen Fan is really elegant."

? ? ? ?

Damn it, that's okay. It turns out that you won't get cold feet when chatting with girls, right?

At this time, the team reached a few people, and everyone lined up to get military training uniforms.

Qiao Yingzi came with the people in the dormitory.

Xiao Haiyang and others began to adjust their hairstyles.

"Chen Fan, give it to me."

Chen Fan handed the clothes to Qiao Yingzi, and Qiao Yingzi said: "I heard people say that clothes are generally too big. I will go back and sew them for you, and I will bring them to you tomorrow."

"it is good."

Ren Yifan said: "Classmate Chen Fan, classmate Qiao Yingzi sewed your clothes, shouldn't you say thank you? Why is there only one word for good?"

Qiao Yingzi took Chen Fan's arm and said, "I'm happy, but can you control me?"

After saying that, he grabbed Chen Fan and left.

Xiao Haiyang came over and said, "100 yuan, let me tell you the reason."

Ren Yifan gave Xiao Haiyang one hundred.

Xiao Haiyang said: "I heard that these people are from the same high school."

Depend on.

My 100 yuan.

Qiao Yingzi, who was walking back, complained speechlessly: "It turns out that college is just like high school. There are so many people chasing after me. It's so annoying."

Huang Zhitao said: "I have a lot of love letters here, and I have thrown them away."

Chen Fan said: "Well, you did a good job."

Huang Zhitao said: "I don't like others, I only like you."

Wang Yidi said: "Hahahaha, Huang Zhitao, you are hopeless. You were pinched to death by Chen Fan. Why, will you learn to walk like a crab in the future?"

Huang Zhitao snorted and refused to talk to Wang Yidi, who was a bad scholar.

Zhong Bai was stunned for a long time and said, "What is the reason why crabs walk?"

Qiao Yingzi spread her legs and said, "That's it, walking sideways, hahahaha."

Zhong Bai's face turned pale instantly. Damn it, you've had enough. You've gone too far. What does it have to do with me if the three of you are driving?

After sending the girls downstairs, Chen Fan waved and asked the three of them to go upstairs.

"By the way, remember to take care of Peng Jiahe."

"No problem, they are on the same floor. Peng Jiahe is already with us in the dormitory. When we fight, Peng Jiahe also rushes in. She is the best at fighting."

"Well, I'll go back first."

"I will go find you tomorrow and give you clothes."

Chen Fan nodded.

Huang Zhitao looked at Chen Fan with great reluctance.

But thinking that Chen Fan was very busy, he took his heart back.

She wanted to sleep with Chen Fan in her arms, but she didn't dare to do this. She had to help Chen Fan and not let Chen Fan indulge in herself.

Of course, Huang Zhitao also likes Chen Fan to indulge himself.

It is very contradictory.

"Lord Shenlong, I can take action and kill Ren Yifan."

Chen Fan was speechless and said, "Are you ghosts, other than killing people, the only thing you can do?"

"Ah, can't you kill someone?"

Chen Fan said: "I am an official. I kill people. Do you think it is possible? Since Ah Cha handed you over to me, I am naturally prepared to do this. You are also considered an ancient heritage. By the way, you charm human beings." Entering the picture scroll, right?"

"I have no charm. They came in on their own. But since they came in and had wrong ideas, I just wanted to help them along the way."

"Then there are these people, holding stools and playing around?"

"Yeah, I'm bored too, I can only kill some time."

"Do you need to eat something? Like Yang Qi or something?"

"No, no, no, it's enough for me to just absorb the energy between heaven and earth."

How about something more?

Chen Fan turned his heart, drew a drop of blood from the position of his heart, and then dropped it into the scroll.

The surging energy almost pushed Concubine Yang to death.

"Lord Shenlong, I discovered that my scroll has other effects."

"Can you pretend to be alive?"

"No, but it's okay for Lord Shenlong to come in. Once I've completely digested your blood, I think I can hold items, a lot of things, and I can even create the world during the scroll time."

"It's unreal, but not bad."

"Lord Shenlong, don't you hate the illusory world?"

"Don't hate it. Dreams are beautiful after all. Who would reject beautiful things?"

Back at Shuxiang Yayuan, Chen Fan chatted with other classmates.

When we are just in college, we still keep in touch, but as time goes by, the relationship will fade and so on.

Fang Yifan was the happiest here. He kept sending messages saying how many beauties he had seen at the Shanghai Academy of Art, and that he would fall in love sooner or later.

Peng Jiahe asked Chen Fan if he wanted Qiao Fei's contact information.

According to Peng Jiahe, the way Chen Fan looked at Qiao Fei was strange.

The scroll surrounded Chen Fan, and Concubine Yang stood at the door of the scroll, dancing for Chen Fan.

I hope it can make Chen Fan happier.

Chen Fan smiled and said that there was no need for this. Since he was following him, he would definitely take care of him.

"I'm planning to go out and have a look recently."

Chen Fan said: "Well, yes, please pay attention to safety, but please next time, if you want to talk to me, you can shout out loudly instead of using your vines to get into my house. You know, this is very dangerous." Scary, okay? '

"I am Si Teng, and I belong to the Yu family. The position of any plant is my facial features."

"According to your logic, you can grow eight breasts, right?"

"If you like it, I can grow it for you."

"roll roll roll."

The matchmaker slapped Yu Youwei away.

Lying at Chen Fan's feet.

Yu Youwei slapped the matchmaker angrily, then leaned next to Chen Fan and rested next to Chen Fan's cheek.

Chen Fan smiled happily. It seemed that college life was really good.

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