Waving his hand, an invisible force appeared in Chen Fan's hand.

Wang Xiaoya and Cheng Xiaoyu ran out.

"Wait a moment."

Chen Fan said: "Do you want to be the Holy Mother?"

Wang Xiaoya shook his head and said: "No, I intend to take pictures."

"Yes, but it cannot be spread out. Otherwise, I will erase your memories. Wang Xiaoya, you have a special physique and can see many unusual things, but you must understand that doing so will affect the people around you. .”

Relying on the strength of the other three people, this ghost cannot be printed out at all.

It was obviously Wang Xiaoya's role that achieved this.

Chen Fan nodded and squeezed Lu Hong to death.

Poor mandarin ducks, their story may be very pitiful, but the whole result does not make people feel pitiful at all.

From the moment of the black aura, Chen Fan noticed something was wrong.

If he hadn't stopped him, Wang Yu and Zhou Jie might have been implicated.

Zhou Jiehui's life was ruined because of the murder case.

Wang Yu lost his life very plainly.

Yes, in the world of ghosts and monsters, they don’t care about human lives.

Chen Fan is the divine dragon and the co-lord of heaven and earth. In Chen Fan's eyes, all lives are equal and noble.

There is no need for outsiders to pay for what happens between two people.

Perhaps, this is what soul ferrying means.

"Student, wait a minute."

Chen Fan said: "What to do?"

Wang Xiaoya said: "Why do you say I am special?"

"I just think you are special. I don't know if it will be good for you, but you can attract ghosts, so I advise you to be honest. Today, Zhou Jie and Wang Yu had a confrontation on the rooftop. Wang Yu almost died because of Lu Hong. If you really die, you have to understand that you may be indirectly helping others."

"Scumbags are abominable and morally reprehensible. You are not judges and have no right to decide other people's life or death."

After speaking, Chen Fan left.

Wait for Chen Fan to go away.

The two of them froze in place for a long time before coming back to their senses.

Cheng Xiaoyu said: "He is really cool."

Wang Xiaoya said: "Yes, I think it's really cool. When these words came out of his mouth, I felt enlightened, as if we had really done something wrong."

Cheng Xiaoyu said: "I don't know whether it's wrong or not, but I know that we have to call the police now, otherwise we will be criminal suspects."


The matter was handled simply, the police came to the scene.

After checking the video, I found that the death was indeed sudden and had nothing to do with these two people, so I ignored it.

As for whether Lu Hong's case will be repeated, it actually has nothing to do with Chen Fan. Chen Fan is just a ferryman, not a police detective. ,

School classes started with the bell ringing and a group of people rushing into the classroom.

The boy sat in the back row and started dozing off as soon as he entered the room.

Chen Fan sat calmly, feeling the power in his body.

Although the transformation of the five internal organs has been completed, it will still take some time for Chen Fan to master such power.

But this feeling of getting stronger all the time really makes Chen Fan happy.

The first lesson the teacher opens is the exam. To put it bluntly, he wants to see if you have forgotten something at home.

All wailed.

Chen Fan was very indifferent. He wrote a simple mathematics paper quickly.

Then Chen Fan saw the black high heels appearing on his desk.

Pang smelly.

Yes, that was Chen Fan's first feeling.

The Ah Cha appeared in front of Chen Fan, but in the form of a spirit body.

He just crossed his legs and sat in the air.

She didn't mind at all that Chen Fan saw what was underneath her short skirt.

"Chen Fan, am I beautiful?"

Chen Fan had a gloomy face and wrote directly on the paper.

"You want to die?"

"We are all eternal existences. Do you know how difficult it is for me to find someone who can last forever like me?"

"Go find Zhang Xiaojin. I think there must be someone in the tribe there who has longevity."

"I am immortal, just like you, so I am not interested in any ethnic group."

Chen Fan wanted to commit suicide.

Good guy, you think of yourself as one of the same kind.

"I don't understand."

Acha said: "I am the King of Hell, and I am also the spokesperson of Taishan Mansion in the human world. However, in many mythological systems, I appear in a special way. I am in the world of ghosts and suppress these ghosts. But, these ghosts, really Were they suppressed by me? I think it’s a rule. If it’s a rule, why does the King of Hell need to exist?”

"There have been many rebellions in the underworld, and I have been hunted by countless people, but they have been unable to kill me."

"Those people tried many times and finally got the answer. I am immortal. I exist as a concept. As long as the concept of Lord Yama exists in people's minds, then I will always exist, just like you Shenlong, everyone. Everyone firmly believes that they are the descendants of the dragon, then you will always exist."

Chen Fan said: "I'm sorry, I'm a level higher than you. Even if everyone's thoughts are removed and their memories are wiped out, I will still exist. And, damn, you can't stop showing up when I'm in class. What?"

"I like it."

Chen Fan shut himself up, looked towards the blackboard speechlessly, raised his hand and said, "Teacher, I've finished writing."

The teacher asked Chen Fan to come over.

Chen Fan handed the paper to the teacher and said, "Teacher, I want to go to the bathroom."

The teacher nodded and said, "Well, go ahead. Everything you wrote is correct. Not bad. Your foundation is very solid. You deserve the title of Special Enrollment."

Chen Fan left.

Went directly to the toilet.

After untying his belt, Ah Cha floated next to Chen Fan, watching closely.

It seems to be saying, take it off. ,

Hurry up, I'm watching over here, what should I do with you?

Chen Fan took a deep breath and said, "You forced me to do this."

Ah Cha said: 'What can I do if I force you? '

Chen Fan clicked on the space around him with his right hand, and then pulled Ah Cha directly in front of him.

Just two slaps when you go up.Then Bang Bang gave two punches.

Then Acha saw for the first time that his face was bulging like a bun.

Yes, it hurts, it really hurts, my soul is hurting.

"How dare you hit me, how dare you hit me, I am the King of Hell."

You are your second uncle, you are.

Chen Fan punched Ah Cha twice more, then pushed Ah Cha to the ground and kicked him up.

I have tolerated you for a long time.

I've put up with you for a damn long time.


Ah Cha raised his hand directly and said: "I admit defeat, I admit defeat, I beg for mercy, I beg for mercy, I was wrong, I'm sorry, Master Shenlong."

Chen Fan hasn't made any move yet.

Ah Cha opened the door to the underworld directly and planned to run away.

Chen Fan squeezed the door with his right hand and smashed it into pieces.

Ah Cha was so frightened that this was the first time she felt the power of the dragon.

Isn't this power a bit too scary?

"Do you understand? As long as I want it, you are not immortal. Do you understand?"

"Then you kill me. For so many years, I have been alone in the underworld. I have acquired the days of being in a daze every day. Kill me now."

Chen Fan suddenly felt sorry for this girl.

Yes, during this long period of loneliness, if she could still be mentally normal, she would be a ghost.

Chen Fan stopped.

Ah Cha slowly floated up, covering his cheek, and said: "How could you hurt me?"

"I'm a dragon, of course I can."


"Do you still dare to harass me during class?"

"Don't dare, I was wrong."

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