Quick Travel Plane Development Notes

Chapter 874 There is something wrong with this world (48)

For example, the mouse sensor has been upgraded and can detect mice within a fifty-meter radius, including fifty meters underground.

Sensing technology has been put into practical application, and large sensors have sensed living creatures within a radius of three to four hundred meters.

The robot made this is as small as a button, but also powerful, and it is not easy to be able to sense 50 meters.

Xi Hua only restricts the robot from using its brains on weapons, and lets it develop other aspects of creation.

It looks good. The robot showed its big iron legs to Yuhua, with a proud emoticon on its eyes, I added a suspension device.

The robot's feet slowly lifted off the ground. When it was half a foot above the ground, a cloud-like white light emitted from the soles of its feet. I'm imitating the flying clouds and mist in fairy tales. How about it, cool.

That's right. Yuhua developed the levitation technology some time ago. She focused on the levitation vehicle, and now the improvement of the robot just complements it.

The robot was unable to speak to Hua, I know, I know, I have sorted out the information of the suspension device, and I will send it to you in a while.

Yu Hua: You might as well get a burning Hot Wheels out, it's even more exciting.

Hot Wheels? The robot searched its own database, and two stars were displayed on the screen of its eyes, It is indeed cooler, I will modify it.

It turned around while floating, and floated towards its working area.

Xi Hua still believes that changing the white light to red light is more suitable for the heavy body of the robot.


I even doubt whether I am your biological child. What happened to my daughter? She is no longer a human being. Wang Zhi's surname is Wang. My surname is not Wang. Well, the company has no share of me, so I don't want it anymore. Wang Yao said door out.

After going out, Wang Yao kept holding back tears and shed tears.

It was agreed at the beginning that when she and Wang Zhi became adults, they would be given shares in the factory.

How happy she would be. Whenever there was a holiday, she would help the factory run around. Because of her relationship with Yan Junshi, the factory got a large amount of orders, and she is now a stable customer of the factory.

Shouldn't she have taken more?

As a result, the food factory became a joint-stock company, and her share was only 2%! And gave Wang Zhi ten percent!

Why, why give her such a small share.

Isn't it because she is a girl, isn't it because she is afraid that if she gets married, the shares will be cheaper for others.

If she hadn't negotiated a deal in the middle, could Sister Banxia lend money to Mom? Without this money, how could my family open a factory?

Wang Yao wiped her tears with her arms as she ran.

But more and more tears came to her eyes, blurring her vision.

A rapid sound of car horns suddenly alerted Wang Yao. She also felt the danger. When she looked up, it was already too late. A car was driving towards her direction. The car was already braking, but the inertia prevented the car from braking. Stop for a moment.

Wang Yao reacted quickly and ran to the side.


Wang Yao was grabbed by someone and thrown aside.

Hiss. Wang Yao didn't stand still and fell to the ground, hurting from the fall.

The car finally stopped, probably seeing that no one was hit, the driver cursed, While walking, I'm looking for death! Then he started the car and drove away.

Wang Yao also came back to her senses, and said to the car, Why don't you tell me how you drive!

There is obviously no sidewalk on this road, pedestrians and vehicles are mixed, and the car drives so fast.

The car has already driven away, so I probably didn't hear what she said, so let her talk for nothing.

It's unlucky. Wang Yao shook the dirty water from her hand.

It rained not long ago, and there was water in the low-lying places on the side of the road. She sat on a puddle, and her body was covered with muddy water.

How are you? Do you want to go to the hospital? A gentle man's voice said, Can you get up?

It was only then that Wang Yao remembered that someone had pulled her just now. Although she also ran to the side, she might not be able to outrun the car. This person helped her and saved her from a car accident.

This man saved her.

She looked up and saw a very handsome man. Thinking of herself sitting in the puddle, Wang Yao was a little embarrassed, I'm fine. I can get up.

Let me help you up. The man stretched out his hand to support her arm, exerting a little force.

Wang Yao got up with strength.

Are you going to the hospital? the man asked.

Wang Yao knew that she was not injured, but her butt hurt when she fell, she shook her head, There is no need to go to the hospital.

The man looked at the muddy water on her clothes, Then I'll take you home.

Wang Yao thought that she had just run out after a quarrel with her family, so she had no choice but to go back.

Looking at his body again, he ran out in a fit of anger, without even his bag and mobile phone.

If she doesn't go home, where is she going? She thought about it and asked the man, Can I borrow your mobile phone?

Of course. The man took out his mobile phone from his pocket and handed it to Wang Yao.

Wang Yao dialed the number she knew by heart, Sister, I had an accident and my clothes were dirty. It happens to be very close to your home. Can I borrow some clothes from you?

After receiving Wang Yao's call, Yu Hua felt surprised and agreed to Wang Yao's request.

She went up to the second floor, found a set of clothes that she had bought and washed but hadn't put on yet, put them in a bag and took them down.

When she arrived at the door, the robot had already taken out the shoes she wore when going out.

Maybe Wang Yao also needed new shoes, she said, Bring out a new pair of shoes.

Wang Yao is now about the same height as her and has the same shoe size.

She carried her things out of the house and walked towards the reception room.

The reception room is the original gatehouse of the match factory. The gatehouse was not demolished during the renovation. Later, due to the needs of the reception, it was expanded into a reception room.

As soon as you enter the courtyard door, you will be the reception room, and no one will come into contact with her house.

She called Xiao Zhao first, and said that her sister Wang Yao was coming, just let her go.

She opened the courtyard gate,

She waited in the reception room for ten minutes before she saw a car approaching.

It's a Jing brand car.

The car stopped at the gate of the courtyard, and two people got out of the car, one was Wang Yao who was wearing dirty clothes, and the other was a strange man.

Sister. Seeing Yuhua, Wang Yao wanted to cry again, tears welling up in her eyes. She didn't forget to introduce the man who came with her, I was almost hit by a car just now, but he saved me.

The man smiled at Zihua and said, Hello, my name is Ji Rufan. Your sister is too polite. I just pulled her. She could escape without me.

Ji Rufan, Yuhua seems to have guessed where the timeline needs to be corrected. She said to Wang Yao, If you have anything to say, go in and change your clothes first.

Then he said to Ji Rufan, Come in together.

Ji Rufan, Lu Fang's official wife in the book.

The book says that Ji Rufan is a very affectionate person. After his fiancée died unexpectedly, he never fell in love again until he met Lu Fang who recognized the Wei family.

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