Quick Travel Plane Development Notes

Chapter 111 Borrow a space to farm (44)

Technician Zhang said that he would take her to open a note, and he would definitely do it.

Technician Zhang smiled kindly.

Xi Hua asked Wei Fusong, Uncle Fusong, I want to buy some simple tools by myself. Can the brigade write a note for me?

She said this because she didn't want Wei Fusong to misunderstand that she wanted the brigade to pay for it. After all, what she did was to benefit the brigade.

Sure enough, seeing Wei Fusong's slightly frowned eyebrows loosen, It's okay for the brigade to issue a note. How about it, after the autumn harvest, if there is a good harvest, the brigade department will discuss it and reimburse you at that time.

No need, Uncle Fusong.

Wei Fusong waved his hand, That's it.

Xi Hua didn't argue anymore, anyway, she achieved her purpose of buying tools. After the autumn harvest, the general environment will change even more, and the brigade will not be able to take care of her at that time.


In the middle of the afternoon, the loudspeaker in the brigade suddenly sounded.

The telegraph poles had already been pulled to Weijiagou, but only the brigade was connected to a few well-to-do households. Other households, including Yuhua's, did not connect wires, and they used kerosene lamps at night.

In order to save electricity, the loudspeakers in the brigade are not often turned on, and the workers are all manually knocked on the iron. Usually, the loudspeakers are only turned on when there are important things.

The strange creaking sound of the loudspeaker attracted the attention of almost all the villagers.

Hey, hello. Let me tell you something now. After measuring by the technicians at the agricultural technology station in the town, our brigade's field lacks a kind of molybdenum fertilizer. Without this fertilizer, the leaves of soybeans will turn yellow and the yield will decrease.

Technician Zhang from the Agricultural Technology Station just brought over the fertilizer, and will start spraying fertilizer on the field tomorrow morning. Ten people will be sent out, and they will be counted as ten work points a day. Whoever does not smoke will come to the brigade to make unified arrangements tomorrow.

Say one more thing. The lack of fertilizer in the field was reported by Comrade Wei Xingxi from our village. She has made a contribution to our brigade, and I would like to commend her.

Then there was a clapping sound from the loudspeaker, probably two or three people.

There was another squeak, and the loudspeaker was turned off.

Yu Hua, who is teaching Wei Xingyu math at home: ...

In her opinion, it was just a trivial matter, but she never expected to be named and praised by the loudspeaker.

She wouldn't be embarrassed, just a little surprised.

She has a more intuitive impression of the simplicity of thinking in this era.

It is conceivable that at least half of the people in the village are talking about her.

Well, I guess it can start from her birth.

Not surprisingly, Yuhua saw Wei Xingyu's little face full of admiration.


Within two days, the news that Hou Laizi had been beaten reached Weijiagou.

Hou Laizi had been beaten more than once, his rough body was beaten, and he was alive and kicking the next day.

There was no other way, I was afraid of killing people if I beat him hard, and Hou Laizi would retaliate if I beat him hard, so I had to beat him lightly to vent my anger.

This time Hou Laizi came back from nowhere, and was beaten severely. Someone went to see it, and Hou Laizi lay on the bed and said, Oh, I can't tell where or who was beaten.

Some people who have seen Hou Laizi's return to the village say that Hou Laizi came back with his body bent and his crotch covered when he was beaten in the dark.

I don't know if it's because there are no more seeds, but now people who are close to Hou Laizi can hear Hou Laizi's yelling in the middle of the night, and his face has lost a lot of weight in a few days. He used to be a dirty man, but now he is a dirty ghost.

People who have been harmed by Hou Laizi clapped their hands and applauded, saying that those who punished Hou Laizi did nothing for the people, and publicized Hou Laizi well.

Within two days, the surrounding villages that had been visited by Hou Laizi all knew that Hou Laizi was gone.

Yu Hua, who does good deeds without leaving a name, was relieved to hear that Zheng Jinghong and her were not mentioned in the news.

Zheng Jinghong hadn't been there for five days, but after eating for three days, she went to see Hua Hua.

Whether to take it or not, Zheng Jinghong hesitated for a while after taking the medicine, but when she thought about reviewing, she didn't hesitate anymore and took it that day.

The effect of the medicine is so good that I can fall asleep at night and sleep until morning. She hadn't slept well in the past two years. She started going to bed at ten o'clock, and tossed and turned until eleven or twelve o'clock before falling asleep.

Sometimes I went to bed early and woke up before dawn.

She thought it wasn't just a coincidence, she slept well on the second day and the third day.

The quality of sleep is high, and there is energy during the day.

Zheng Jinghong knew it was a good medicine.

Hearing the news about Hou Laizi again, my heart sank, and I hurried to find Xi Hua.

Xi Hua watched Zheng Jinghong take out a stack of money and a stack of various tickets from the army green satchel.

Zheng Jinghong put the money and tickets on the table, This is 150 yuan, I'll buy 30 pills. I don't need these tickets, you can use them, don't refuse, I don't know how to thank you for saving me You, take this thing.

There is no need for a ticket. If you don’t need it for a while, you can exchange it with others for a ticket that you can use, and you can also exchange it for money.

Zheng Jinghong thought about it, and gave Xi Hua the money directly as if she wanted to clear something up. It would be more appropriate to express her gratitude to the ticket. Fortunately, she has a few tickets that are in short supply, otherwise she would be embarrassed to use them as a thank you gift.

Okay, I'll take it. Zheng Jinghong was willing to give it away, and Yuhua was willing to accept it. She was short of these.

Xi Hua took out thirty pills, wrapped them in medical paper, and gave them to Zheng Jinghong.

Zheng Jinghong had to go back to review, took the medicine and left.

Xi Hua picked up the tickets and looked at them one by one. There were food stamps, cloth tickets, sugar tickets, industrial tickets, and one was a bicycle ticket that was in short supply.

These tickets can be worth a hundred and eighty yuan together. Zheng Jinghong is a grateful person and a generous person.

During dinner at night, Yuhua passed the money matter to Minglu.

She only said that she found two ginseng roots on the mountain. She used one of them to make ginseng pills according to the recipe in the book. After taking them, she felt better.

I made a lot of pills and sold some to Zheng Jinghong.

Wei Baoshan and Miao Dalan stopped eating and looked at each other and then at Zihua with wide eyes.

It was Miao Dalan who asked first, Xing, you said you have been feeling better these days. Did you make some pills yourself and take them?

She saw her apricots picking herbs from the mountains, drying them, cutting them, and frying them in a pot. She just thought that her apricots wanted to exchange them for money at Du Laoqi's or the town hospital. .


Miao Dalan patted her chest in fear, Xing, why are you so bold? You dare to make medicine and eat it yourself? It tastes good and is fine. What if something goes wrong after eating it?

Yu Hua tried her best to comfort Miao Dalan, The pills I make are for health care, not for treating diseases. I use non-toxic medicinal materials. The main reason is that ginseng plays a big role. At most, it won't work if you eat it, and it won't be bad if you eat it. .”

You... Wei Baoshan wanted to say something, but he changed his words temporarily, I still respect medicine and medicine. I can't think that I can cure diseases by reading two medical books. If you want to learn medicine, follow Du Laoqi Officially become my master.

Yu Hua agreed, I understand. The medicine I made is similar to the medicinal soup. It is just a tonic. The effect of ginseng medicine is better than taking it alone.

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