Quick Travel Plane Development Notes

Chapter 429 Being a Master in the Eighties (35)

It was also two yuan for Yao Shuli.

Yao Shufang wanted more, five yuan, and she paid for school meals, which was not included in the five yuan.

The spare money is for extra purposes. After spending it, there are reasonable reasons, and Yuhua will make up for them at any time.

Or the scourge left by Lu Jianyong.

The leading school bully is Tian Ke, Tian Erdong's nephew. He beat cats and dogs since childhood. When he grows up, fighting is a common occurrence. He bullies his classmates, blocks roads for money, and dominates the school.

Lu Jianyong introduced Yao Shuwei to Tian Ke, and said in front of Yao Shuwei that Tian Ke should cover Yao Shuwei in school and stop Yao Shuwei from being bullied.

The real purpose is to let Tian Ke bring Yao Shuwei down.

Lu Jianyong was executed, Tian Erdong was imprisoned, Tian Ke was shocked, and he was honest for a while.

After a long time, the deterrent effect brought by the public sentencing decreased, and Tian Ke came out to do bad things again.

Yao Shuwei was suppressed by Yu Hua and went home after school, and did not go out with Tian Ke anymore, Tian Ke turned his head and bullied his younger brother who betrayed him.

There should be no such thing in the last life, because Yao Shuwei still played with Tian Ke after entering junior high school.

What Xi Hua did was very different from the original owner, and the resulting changes in the future will increase step by step.

The fact that Yao Shuwei was robbed of two yuan by Tian Ke seemed trivial, and if he let it go, the consequences might be serious.

Yao Shuwei was suppressed by her at home and could not do bad things, and being bullied by bad people outside may distort his character.

Xi Hua has already made a mistake once and cannot make another mistake.

She chose this world because she wanted to relax her conscious body, which had lost some emotional sensitivity due to sleeping for too long. She didn't need to practice martial arts, and she could directly use soul crystals to cheat.

I thought it would be easy to stay in this world, and it would be easy to raise three older children, but I didn't expect to overturn the car.

Xi Hua said, I'll take care of this.

Ai Xiaoyan lives in No. 59 Huancheng Road. There are six people in her family. Ai Xiaoyan heard from her mother.

Yu Hua nodded.

Shen Ying and Chao Yuhua slightly bent their bodies and left the room.

In the dead of night, Yu Hua, dressed in black, climbed over the wall and left the family courtyard.

Courtyard No. 59, Huancheng Road is in the west of the city, not far from the towel factory.

When Yuhua arrived at the place, she took an invisibility talisman on her body.

Courtyard No. 59 was completely dark except for two dim street lamps in the courtyard.

There is no light in Ai Xiaoyan's house, and all six of them are asleep.

Xi Hua took out two 2.0 version of the Nightmare Talisman.

This is what she made based on the Taoist Nightmare Talisman, combined with the dream-making technique of System 01.

The original nightmare talisman just made people have nightmares, not necessarily what they dreamed of.

The 2.0 version of the Nightmare Talisman will allow those who have won the Talisman to experience a night of hell.

Yuhua is specially customized for people with vicious mouths, so the Hell One Night Experience Tour is a tongue-pulling hell.

Ai Xiaoyan insulted Yao Shuli more than once in school.

The reason she scolded Yao Shuli was that Yao Shuli had a sister with broken shoes.

At this stage, what Yu Hua brought to Yao Shufang's three siblings has both good and bad aspects.

Not to mention the good side, I left Lu Jianyong's family and kept the money and the house.

The bad side is that Yao Qin's reputation was ruined in advance because of Chen Weiquan's self-assessed operation.

In the previous life, the original owner's reputation was tarnished five years later, the Lu family took the money and the house completely for themselves, and Lu Jianyong had resigned to start a business.

Lu Jianyong had some business sense, and he already had a net worth of hundreds of thousands.

With the money, the thought of driving the original owner out of the house came up.

Diao Xiuju then spread the rumor that it was Lu Jianyong who was seduced by the original owner with his clothes off, otherwise how could Lu Jianyong marry the ugly original owner.

The reputation of the original owner was suddenly ruined.

But the original owner refused to divorce.

Lu Jianyong really didn't dare to beat the original owner to death. He had seen the original owner's temper wringing in the matter of the Yao family's third sibling, and she was really desperate to fight him for fear of angering the original owner.

Furthermore, the original owner was really devoted to the three brothers of the Lu family, and treated them like their own children. He was also good at housekeeping, and Lu Jianyong was not allowed to worry at all at home.

Lu Jianyong finally chose not to divorce, and was happy outside with colorful flags flying.

In this life, although it was rumored that Lu Jianyong wanted to occupy the Yao family's money and bullied Yao Qin.

But it still turned out to be Yao Qin's fault.

Chastity humiliation is a sharp knife that stabs women in a more open era decades later, and this will be even more so.

Yao Shufang's three siblings have all been scolded for having a broken shoe ugly sister.

This is Xi Hua's mistake, and she will try her best to make up for it, so that the three siblings of the Yao family can live a better life than their previous life.

Yu Hua would not let go of those who spread bad things about her and scolded the third sibling, no matter whether they said it behind their backs or scolded her in person.

After she found out what Chen Weiquan had done, she began to remedy the matter, and severely punished a group of people. During this time, no one talked nonsense anymore. The incident has subsided, and the lives of the three siblings have basically recovered. normal.

Ai Xiaoyan jumped out again. Although she was only 10 years old, she was intentional and malicious.

She wanted to use this method to ruin Yao Shuli, because she was jealous of Yao Shuli's good study and good looks.

Being young is not the basis for her to do evil, and Yu Hua will not let her go.

The two talismans landed precisely on the foreheads of Ai Xiaoyan and her mother, and disappeared.

Yuhua put the two pieces of paper next to Ai Xiaoyan and her mother's pillows, and then went back.



Early the next morning, people in No. 59 Huancheng Road were awakened by two screams.

Ai Xiaoyan's mother, who escaped from the nightmare, had eyes and faces full of fear, because she had a nightmare of being taken to hell one night to watch her tongue being pulled out and being pulled out.

Although her tongue was only pulled out once, the pain was comparable to when she gave birth to a child.

She immediately saw what was placed next to the pillow. It was a piece of black paper with eight words written in red letters on it, If you do it again, you will go to the hell of tongue pulling.

Ai Xiaoyan's father was woken up and sat up, What's wrong with you?

Ai Xiaoyan's mother pointed at the black paper and asked in a trembling voice, ...then, look at that.

Ai Xiaoyan's father looked over and said, This, that, nothing, what do you want me to see?

The black paper suddenly shattered into pieces and dissipated into a line of black smoke.

I don't want to go to hell! I don't want to have my tongue pulled out. Mom!

Hearing Ai Xiaoyan's cry, Ai Xiaoyan's mother jumped out of bed and ran to Ai Xiaoyan's room, where she saw the same black paper next to Ai Xiaoyan's pillow.

She and her daughter were booked by the judge! Ai Xiaoyan's mother suddenly fell to the ground.


Taoist priest Ming Ze did not come back in more than a month as he said.

It was not until the twelfth lunar month that Master Mingze returned to Tashan Temple.

Zihua received a letter from Taoist Master Mingze sent by Ni Qiu. Knowing that Taoist Master Mingze was back, he went to Tashan Temple after get off work.

Seeing Zihua coming over, Taoist Master Mingze was more enthusiastic than before, Thanks to you for taking care of Tashan Temple here.

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