Quick Travel Plane Development Notes

Chapter 666 I Have a Secret (54)

Is the mutation of those two animals and two people related to it?

It doesn't matter. It's an organism called Diutata, and the two animals and the two people were parasitized by another organism, and this parasite also came from outer space.

I can only talk about it now, and relay the information I got from Diudada, you have the right to listen, because the existence of parasites cannot be observed with the current technical means. It can only be said that Yu Hua still can't produce the crystals produced by Ye Jian.

The crystals that can assist in the detection of parasites are the by-products left after Ye Crispy absorbs the nutrients of the parasites. It can be said to be the torso and exoskeleton derived from Ye Crispy, or it can be said to be the waste left over by it.

In the previous life, when Ye Jian was awakened, there were parasites everywhere, and living spores were everywhere. Ye Jian ate very happily every day, and shortly after binding with Duanmu Mingying, crystals were produced.

There are still very few parasites, and the sporophytes are basically dead. The leaves are not crisp enough to eat, and crystals cannot be produced.

Maybe there will be something that can detect parasites soon. Yu Hua added.

thing? Shortly after? Shao Lei heard the hidden meaning.

It's true that it's hard for people to believe that the other party's nonsense talk about parasites and parasites, but Shao Lei doesn't believe that Zhong Ling dared to tell such a big lie to the country.

Moreover, it is an indisputable fact that the bodies of two animals and two people have mutated, and this cannot be faked.

How soon? Shao Lei asked.

Yu Hua checked Ye Jian's state in the lower space with her mental strength, and said, It's a few days. It will wake up in a few days.

If it is true, Shao Lei knows the seriousness of the existence of parasites, Are there many such parasites?

It doesn't know how many parasites have fallen into this world. This kind of parasite can divide. The parasites on the two animals have already divided, and the spores that have split will spread into the air. When they meet suitable The host will parasitize into the host's brain.

Shao Lei didn't want this to be true. If it was true, the matter would be more serious than he thought. Shao Lei couldn't help but clenched his fists, Is it related to parasites?

It is the natural enemy of parasites. The parasites on two animals and two people have been removed by it...

What Hua Hua is talking about is the method of removing parasites and sporophytes after the leaves are completely metamorphosed, that is, actively preying on parasites.

She positioned herself as a mediator, and of course she had to pick herself out of Ye Jian's predation of parasites.

Parasites cannot be detected, but changes in the body of the host infested by the parasite can be detected by current medical methods.

As for whether he will order to investigate people who may have been parasitized because of this, that is a matter for Shao Lei and the real-time observers to decide.


Yu Hua was escorted home by Shao Lei.

Originally, she promised Yu Yue to live in the company's dormitory after filming the variety show, but the plan did not change quickly. She accidentally encountered multiple parasites in Liu Junshan, which made her know of Ye Jian's existence in advance.

Chen Jingwei and Chen Zhe attacked her in the open and in the dark, so she had to think more about her grandmother's safety.

There is also Cheng Kaijing, from his treatment of Cheng Yan, it can be seen that he likes to play tricks. After knowing the existence of Ye Jian, he is most likely to attack his grandmother.

She stayed at home to ensure grandma's safety to the greatest extent.

After entering the community, Yu Hua saw two unidentified people wandering around in the community.

She looked it up, it was from the media.

This is the bad side brought about by her fame. There are always people who want to take a sneak shot of her, or want to grab her traffic.

Xi Hua thought of System 01, it was a very qualified security guard, and in the world of little temper tantrums, it also came up with the trick of showing ghosts from the surveillance probes to scare people.

Sometimes it's nice to have a little helper.

Yu Hua withdrew her gaze from the two unknown persons.

The car quickly drove to the gate of the building where her home was located, and Yu Hua thanked Xiao Zhai who sent her back.

It's all what I should do. Xiao Zhai smiled sheepishly, Director Shao said he would make a report and take some measures for the safety of this community.

Then thank you Director Shao. Yu Hua said. No matter what the purpose is, it is good for her, at least there is one more guarantee for grandma's safety.

When I went upstairs and opened the door, melodious folk music came over. Grandma was learning to dance to the TV with a pink and white poplin fan.

In order to avoid disturbing the residents, the sound was not played too loudly. Grandma wore a pair of thin dance shoes and performed gentle Tai Chi fan movements on the thick carpet.

Seeing Yuhua enter the door, the grandmother moved and said, Lingling, stay by yourself for a while, I'll finish the dance.

A few voices came from the nearby phone.

Your granddaughter is back?

Don't forget to ask your Jia Lingling for an autographed photo for my granddaughter, she really likes your Jia Lingling.

Give me one too, and I'll give it to my niece.

It was grandma who was on the line with a few old sisters and released it.

Yuhua gave grandma a smiling face with six teeth showing, Grandma, dance and leave me alone. I'll take a shower and change clothes first. Hello grandmas, I've signed my signature these days and let grandma give it to you .”

Because of her, grandma seldom goes out these days.

Yuhua once mentioned that she wanted her grandmother to move with her to a more private community. The grandmother was reluctant to stay away from these old sisters and hesitated to move.

Before the pills were stolen by the neighbor Aunt Zhang and sold to others for 120,000 yuan, and let others use this as an excuse to frame her, the grandmother was angry and blamed herself, blaming herself for showing off and getting her granddaughter into trouble.

But grandma didn't blame the other old sisters for this, and still wanted to live with them.

Yuhua didn't force it.

Grandma has lived here for most of her life, and she cannot be allowed to come and accommodate her and leave this place that grandma regards as her hometown.

Fortunately, grandma is an optimistic person, and she has social activities when she doesn't go out, and she agreed to connect with a few old sisters to learn how to dance Tai Chi fan is one of them.

Okay, you can go and wash. Oops, I seem to have made a wrong jump here again. Grandma quickly turned back to watch the teaching on TV, and adjusted the right pace.

Back in the room, Yuhua checked the room to make sure there were no hidden cameras, and set up a barrier before looking at San Wu Space.

Ye Jian has woken up from a dormant state, and it has successfully undergone a complete transformation.

Its shape has changed, and it looks like a bergamot with its petals open. It is crystal clear, with colorful sparkles on it, and it looks like a handicraft made of colored glaze.

Just not like a living organism.

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