Quick Travel Plane Development Notes

Chapter 1059 Koi is a blessing or a curse (11)

It felt like the whole family was turned upside down not only by Chen Shou, the second son of Chen, but everyone in the Chen family felt that the whole family was turned upside down. The cognition of living to such a great age was all shattered, and they were frightened and at a loss as to what to do.

But there was no crying, except for Chen Shou, the rest of the Chen family stayed at home. Chen Yougui still had the final say, and the others still listened to him.

Qian Chunxiu and Chen Daya looked at Chen Fu.

Fan Taohua took care of Chen Dakui.

Chen Erya and Chen Sanya are cooking.

Chen Erkui pawed at the pigsty.

To outsiders, the Chen family is normal.

No one could see the surprise in the hearts of the Chen family.

It was only at the place where Song Yuerou, the god of evil, was carried on his back that he dared to express his resentment.

Why can't you report it to the official? How dare she beat up a servant in the yamen. Chen Daya stamped her feet, Mom, you just watch dad being beaten like this in vain and don't want to take revenge.

Your father said you can't. Listen to your father. Qian Chunxiu said in front of her daughter, If you dare to report to the official, she will break the legs of the second leader. You are not allowed to go, do you hear me?

Chen Daya stomped her feet again, You only care about Erkui, you don't care about us sisters. Return the things, I don't have a dress I can wear, how can I go out.

Qian Chunxiu's distressed face was not for Da Ya, but for the things that were to be returned to the third sibling.

Originally, their eldest family didn't get much, because the clothes of the third siblings were only worn by eldest sister, and they were old, so they were given to eldest sister, and all the new clothes belonged to sister-in-law.

A few old items from the house of the third brother and sister-in-law were given to the eldest room. If the items in the third brother and sister-in-law were to be returned to the third siblings, the old ones given to them had to be returned.

I'm going to find my grandma to make the decision. Chen Daya stomped away and ran away.

...Doctor, please call doctor... Chen Fu's screams came from the back room, which sounded so miserable.

Qian Chunxiu wiped the strands of hair hanging in front of her face and ran into the back room.

Chen Fu was lying on the bamboo chair, with two legs and one arm twisting unnaturally.

Chen Fu was so big that the bamboo chair that Qian Chunxiu could lie on would barely contain Chen Fu's body, leaving his legs with nowhere to rest and hanging on the ground.

After carrying him into the house with a bamboo chair, I originally wanted to move Chen Fu to the bed, but Chen Fu complained of pain when he moved, so he had no choice but to move.

Chen Fu's face was distorted in pain, and he gritted his teeth and groaned.

Seeing Qian Chunxiu come in, Chen Fu felt angry and said, You are dead, has the doctor come?

He's not here yet. Qian Chunxiu didn't dare to come near and said in a low voice, My second brother just left for a while.

Get over here! Chen Fu's intact hand hit the bed with a thud.

In the past, when Chen Fu was like this, Qian Chunxiu should have been beaten long ago.

Hearing Chen Fu's shouts, Qian Chunxiu subconsciously wanted to hold his head, but accidentally touched his face. The place on his face where Chen Fu slapped him hurt.

But seeing Chen Fu slumped on the bamboo chair reminded her of the meat hanging on iron hooks at Butcher Liu's stall, and a strange thought came to her.

I'm going to see if my second brother is back. Qian Chunxiu didn't roll over to get beaten, and ran out of the house with her waist clasped.


... I don't believe the head of the family. She dares to kill people. If she dares, I will exchange my life with her. Ma Cuifen's triangular eyes were red, and the kitchen knife in her hand was dangling.

Stop! Chen Yougui yelled, seeing that Ma Cuifen still wanted to leave, he yelled again, You also want to have your legs broken! What's the difference, with her strength, you can get close to her and go.

How can this be settled like this?

I didn't say let it go. Chen Yougui hissed a few times, Wait until you get through with the third child before doing anything else. The youngest's affairs can't be publicized now.

The third child saved the prefect's daughter, so he felt somewhat dependent on him. The third child's family always listens to the third child and waits for the third child to come back to get the charter.


What the Chen family said behind closed doors was overheard by Zihua.

Chen Yougui reminded Zihua when he mentioned the prefect's daughter.

She asked Chen Caiyu, who was standing aside, You were the one who suggested that Chen Wenlu get involved with the prefect's daughter.

Chen Shou said this.

Three months ago, Chen Wenlu made an appointment with his classmates to go for an outing. When they were passing through a mountain forest, they heard someone calling for help. They saw a carriage stuck in the mud. There were two people on the carriage, one was a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl. , one is her maid.

The carriage was slowly sinking into the mud. The master and the servant wanted to jump out of the carriage, but the carriage was surrounded by mud and they could not jump over.

Chen Wenlu dragged a tree that had fallen to the ground and spread it on the mud to help the master and servant get out of trouble.

It was later learned that the girl's name was Su Yushang, and she was the daughter-in-law of the Luzhou magistrate's family. Su Yushang sneaked out with a maid to play and unknowingly lost her way.

The master and the servant came to this remote path in a carriage, and a fallen tree in front blocked the way, so they drove the carriage and wanted to go around.

The two of them had never been here before, and they didn't know that it had just rained before. The woods on the roadside were filled with water and turned into mud. The carriage quickly got stuck after going around the woods.

The master and the servant were hungry for a long time after getting lost. Chen Wenlu gave the pastries prepared for the outing to the master and the servant to satisfy their hunger.

Chen Wenlu was kind to Su Yushang for saving her life, and he also added another kindness by providing help in times of need.

Chen Wenlu escorted the two to the town and met the Su family who came to see the two masters and servants.

Su Yushang ran away secretly and did not want the matter to be publicized. Moreover, Su Yushang's foot was sprained at the time. Chen Wenlu supported Su Yushang all the way, and they were close to each other.

Chen Wenlu agreed, so Magistrate Su and his family did not send Chen Wenlu a thank you ceremony with much fanfare.

What Chen Wenlu wants is not money or material things, but something more long-term.

In order to prevent the Su family from turning their backs on each other, Chen Wenlu told Chen Yougui and Ma Cuifen about the incident. Chen Shou got the words out of Ma Cuifen's mouth.

When Zi Hua asked, Chen Shou immediately told the matter.

Chen Wenlu sent word last month that he wanted to lose his wife. It seems that the Su family found out that Chen Wenlu's rescue of Su Yushang was an accident.

Weihua has inspected Chen Caiyu, and her body and soul are one with Chen Caiyu. In other words, Chen Caiyu is not traveling through time.

But in Chen Caiyu's soul, there was a little breath of that outsider.

The time point when the outsider entered was earlier than the time point when she came in. It was considered that it was reincarnated into this world and became Chen Caiyu.

Chen Caiyu's reincarnation, without her original memory, is equivalent to reincarnation into this world. She is even more protected by the rules of this world than she who joined in halfway.

Chen Caiyu is only eight years old, has no memory, and can only be regarded as a human child. It's not good for Xihua to do anything to Chen Caiyu directly, unless Chen Caiyu seeks death himself.

This is one of the reasons why Xi Hua wanted to stay in the Chen family.

...Yes. Chen Caiyu's lips were clenched with teeth marks.

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