Chapter 1163 The handsome lady's counterattack 64

  Wu Yang made a mistake in his command this time, and soon turned his attention to Mingyue, and when Mingyue secretly sent out information for the second time, he caught him straight.

  Now, no matter what excuse Mingyue makes, how to cry and cry to awaken her previous friendship with Wu Yang, it is useless.

  She was shot in full view.

  Wu Yang experienced this incident, as if he had changed a person, and focused on the battlefield.

  The establishment of the country, unlike other warlords who wanted to occupy one side, Ji Yunting gave up everything.

  Because he knows that the future trend in this country will be that everyone is equal and everything is shared.

  Many years have passed, and the war is finally over. Hua Xia Guo finally stands tall in the world, and Ji Yunting has become an admirable veteran general.

  Many years later, Ji Yunting was gray-haired. He was holding Yue Xi, who was also old and still disgusted with his appearance, and was on the street watching those vigorous young people playing snowball fights in the snow.

   Suddenly an old man with lap legs got out of the car, and Yue Xi recognized it as the male lead at a glance.

  Because of his wife’s relationship with a traitor, even if Wu Yang’s contribution is great, his position is too low and stuck in the middle. Haven't risen up in a lifetime.

  This pair of male protagonists who want to make a career and become someone respected by everyone, perhaps this is the punishment for his life.

  Wu Yang's muddy eyes looked at the couple, even if they were white-haired, who looked like a couple, smiled bitterly, and then walked into a cake shop next to him.

  "Don't excuse yourself, you just don't want the male lead to hang up, and then the world will collapse!!"

  The system couldn’t help complaining in the space, “You’re running out of time in this world, so hurry up and shoot yourself to death with a brick!!!”

  Yuexi looked affectionately at Ji Yunting, and couldn't help but roll her eyes in her heart, "Can you not be so annoying with this broken system!!!"

   "Are you leaving?" Ji Yunting smiled, he blurted out looking at Yue Xi who was a little distracted.

  Yuexi was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Ji Yunting incredulously, "You"

  She has a dry throat, "What do you think of?"

   "No, it just feels like you are leaving." Ji Yunting smiled, and when he blurted out, he didn't even feel sad after he had prepared this in his heart.

  Because there was a voice in my heart telling him that they would definitely meet again somewhere in the world.

  Looking at his wrinkled old hand, Ji Yunting leaned on Yue Xi's shoulder and gradually closed his eyes. "Go ahead."

  For some reason, Yue Xi’s eye sockets suddenly became a little wetter, she pursed her lips, and looked at the person who was no longer breathing. She smiled slightly and chose to close her eyes.

  A few hours later, people passing by saw the old couple sitting on the bench who had lost their breath, and they were shocked and called an ambulance.

  Back to the system space, there was a vast white space around, there was still only a coffee table and a sofa.

  Yuexi’s first thing is to go back to the mirror to appreciate her prosperous beauty.

  Ri, he is a fairy and stern, in order to accompany Xihua, she slowly grows old, her wrinkles and white hair are simply ugly.

   "Host, do you want to take a break?" the system asked.

  (End of this chapter)

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