Quick Travel Plane Development Notes

Chapter 619 I Have a Secret (7)

Duanmu Mingying came to the capital, because of her good looks and slender figure, she was spotted by a brokerage company and signed her as a model.

She is not tall enough, and she is not a formal clothing model. She has done all kinds of work such as graphic model, car model, and celebration ceremony.

The agency she works for is a small company, and it is common for models like them to accompany them for drinks in order to obtain resources.

The good thing is that this brokerage company will only lure them, and the success is completely voluntary. The company will build a bridge in it, and will not force them to exchange their bodies for monetary benefits.

Duanmu Mingying's bottom line is only to accompany wine, the kind of pure wine accompany.

She doesn't pick jobs at work, she takes on the most tiring jobs, so she earns a lot.

In this circle, as a beautiful girl, she is surrounded by wolves. Duanmu Mingying does not want to be taken advantage of by them, which has become a sin and ignorance.

In the eyes of the pack of wolves and their helpers, Duanmu Mingying's cleanliness is just to be sold. Their reason is that if they really want to be clean, why do they come into this circle? It's not because they want to make more money.

They have always speculated on women with the greatest malice, especially vulnerable and beautiful girls, because they are such people themselves.

At the beginning, Duanmu Mingying was not deeply involved in the world. Not long after she came to the capital, she was spotted by a scout and signed into the company. After she came in, she knew what the water in the circle was like, but it was too late to regret it, because she signed a ten-year contract and she couldn't pay it. liquidated damages.

The only thing I can be thankful for is that this company is not the worst kind, and will not force her to do those dirty things.

The pack of wolves would not let her go. Duanmu Mingying had a very difficult life, and she narrowly escaped disaster several times.

Once, she was rescued by a second ancestor.

The second generation ancestor wanted her to be his girlfriend, but Duanmu Mingying agreed without much consideration.

This second-generation ancestor is rich and powerful, and his family background is well-known in the capital.

The second generation ancestor's reputation in the circle is not bad, because although he changes girlfriends frequently, but every time he breaks up with one and then renews, he is very generous to every girlfriend and gives a lot of resources to go out.

Moreover, the second generation ancestor is young and handsome, and there are as many celebrities in the circle who want to admire him as the crucian carp in the river.

Not only because of those wolves, but also because of her family's threats to her.

Duanmu Mingying's job was to enter the public eye, and within half a year her family saw her, and she came to Beijing with only one purpose, to hold her in their hands and earn money for them.

It was not easy to call the police on threats from family members, and a conflict within the family made her unable to escape.

The second generation ancestor said that he could help her solve this problem, and she had no reason not to agree.

After Duanmu Mingying became the second generation ancestor's girlfriend, everything went smoothly. She had many resources to choose from, and most of her money was earned during this period.

The second ancestor made a move, and Duanmu Mingying's parents and eldest brother obediently returned to their hometown, not daring to find fault with her again.

I don't know where Duanmu Mingying was right about the second generation ancestor's temper. Duanmu Mingying has been the second generation ancestor's girlfriend for nearly three years. The previous girlfriend's tenure was more than a few months and half a year, and some even only lasted a month.

However, the second generation ancestor is still the same second generation ancestor who likes the new and dislikes the old. Nearly three years later, the second generation ancestor broke up with Duanmu Mingying. The biggest benefit Duanmu Mingying received from it was that the second generation ancestor helped her terminate the contract with the brokerage company.

Duanmu Mingying, who became a free agent, left the circle and used the money he earned to invest, including real estate.

She went to learn West Point, which she was interested in, opened a bakery, and lived a comfortable life for a while.

The only bad thing is that people in her family later found out that she broke up with the second generation ancestor, and they heard about her new address from someone, and approached her again.

Her parents are very strong, and she is not married. All the money she earns should belong to the family, and the family business is inherited by the eldest brother. When she is a hundred years old, the nephew of the elder brother's family will throw a pot for her.

Of course Duanmu Mingying was unwilling to give away the money he had earned through all his hard work.

It was at this time that Xiao Yanqing came to the door.

Xiao Yanqing came here with her two-year-old son in her arms, saying that she had cervical cancer, which was at an advanced stage and had no chance of treatment, and wanted to ask Duanmu Mingying to raise her son.

Xiao Yanqing is three years younger than Duanmu Mingying, and joined the company two years later than Duanmu Mingying. The two are closer in the company, which has a lot to do with their similar native families.

The difference is that Xiao Yanqing is a character who refuses to suffer, and came out after a quarrel with the family.

The reason why she didn't hand over her son to the Xiao family was because Xiao Yanqing knew that handing over her son to her parents for upbringing was no different from sending her son to the tiger's mouth, and she didn't want any of the money she earned to be in his hands.

She can ask a lawyer to make a will to get the money until her son is an adult, but she has no way of controlling how her son is raised. Maybe her parents and younger brothers will take away the money as soon as it reaches her son's hands.

It's even worse that she gave half of the money to her parents. It has raised their hearts, and it is even more impossible for her son to get the half.

So Xiao Yanqing found Duanmu Mingying here, saying that she believed in Duanmu Mingying's character.

What Duanmu Mingying thought was that having a son would give her a reason to stop her family from asking her for money.

She agreed to Xiao Yanqing.

The two signed a custody agreement. Xiao Yanqing paid Duanmu Mingying one million yuan as child support, and the rest of the property, including a real estate, was under the son's name, and Duanmu Mingying took care of the real estate on his behalf.

The son changed his name from Xiao Chengyan to Duanmu Chengyan. Don't tell Duanmu Chengyan his life experience before the son is an adult. After he becomes an adult, he will decide when to tell him according to the situation.

Xiao Yanqing suggested that it would be best after the age of 20. At that time, his son had gone to college for a year or two, had certain social experience, and it was easier to accept the secret of his life experience, and at the same time return the property to his son.

Yu Hua asked, Who is Duanmu Chengyan's father?

Duanmu Mingying shook her head, Xiao Yanqing didn't want to say, but only said that the child belongs to her alone, and the child's father doesn't know the existence of the child.

Yu Hua went to pick up the ore again, Aunt Duanmu, how do you want to deal with this matter?

I... Duanmu Mingying looked struggling, I can do whatever I want, it's up to Lingling.

She said that she didn't regard Duanmu Chengyan as her own son, and she had always been so worried. She would think more about Duanmu Chengyan when making any decision.

But after getting along for many years, she has been called a mother for more than ten years, and she has given a lot to raise Duanmu Chengyan carefully, including feelings.

Feelings are the most uncontrollable. In fact, she has regarded Duanmu Chengyan as a parent and child in her heart, although she doesn't know what it means to be a parent and child.

She forgave Duanmu Chengyan for attacking her this time.

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