Quick Travel Plane Development Notes

Chapter 1082 Koi is a blessing or a curse (34)

Chen Daya tried her best to recall the things in her memory. Although she didn't remember everything clearly, she figured it out. Everything that was different from her memory was caused by Song Yuerou's death. When she is here, both Jiao Yushu and Dasuo, the grandsons of the Li Zheng family, deserve to die.

It was Song Yuerou's fault that the Chen family became so miserable.

Chen Daya couldn't think of anything that went wrong. Song Yuerou only broke her leg that day, not died.

How can I say that Chen Daya at this time has also experienced many intrigues, and her mind is much better than that of the sixteen-year-old Chen Daya. She ruled out that Song Yuerou, like her, was reborn from the future.

Song Yuerou died a long time ago, so she will not go back to the past from the future like her, because she has no future in the first place.

Then Song Yuerou wouldn't know that she was the real daughter of the Liao family, and the current daughter of the Liao family was a fake, it was Song Sheng's younger sister who replaced the real daughter.

Aunt Chen doesn't look down on fake daughters at all. Although she is not of the real blood of the Liao family, Song Yuerou is the Chen family when she married into their Chen family. If Song Yuerou is not dead, the Chen family and the Liao family are also in-laws, so the benefits they deserve will not be less .

What's wrong with her acknowledging Song Yuerou's marriage? Who told Song Yuerou to die at that time?

The fake daughter is just the daughter of a slave, the biological daughter of the Liao family's housekeeper and Song Sheng's sister.

Song Sheng's sister was sold to the Liao family as a maid in her early years, and was later assigned to a steward of the Liao family as the stewardess.

She took advantage of the war to change her biological daughter into the daughter of the Liao family, and sent the real daughter of the Liao family to her brother Song Sheng's home.

Chen Daya remembered the disgusting face of the fake daughter Liao Fanling who was pretending to be her foil, and wanted to go up and scratch her to death.

It's a pity that she had her sister-in-law to help her, but Liao Fanling couldn't succeed even once, and the Liao family even became disgusted with her and sent her away far away.

It's over, sister-in-law. Chen Xiaoya wanted to slap herself a few times.

Why is she so shallow-sighted? She dared to bully her sister-in-law because she didn't want to be pampered.

She even suspected that the mudslide in Logan Mountain was also caused by my sister-in-law. My sister-in-law accidentally saw a dressing table made by Logan Mountain and wanted it, but Logan Mountain didn't sell it, saying it was made for Hua Qiuniang.

Within days, Mount Logan was hit by mudslides.

She had offended her sister-in-law so much these days. She robbed her of food and supplies, pointed at her nose and ridiculed her.

I haven’t been beaten, but I’m not far away from being beaten. There’s always push and pull.

My sister-in-law is a vengeful person and there is no way she can help her.

What should I do... Chen Daya couldn't sit still, so she got out of bed and walked around in circles in the room. It's too late to please my sister-in-law now. My sister-in-law will not forgive her, but will only remember her grudge more clearly.

Then there is no need for sister-in-law. Chen Daya gritted her teeth, and this time she went to recognize her relatives by herself.

After making the calculation, Chen Daya let out a breath. She had to find a way to get the jade lock first.

Now the jade lock is in the hands of the third uncle.

The last time, it was the third uncle's idea to let her pretend to be Song Yuerou, and take her and my sister-in-law to the capital to meet relatives, and told the Liao family that he and Song Yuerou were married in a fake way, and they didn't even write down the marriage letter. After his death, he finally discovered the truth about Song Yuerou's life experience.

The Liao family said to the public that it was Song Yuerou who learned about her real life experience from Song Sheng, escaped from the Song family, and vaguely said that it was the third uncle who rescued Song Yuerou and sent her to the capital.

Then she became Liao Fangfei.

Third Uncle still doesn't know about Song Yuerou's background at this time, and Aunt Chen doesn't intend to tell Third Uncle, without what my sister can do, Third Uncle can't help her much, and will only use her identity to benefit from the Liao family and the Hou's residence.

She also didn't want to have anything to do with the Chen family.

The last time the Chen family only held her back, this time Song Yuerou was not dead, and she couldn't let the Chen family get involved.

Chen Daya thought of Song Yuerou's great strength and how ruthless she was in breaking the legs of her father and her father Dakui without blinking an eye, so she stopped thinking about how to kill Song Yuerou.

As long as she successfully recognized the bride, Song Yuerou would never become the daughter of the Liao family.

Da Ya, you're awake. Qian Chunxiu came in, hugged Da Ya and cried, Oh, my poor Da Ya, mother thought you couldn't wake up...

Chen Daya pushed Qian Chunxiu away, Okay, don't cry so early in the morning.

She looked down upon her mother, who was like a naughty person, who only knew how to work hard, and even dragged the three sisters to work together as cows and horses.

Didn’t you see your second aunt casually visiting the house every day? As for her mother, she worked hard to be called a virtuous daughter-in-law by others.

Fortunately she didn't listen to her mother.

What's the use of crying now? She was knocked unconscious yesterday by her breasts. It's already morning. She was unconscious all night and didn't ask a doctor to see her.


A sound of gongs startled people.

Then I heard Liu Tiezhu's rough voice, Every household, pay attention. If you see a stranger approaching the village, report it to Li Zheng in time.


Anyone who encounters someone who inquires about the number of people in the village and their annual success, be careful and don't say anything. If you encounter someone, you must report to Lizheng...

Chen Daya was reminded of the major events that happened this year. In a few days, a group of bandits would come to Weishan Village to rob.

And that person.


...Miss Yuerou, how are you? Jiao Qizhong looked expectant.

Zihua thought for a moment and agreed, It's okay with me, as long as others are willing.

Jiao Qizhong came to her because he wanted her to be the head of the night patrol during the Chinese New Year.

There are bandits who occupy the mountain as king all the year round in Wei Mountain, and the government sent troops to suppress it several times.

But bandits are very cunning, they run away as soon as the officers and soldiers arrive, and reappear as soon as the officers and soldiers leave.

There are many bandits in the Weishan Mountains, stretching for hundreds of miles in length and breadth. Such a large mountain range can easily hide hundreds of thousands of people, or even tens of thousands of people.

No one has figured out how many muscular bandits there are on the mountain. In the first two years, it was the Tiger Village, and in the next two years, it was the Longfeng Village.

In normal times, these bandits were all merchants who went to rob the passing merchants on the official roads, and they rarely robbed the villages in the Weishan area.

It's just that during the Chinese New Year, bandits will go down the mountain to the village to rob things.

There are more than 20 surrounding villages, and bandits only pick one village to attack each year.

Bandits are treacherous, and it is unclear which villages they attack. Some villages were robbed just the year before last, and they were robbed again this year. Some villages have not been invaded by bandits for more than ten years.

Weishan Village was robbed ten years ago, and many families were robbed of food and money. The bandits also captured two women and killed three people.

One of those killed was Jiao Qizhong's second son.

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