Chapter 1119 The Marshal's Counterattack 20

   Lift up the tail! !

"Then our family is not capitalist?" Yue Xi shook the fan, "but I remember, our family is the richest man! According to your idea, then your father has to donate all the property to help the poor, otherwise it is capital Ism."

She covered her mouth and chuckled, "You said, if Mingde knows this, will he even regret his intestines, regret letting your daughter go abroad to study, and come back to learn something that is against his own family? ."

   "You! You!!!" Ming Moon was speechless.

  Wu Yang saw that his beloved girl was being bullied, he quickly stood up, "You woman, why are you so aggressive!!"

"I'm aggressive? You guys are bullying a grass-stage team, don't you call it aggressive?" Yue Xi looked coldly, her eyes were full of mockery, "You know, the singers in this theater team are all children from poor families. They practice. It took years or even ten years of basic skills, and it took more than ten years of hardship to come to power."

"For what, it is for the audience to like it on stage one day, and earn the counting money to support the family, and you keep saying that to bring down capitalism, are they capitalism? Capitalism is going to risk a spear in the throat and fall so life-threatening. Will the play of Guan come to support the family!?"

"It's nothing more than not dare to really provoke capitalism, but under the guise of overthrowing capitalism, to do the dirty and filthy things in your hearts, I'll tell you, if the grass-roots team today is really overthrown by you , Then the dozens of craftsmen behind this troupe who sing for a living will become beggars on the street, and their families will starve to death because of these actors who can’t make money.”

Yue Xi walked down the steps step by step, the sound of the heels of the high-heeled shoes colliding on the steps was unusually crisp, she slowly walked to Mingyue’s, and raised her chin condescendingly, “My dear sister, You were born rich and wealthy. There are a few women in this world who can return from studying abroad. Do you think that eating a roadside stall and doing voluntary labor is called experiencing the suffering of the people? When doing things in the future, consider the consequences. Don't be so naive."

  Ming Moon was frightened by the cold eyes and hid in Wu Yang's arms with tears. Suddenly, she felt a sense of fear from deep in her heart.

  The woman in front of me is exactly the same as that of Ming Yuexi, but


  It seems that something has been completely different.

  A group of students held the banners and big-character posters tightly in their hands, and their faces were embarrassed.

  What the beautiful woman in cheongsam said before her was like a steel knife inserted into their hearts.

  Yes, why should they target actors who are all born from poor families! !

   "We are gone, sorry!"


  The students put down the banners one after another, apologized to the troupe with blushing faces, and left quickly.

  Only Wu Yang, who stared at Yue Xi with an angry face, was holding Wu Yang, who was crying with the moon in his arms.

   "It is said that as many talents as a person have, you can live as much as you can. Seeing yourself clearly is more important than anything else." Yue Xi squinted her eyes, covering those radiant eyes.

  (End of this chapter)

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