Quick Transmigration: Boss Want to Occupy Me

Chapter 1015: Imperial Marshal's Little Ancestor 10

Someone in the crowd let out a small exclamation.

"It's not good, Miss Silence is about to be eaten by the Marshal!"

Can't blame these people for making such a fuss, it is really Marshal Tasir's body, it was originally a dragon.

In the ancient times before they blossomed, they were the opposite sexes of Kirkstar. They were eaten by the weak.

As for the delicate skin and tender meat of human beings, it is their most dreamed delicacy. Of course, at the present of Kirkstar's rapid development of technology.

They have long since broken away from the original low-level taste, and no longer uncivilized to eat the same kind, humans, and from precious foods, become the hottest companions.

Most of their Kirkstars are vegetarians, but the body is an animal after all. Under that vegetarian nature, is there still an animal cruel instinct? Who knows?

Nowadays, there are social news that the mantis wife eats her husband out of time in the society. Now, in the marriage market, there is no target for the mantis woman!

And Marshal Tasir, as the body of the dragon, is the high-end and the most powerful kind in the food chain.

Such high-level creatures often mean something mysterious and uncontrollable.

Marshal Tahir had always been nonchalant before, and seemed not so satisfied with this new bride.

Now that I see blood, the dragon's animal nature is so uncontrollable that it is difficult to control himself. It is not impossible to eat the bride's paws in one bite!

In fact, everyone thinks too much.

Tahir wants to eat Shili's paw? Ah yeah, her cute, poor, soft hands.

He was afraid of melting, and he didn't dare to lick it wherever he dared to eat it!

Just gently hold it in his mouth, cautiously... let that little hand rest between his lips.

After letting it go, it seemed to be very impatient, but it was extremely reluctant and very entangled to quickly let go.

Tahir straightened up, cherishing the words like gold, "It has been disinfected, and the wound has recovered."

"Huh?" Shi Li lowered his head and glanced at his fingers in surprise, and instantly found that a small wound that had originally bleeding was no longer painful, and the wound was gone.

"Your body fluids are good for healing wounds!"

Shi Li smiled and said, "That's great, isn't it that I won't be afraid of getting hurt anymore? Thank you."

body fluid……

body fluid……

Suddenly feel so ashamed!

Pink bubbles popped out in front of Tahir's eyes, popping out one by one, inside each bubble.

All of them have their cute smiling faces slightly bent up from time to time.

It was round, with the color of a puff hanging on his cheeks, and his big eyes playing with it. The smile was even better than the real angels on Neverland.

Oh... those angels are shit.

Only silently, is the best looking!

Tahir took a faint look at Shi Li, and then immediately turned around, striding away gradually in the other direction.

It looks calm, but only the tip of the ear, quietly, quietly...

A small piece of red.

Suddenly, he stopped and turned to look at Xiang Shili.

He said: "Silently, who am I?"

Shi Li was taken aback, and quickly said: "Ah...you are Tahir."

Tahir's face was expressionless and silent, but he was obviously dissatisfied with the answer.

Shi Li frowned and added in a low voice, "Also...or...husband?"

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