Quick Travel Plane Development Notes

Chapter 158 Rebirth 28 Times (12)

The black cat belongs to the Lu family, so it wouldn't be good to just take him away like this, even though the black cat is following him.

Qi Ninghao went over and told the Lu family's housekeeper that he would send the cat.

Although Qi Ninghao's parents and Qi Ninghao's eldest brother are the ones who have the most contact with the Lu family. Qi Ninghao is not very familiar with the Lu family, but the two families live not far away, and the Lu family's housekeeper recognizes Qi Ninghao.

The steward agreed.

The black cat didn't need to hug her, and followed Yuhua to Qi's house.

Zi Hua entered Qi Ninghao's room, closed the door, checked and found no cameras, set up a space barrier, and entered the space with the black cat.

The room was closed, Qi Ninghao and Zhao Heng went downstairs.

The two of them can quickly accept that there are supernatural powers in the world, because those with supernatural powers are human beings.

There are many strange people in the world. There are often people who have magnets on their bodies that can attract iron, and people who wear vests every day when the temperature is more than ten degrees below zero. They are very accepting of people with supernatural powers.

But the possibility of demons existing in the world is really not something that can be accepted for a while.

The two went to the lounge.

Qi Ninghao picked up a baseball at any time and switched it back and forth between his hands, thinking about things.

Zhao Heng quickly searched for something on the Internet with his mobile phone.

The two did not speak for a while.

Qi Ninghao suddenly asked Zhao Heng, "Tell me, is You Wen still the original You Wen?"

Zhao Heng and Qi Ninghao have played together since they were young, and they understand Qi Ninghao's voice, "You think too much, I think it's a real person.

If it's a monster, what is she trying to do with the two of us? She can't compare to the Nie family in money, and can't compare to that kid Lu Hanming in looks. It's fun to try to lie to us? "

Qi Ninghao: "...that's right." Although it hurts my heart.

In Lychee Space.

Animals are very sensitive to spiritual energy. The black cat was very active after it came in, jumping around and exploring. The spiritual energy entered its body according to the rhythm of its breathing.

Yu Hua grabbed the unknown energy from the black cat's body.

No matter how this world develops, at least in this time overflow world, foreign objects are not recognized by the rules, and it is easy to separate foreign energy from the body.

After holding it in his hand, Yu Hua quickly recognized that this energy contained spiritual energy.

The content of aura is not much, which is similar to that of the outside world, so at first Yuhua didn't pay much attention to it.

In addition to spiritual energy, it also contains some substances that cannot exist in this world. The function of these substances is to promote the body's absorption of spiritual energy, thereby improving human body functions.

All the worlds that Yuhua has been to have auras, but it is difficult for ordinary people to absorb auras into their bodies unless they have practiced in absorbing auras.

In addition, they are all low-spirited worlds, and the proportion of spiritual energy is very small. Relying on the human body to passively absorb a little bit of spiritual energy, it can have no effect on the human body.

This group of energy is directly absorbed by people.

After the black cat absorbed this mass of energy, its skin became smooth and hairy.

After the energy was taken out by Yuhua, the black cat's fur became less shiny to the naked eye.

In addition, there are some not-so-good things in this energy.

"Meow." The black cat didn't understand what happened, but it could sense the changes in its own body, and yelled at Yu Hua dissatisfied.

Knowing what energy is, Zihua returned the energy ball to Black Cat.

It is useless to take away this energy now. When the world is reset, the energy in Black Cat will not be reduced at all.

Seeing the black cat staring at the lychees on the lychee tree, Zihua picked one and threw it to it.

What the black cat is greedy for is the aura rich in lychees.

Wei Xingxi's body is naturally sensitive to taste, which affects her consciousness.

Originally, she didn't care whether the food tasted good or not. She only looked at whether it had energy and whether it was good for the body.

Now, she has taste requirements for food.

It was not a bad influence, and Zihua did not remove this influence from her consciousness.

She continued the taste of her previous life and liked to eat lychees.

So I specially gathered some spiritual energy for the lychee tree.

After a few years, the lychee tree will evolve into a spiritual plant.

Although it is not now, the fruit already contains a small amount of spiritual energy.

The black cat caught it in one gulp, bit open the shell gently, rolled his tongue, left the pulp in his mouth, spit out the shell, chewed it twice, and spit out the core inside.

He squinted his eyes and continued to chew the pulp, enjoying it very much.

Zihua detached her conscious body from her body and touched the black cat's forehead.

The illusory fingers penetrated the black cat's body and reached directly to the black cat's soul.

Due to the physical barrier, her conscious body was unable to read Black Cat's memory.

Using mental power to search for the soul will damage the black cat's soul, but her method will not.

The black cat jumped up reflexively.

Seeing that it was Zi Hua, after smelling her breath, the exploded hair went down.


Zihua threw another lychee to it to calm it down.

The black cat's memory is simple and messy.

Because it opened up some wisdom, it can be sorted out.

The black cat was originally a milk cat born to a stray cat, and was picked up by Mrs. Lu and brought home.

But Mrs. Lu passed away less than half a year after she picked it up, and then Mr. Lu started to fall ill.

The Lu family was somewhat superstitious and believed that the black cat was unlucky because it was Mrs. Lu's favorite thing. They didn't throw it away or kill it directly, they just didn't let it enter the house.

The energy source of the black cat comes from the Lu family

It was fed by the Lu family.

In the black cat's field of vision, the Lu family's butler cut a small piece from a black pill and fed it to it.

I fed him six times.

This black pill should be a repair pill.

Feed it to the black cat to test the medicine.

The repairing pill lives up to its name. The energy contained in it can indeed repair the damage of the body and achieve the effect of delaying aging.

Yu Hua sorted out the reason for using the black cat to test the medicine from the black cat's memory.

It was because the black cat happened to be a sick cat.

The Lu family did not welcome the black cat. After Mrs. Lu passed away, the Lu family stopped feeding it, which meant that it was left to fend for itself.

The black cat was picked up when it was a milk cat. After being picked up, it was delicious, drinkable, and served. Its self-predation ability was very poor. It didn't take long for the black cat to become skinny and sick.

When the Lu family wanted to test the medicine, they thought of the black cat.

Healthy cats can at most test out that the medicine is not poisonous, and sick cats just try the efficacy of the medicine.

The black cat has a very strong instinct. It knows that it feels better after taking the medicine given by the Lu family, so it has not left the Lu family for so many lives, waiting to take the medicine to make its body better.

After being reborn for so many lives, its spiritual wisdom has developed more. In the first few lives, after taking the medicine and getting better, it ran away elsewhere, but when the time came, it returned to the courtyard of the Lu family.

It didn't run away for so many lives, and stayed in Lu's house waiting for the next life to come.

"Go out." Seeing that the black cat still wanted to eat lychees, Yu Hua didn't want to feed it any more.

No matter how much spirit energy you absorb now, when the world restarts, you will return to your original shape, and no matter how much you eat, it will be a waste.

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