Chapter 1168 Miss Royal's counterattack 5

If the eldest princess who was sleeping underground knew that Father Lu had brought an aunt back, and occasionally bullied the daughter she left behind, the aunt’s daughter would have even killed her daughter and replaced her as a superior princess. , I am afraid that I will get out of the ground with anger.

   "I see." Yue Xi responded indifferently to the outside, "Come in and wait."

The maids outside were taken aback. Although they were appointed by the nobles in the capital to serve this young lady, the young lady was always gentle and gentle, and had never had such a haughty temper, if they hadn't been watching People, after a few hours of change, they almost thought it was a change of person.

   "Yes." The waiting maids came in respectfully, serving Yue Xi with neat hands and feet, dressing up and dressing up. After dressing neatly, they should carefully support her hands and sit at the table.

  A bowl of hearty dishes stood at the table, and Yue Xi lifted her chopsticks to taste it slowly.

   "Miss, the ladies from the boudoirs in the city will come to our house to enjoy the flowers in a while. This is the appointment made by the lady three months ago." The maid reminded. "The people have already arranged it."

   "I see." Yue Ximan replied carelessly.

  She has a very elegant appearance, so that the maids who are waiting on the side are all watching it. Such etiquette is more regular than those famous ladies in the capital.

  After eating, Yue Xi didn’t let someone move a recliner and put it in the yard to enjoy the coolness. In the other yard that had been arranged, she waited for the ladies to arrive slowly.

  She looked at the extremely precious flowers that bloomed only in summer, and smiled coldly.

In the original plot, this summer's flower appreciation feast was naturally not finished. Because the hostess fell into the water, the original host was scared by Aunt Li and Lu Yang crying and frightened, and the original host of Liushen Wuzhu had forgotten that there was also a flower appreciation feast. Patronizing an apology, how to appease Lu Ruo who fell into the water, this long-awaited flower viewing banquet for the whole boudoir lady was cancelled.

Those boudoir ladies waited for three months to get a glimpse of the famous flowers. Today they are dressed up again. They took out all the jewelry and clothes at the bottom of the box, just for people to be better than Huajiao. Now it’s better because of the original owner. In a word, this flower viewing banquet would not be there. All the boudoir ladies didn't say anything about it, but they felt uneasy in their hearts.

In addition, Lu Ruo deliberately invited the doctor from outside the office with great fanfare on the grounds of falling into the water and being seriously ill. Slowly, the maid under Lu Ruo accidentally revealed that the second lady fell into the water because the lady pushed down and was heard by the doctor. After the doctor was drunk, he told his wife again. The doctor’s wife ran to the neighbour’s good wife and said, “Just like this, the original master can’t tolerate the concubine and wants to poison the concubine. The younger sister's reputation spread.

   And after Lu Ruo "welled", he used the etiquette learned several months in the capital in his previous life to shine in this small city, and was even appreciated by the only female master in the city.


  If you want to counterattack, it’s okay, but if you step on the flesh and bones of others, then

  Yuexi chuckled. She looked down at her right hand. The scald on her hand had already been bandaged by the doctor. She closed her eyes and the maid beside her slowly fanned her.

  (End of this chapter)

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