Quick Travel Plane Development Notes

Chapter 850 There is something wrong with this world (24)

Coming out of the factory department, Yu Hua went to the waste warehouse in the factory, and picked up some used parts and tools.

Yu Hua put the selected ones in a pile, Uncle Zhao, calculate how much these are.

These waste materials will be cleaned up after a period of time, and sold to anyone.

The warehouse clerk waved his hand nonchalantly, One hundred yuan, take it.

It's cheaper to sell in bulk, and more expensive to sell one by one. The warehouse keeper sells a lot of things, so he can estimate the price at a glance, which is based on the total price.

No, I can't ask Uncle Zhao to post money for me. I should charge as much as I want. I will have to ask Uncle Zhao to fill out a form for me later. Yuhua will not take advantage of this little advantage, and save herself from arguing later.

Seeing that Yuhua was about to go through formal procedures, the warehouse clerk stopped casually saying the number, but calculated the account according to the current price, which was not much, a few yuan or two hundred yuan.

Xi Hua paid the money and packed the things into a big sack.

Seeing that Yuhua swung the sack weighing one or two hundred catties onto his shoulders and walked like a tiger, it took a long time for the warehouse clerk to close his mouth and swallow his saliva, Banxia's great strength! The rumors are true.

He was also happy for Lu Banxia.

After Lu Changzheng passed away, Lu Banxia became an orphan. How many people had ideas about her and her house. Anyone with a bit of insight knows that this is a kind of desolation.

Bah. You're a dog and don't do anything about human affairs. It was Zheng Hui who he despised. It's not as good as the Ma family, at least the Ma family is so bad on the surface, Zheng Hui is doing it secretly, if he doesn't know, the rumors are spread by Zheng Hui.

When Yuhua returned home, she put the things she bought in the outer room.

She moved the kitchen back into the original half of the room, and the outer room became her workshop.

These days she got the theoretical knowledge straightened out, it's time to practice.

To change the timeline, she is going to start by changing the technological process.

These spare parts were not enough, Yuhua traveled around the city for a few days by bus, and found a lot of new and old spare parts, components, and various tools.

Nearly 10,000 yuan was spent, mainly because the components were too expensive, and it was not easy for her to buy them, so she didn't care about the price.

After buying all the raw materials, Xihua began to work.

She made a computer.

Now there are microcomputers in China. Compared with the electronic tube computers before, microcomputers are also a big bump.

Xihua didn't buy a ready-made one because she wanted to compile a new source code.

Because domestic technology started late, computers were imported from abroad. Correspondingly, the programming uses computers of this type as hardware, and foreign established source codes.

Xihua firmly believes that it is better to buy than to manufacture by oneself, and to use other people's standards is not as good as to make one by oneself.

In this way, it will not be choked by other countries after it develops to a certain level.

In fact, the binary system, which is the basis of modern computer calculations, was invented thousands of years ago by the ancestors of Huaguo, that is, gossip.

After seeing the gossip, people in other countries understood the binary rules, and later, this rule was applied to the source code of the computer.

But this matter has been artificially blurred, so that most people mistakenly believe that binary was invented by people from other countries.

In later generations, after the development of information, people found that there are many such examples. The inventions and discoveries of the ancestors of the Chinese country were taken away by people from other countries. .

Therefore, it is very important to control the right to speak internationally.

Source code will be the right to speak in the technological age.

The original owner's wish is to serve the motherland, so she will start from the source code.

Fortunately, now is the initial era of domestic electronic technology, and everything is in time.

In fact, she has already compiled the source code, and it is stored in her consciousness, just waiting for a computer with a new form that matches the new source code to be produced.

Every day, there are knocking and knocking sounds in the yard of Xihua, as well as the sound of various tools being used.

She didn't stay in the yard all the time, Lu Fang still needed her escort.

Xu Jianping was not one to break up honestly, so he went to pester Lu Fang anyway.

After Yuhua saw it, she didn't show up right away.

As Yuhua thought, once Lu Fang made a decision, she would not be easily shaken. She sternly rejected Xu Jianping's request for reunification.

Xu Jianping was a bit pushy towards Lu Fang, but fortunately it was not a remote place, Xu Jianping didn't dare to go too far, so Lu Fang left and ran away.

Yu Hua waited for Xu Jianping to get off the night shift, and after he fainted, he took him into the space and took him to a quiet place, then unsettled his acupoints to wake him up, and gave him a beating.

I said before, if you dare to pester Lu Fang, hit him every time you see him. If you are not convinced, keep fighting against me. I can make you lose your job. Believe it or not.

Xi Hua has seen a lot of people like Xu Jianping, they have their own set of fallacies, and they will never change, it is useless to reason with them, only fists can make them obey.

Xu Jianping was so frightened that he didn't dare to cry out when he was hurt. Hearing what Yuhua said, he quickly said, I won't look for Lu Fang again in the future.

Xi Hua withdrew his hand.

She only hits the sore spots without causing any injuries.

The reason why she didn't beat Xu Jianping in public was because she didn't want to leave any excuses. If she beat Xu Jianping in public, when Xu Jianping was found to have stomach cancer, maybe Xu Jianping's illness would be blamed on her, saying that it was caused by her beating.

This was the reason that when she was in the shed that night, Yu Hua only broke off the pliers to show off, and did not move a finger of Xu Jianping.

Xu Jianping knew how to fight, and after the beating, he never dared to go to Lu Fang again.

Xi Hua's report on Zheng Hui came to fruition. The report letter she wrote listed the evidence and witnesses, which is easy to check.

Zheng Hui's luck was reciting, and the aura of the protagonist was not working well. The factory quickly made a decision and gave Zheng Hui a recorded warning.

Xi Hua went to check on Zheng Hui, and after the written warning was made, Zheng Hui lost even more luck.


Xi Hua reported it under her real name and did not cover up anything. Everyone in the factory knew that she had reported Zheng Hui, and Zheng Hui was punished.

After Feng Lili heard this, she was very happy.

This shows that there will be no drama between Lu Banxia and Zheng Hui. Will Zheng Hui marry someone who reported him?

She didn't think much about how the official partner in the book became an enemy. With her as a time traveler, things would not go the same way as in the book.

Feng Lili didn't take Zheng Hui seriously when he was punished now that Zheng Hui, who had been doing well in the machinery factory in the book, was being punished.

Zheng Hui will resign sooner or later to set up his own factory, and this punishment will be nothing at that time.

It would be a good thing if Zheng Hui resigned earlier because of this, and he could start his own business earlier.

Now that the official match is gone, isn't her chance here?

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