Quick Travel Plane Development Notes

Chapter 831 There is something wrong with this world (5)

One version said that Zheng Hui fell in love with her, and she also fell in love with Zheng Huiren, but she felt panicked at being a stepmother and wanted to get more benefits, so she raised high conditions, and they were deadlocked.

The most outrageous thing is that she seduced Zheng Hui first, and Zheng Hui went to propose a marriage, but she picked up Joe again, the lion opened his mouth, and Zheng Hui was raising money for the bride price everywhere.

This era is a strange one. It can be said that it has progressed, but the progress is only in technology, and some people have become rich, and the harshness of women is not less but more.

For example, in the past, it was advocated to encourage women to step out of the house to work. Now, it has begun to lead women to return to the family. After that, it has become more and more like this. Even in the Internet age, this orientation has not changed in any way.

In addition, decades after the Chastity Archway was smashed, it was erected again.

Yuhua just rejected a man's marriage proposal, and was maliciously arranged like this.

In the eyes of these people, Zheng Hui was only thirty-eight, handsome, and as the workshop director of a large state-owned factory, he was in the prime of life and had a bright future.

As for her, except for being younger and looking better, she has nothing else. It is her blessing to be seen by Zheng Hui.

Her youth is also something to talk about. In their eyes, she is already an old girl at the age of twenty-five and has not dated yet. An old girl is worth a lot less.

However, Yu Hua did nothing about the rumors, because she found that the traces of the time rules on Lu Fang's body had disappeared again.

This is very strange.

It reminded Yu Hua of the rules of timeline correction. After the timeline deviates, it will be automatically corrected. After the correction, the timeline will return.

It can explain the phenomenon that the traces washed by the rules of time on Lu Fang existed at that time and disappeared at this time.

It's a pity that there are only a few traces left on Lu Fang's body, and it is not certain whether it is related to the timeline revision.

If it was a timeline correction, then it is now the corrected timeline, and Yuhua is going to follow the original owner's temperament to see if that kind of trace will appear on Lu Fang's body in the future.

The original owner is a research-oriented talent, only professional things can attract her attention, other aspects can be described as indifference.

She rejected Zheng Hui, and the original owner would also refuse, because the original owner had never thought of getting married before, she just wanted to work in the factory earlier so that she could practice.

She has enough theoretical knowledge, and she has no conditions to practice at home, mainly because she has no money.

Although medical expenses are reimbursed, there are many places to spend money other than medical expenses. Since Lu Changzheng was paralyzed, the family has not been able to save any money, and some money is spent on how to improve the quality of Lu Changzheng's life.

The original owner is clear about this aspect, the major he likes is not as important as his father's life.

Besides, rumors may affect the original owner, but it is not a big deal to Yuhua itself.

But Yuhua didn't ignore it all the time, she had a feeling that soon she would be able to settle the score with the rumormonger.

Yuhua didn't make any calculations, but she had this kind of premonition that was similar to a foresight, which made Yuhua quite fresh.

Yu Hua turned a blind eye to other people's advice, and walked unhurriedly to the factory department with a bamboo basket.

The original owner planned to go to the factory department today to ask about work, so she followed the original owner's idea and came to the factory department.

After I wanted to ask, I happened to stop by to buy groceries.

The personnel director of the factory was here, and when he saw Yu Hua, the director smiled, Xiao Lu, you have to wait for your business, and now the factory is working on a new product, and the director and secretary are very busy.

When I turn back, the factory is idle, and your work has progressed, I will find someone to inform you.

The personnel director has always been enthusiastic about anyone, but he still doesn't do what should be done.

Yu Hua said, Director, I want to go to the first-line workshop. I am not afraid of hardships. I have also taught myself professional skills in machinery. I don't believe that the factory can test me.

If the original owner came over, he would definitely say that, even though the original owner had already said so.

But it was obvious that the people in the factory didn't believe it, and only thought that the original owner had read a few books by Lu Changzheng at home and said he had skills.

Yu Hua released a sliver of mental energy to inspect the person of the personnel director, and there was no trace on the person of the personnel director.

She immediately withdrew her mental power.

She is ready to take a look at anyone who has a lot of dealings with the original owner.

The smiling face of the personnel director remained unchanged, You said it last time, and I will remember it for you. The professional assessment is not just a test, it has to be done according to the process.

Xiao Lu's awareness is high, and he wants to go to the front line. I know, and I will indicate it in the report later.

He said it was for a note, but he took a sip of hot tea from the mug, without any intention of getting up and writing.

Just to fool Yuhua.

What the HR director didn't know was that Yu Hua was going through the process, and now that the process was over, she said, Okay, I'm leaving.

After leaving the factory department, Yan Hua walked towards the vegetable market with a basket.

Opposite the family courtyard is a farm shed, which is very convenient for grocery shopping.

Today's logistics is not very smooth, especially in winter, vegetables are mostly local seasonal vegetables, such as cabbage, radish, lotus root, spinach and the like.

What Xi Hua wants to buy most is meat.

Practicing physical skills requires a large amount of energy supply, and the demand for meat is large.

Yuhua had two big roosters weighing seven to eight catties killed and slaughtered, and ordered a whole goat to be killed and delivered to her.

It doesn't matter if you don't have a refrigerator at home. The winter in this era is very cold, and the outdoors are like a natural refrigerator.

The food here is very generous. Many people buy whole lambs, or half lambs, or only a leg of lamb.

Holding two chickens in one hand and a basket full of various vegetables in the other, Yu Hua walked back.

On the way not far from home, he was stopped by Liu Zhaolan.

Panxia. Liu Zhaolan put on a fake smile, Look at what happened, I told Director Zheng, Director Zheng said that he still wants you to consider it, if you have any conditions, he can do it Those who arrive must do it.

Director Zheng has already arranged the work. He will manage the logistics in the second workshop, which is easy and does not need to work night shift. Whether you agree or not, the job is yours.

If it hadn't been for Yu Hua who had just left the factory department, she would not have believed this, I'll say it again, I don't agree, I don't think about it.

But there is a good thing, Xi Hua found traces of the erosion of time rules on Liu Zhaolan.

Panxia, ​​look, it's almost done - Liu Zhaolan, like a chicken being strangled by the neck, made a sound of uh in his throat, and the words stayed in his stomach.

She was frightened by Yu Hua's gaze.

Seeing that Zui Hua had gone far away, Liu Zhaolan's fuzzy feeling passed. She didn't want to follow her at all, but she had taken advantage of Zheng Hui and couldn't help but get things done.

Why is this Lu Banxia a bit evil...

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