Quick Travel Plane Development Notes

Chapter 866 There is something wrong with this world (40)

It coincides with the world in the book created by the Creator God in terms of approach.

Anyway, the Creator God is to obtain energy such as the power of faith and merit.

But the Yaoga Federation, to be precise, the people of the Yaojia civilization, captured and imprisoned a world just for entertainment.

They also know that doing so is contrary to the interstellar convention, claiming to the outside world that the paper world is constructed of data.

But since it is the real world, the development of the world cannot be completely controlled by manpower. The world is constantly breaking free from control. In order to prevent the world from breaking free, the mastermind will carry out another round of digitization of the game world.

Under such tensions, some worlds collapsed, some worlds were completely digitized, and the original worlds also died out in fact.

Another thing is that the traversal game is also very destructive to the world, because players think that in the virtual data world, players have no awe of the game world, and they can't do things that they dare not do in the real world, and they have made enough in the game world.

The final ending of the game world, there are two kinds of collapse and complete dataization.

Xi Hua gave instructions to the robot, No. 1, send a message to the main brain, saying that everything is normal.

Let’s stabilize the main brain first.

This is the reason why Yuhua didn't break up Wukan. If the mastermind finds that Wukan doesn't exist anymore, he will send other observers to Shuilanxing.

Wukan's self-awareness is gone, but most of his data are retained, that is, the main program is fine, and the mastermind will determine that Wukan still exists.

Yes. The robot responded to the mastermind.

The mastermind no longer sends messages asking for information.

The main brain already has the coordinates of Shuilanxing, and Yuhua can't prevent the main brain from building a data wormhole for the time being.

The way for Shuilanxing to get rid of being captured is to break the dimensional wall and enter the high dimension.

After entering the high dimension, the coordinates will naturally change, and it will be difficult for the mastermind to find the water blue star again.

Moreover, the main brain can only capture the low-dimensional world, and cannot do anything about the high-dimensional world.

Because there is a mastermind watching from the sidelines, breaking the dimensional wall is not easy sooner or later, at the latest before the plot is over, there are only a few decades, and the time is very tight.

The robot turned around, faced Yu Hua, and said, Comrade Lu, can I change my name?

Hua Hua was a little surprised that the robot regenerated its autonomous consciousness so quickly. She inspected the core of the robot. Its consciousness program was newly generated, without any remnants of Wukan.

After Zihua was sure, she felt relieved.

Wukan's autonomous consciousness was actually given by the mastermind, because the real Wukan died the moment his spiritual body dissipated.

Even the name is brand new. Wukan was not called Wukan when he was a human being, and his appearance is completely different. Only the memory is shared.

Yuhua asked, What kind of name do you want to change?

The robot's eyes flickered, I want to be called Lu Shuilan. You are the one who created me, so I should have your last name. Only the beauty of Shuilanxing can match me, so I took the name Lu Shuilan.

Hua Hua did not comment on the personality of the robot's newborn consciousness, It's fine, as long as you like it. But, in front of other people, don't act too intelligent.

Shui Lan understands. The robot raised a finger and touched his iron head, It's all my fault for being too smart. If you don't make others jealous, you are mediocre.

Fortunately, Yuhua has seen many individualized artificial intelligences in the interstellar world, and he can accept any personality of the robot. Go and make the parts on the drawing No. 09.

It's good to be smart, and she doesn't need to give instructions one by one.

Part No. 09 is used to make the robotic arm. If a worker wants to do his job well, he must first sharpen his tools. Creating an interstellar version of a robotic arm can bring great progress to the manufacturing industry.

The scientific and technological process will be accelerated if it can be accelerated.

Leave it to Shuilan. The robot turned its head, and then turned back, Can I make a few more parts No. 09, I want to assemble a new arm.

Robots can upgrade themselves. How could Zihua not allow it, Okay.

The hard work of knocking was done by the robot, and Zihua sat in front of the computer and typed the code.

The first computer was given to the country, and she came back to make a new one. Similarly, because it was for her own use, she used the best materials and technology to build a supercomputer.

The master brain has been temporarily deceived, but there is no telling when the master brain will detect abnormalities.

An observer has to be responsible for several worlds, and some also work part-time as plane maintainers, and will not always stay in one world.

From one world to another, the path is a data wormhole. The opening of the data wormhole requires a lot of energy, which requires the observer to pay with the energy points obtained from completing tasks.

Therefore, observers will not travel back and forth in the responsible world. If a world is always normal, observers will only go and take a look after several years.

Wukan came here this time because the mastermind detected an abnormality in Aqua Blue Star. Wukan dealt with the matter at hand and rushed over.

The abnormal point detected by the master brain comes from Feng Lili, because Feng Lili traveled through time.

After Wukan arrived, she discovered that the world's technology had developed by leaps and bounds, and then discovered her existence.

Wukan paused time, calling on the power of the mastermind.

This was enough to prove that the mastermind had the ability to interfere with the operation of Aqua Blue and even destroy Aqua Blue Star. She had to guard against it.

She wanted to create a virus program and find an opportunity to give it to the game master as a big gift.


Lu Fang squatted on the ground and stacked the washed herbs one by one on the bamboo plaque.

She was wearing a long smock that had been washed and worn out, and the smock was covered with grass juice of different colors and splashed a lot of water.

The coarse cloth trousers exposed under the overalls were also stained with grass juice, and the cloth shoes were half wet.

In order to block the sun and prevent her hair from falling into the medicinal materials, Lu Fang's head was wrapped with a cloth towel covering everything above her forehead.

Tired from squatting, Lu Fang simply sat down on the ground.

She wears clothes specially designed for working, so she is not afraid of getting dirty, and besides, she mops the concrete floor very clean without mud.

Lu Fang suddenly felt that someone was watching her.

After practicing martial arts, especially after Lu Banxia told her that she had gathered spiritual strength, her five senses became much sharper.

She raised her head sharply and looked towards the courtyard door.

The courtyard door was ajar, with a gap of about ten centimeters exposed. Someone could be seen standing outside the door, looking into the courtyard through the gap.

It can be seen that it is a man.

When Lu Fang looked up, whether it was a coincidence or on purpose, the man quickly moved away, but quickly turned back and pushed open a door that was half-hidden.

The door opened wide, and Lu Fang could clearly see the appearance of the man.

The man was wearing a jacket, five or six years older than her, and he was quite handsome, but she didn't like the way the man looked at her, with a little disgust.

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